The Weekly Update #4
October 2nd, 2024

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Celebrating Student Excellence with the Ron Clark House System
At North Elementary, we believe that recognizing student excellence and achievement is vital to our student's success. We are thrilled to announce that starting October 11th, all students will become members of one of our four houses in the Ron Clark Academy House System. The houses are:
- Amistad - House of Friendship
- Isibindi - House of Courage
- Altruismo - House of Giving
- Reveur - House of Dreamers
The House Sorting Ceremony will take place on October 11th at 8:30 am on the North Elementary turf. We will begin with our fifth-grade classes and proceed through to our kindergarten classes, aiming to complete the sorting ceremony by 11:00 am. We warmly invite you to join us for this exciting and historic event!
If you plan to attend the house sorting ceremony, please RSVP by bringing your license or identification card to the office by noon on Thursday, October 10th. All visitors are required to sign in and wear a badge while on campus and the "RSVP" will save you time when you check in, especially if there are a lot of parents attending.
During the ceremony, each student will reach into a box to retrieve one of four colored bands, which will determine their house membership. The Ron Clark Academy House System is designed to foster friendship, leadership, and academic excellence by encouraging students to learn and grow together within their houses.
House meetings will take place every Friday from 1:00 pm - 1:50 pm, where students can earn house points leading up to a year-end championship celebration. We believe this system will enhance our school community and promote positive relationships among all students.
We look forward to celebrating this special day with you and your children!
Karen Middlebrooks
Principal, North Elementary
October is National Bullying Prevention Month. In efforts of showing our zero tolerance for bullying, I will be working to provide classroom guidance lessons on what bullying is, types and signs of bullying, and action steps to take. Discussing this topic openly will help build a safe and confident school community and promote self-advocacy and unity in students.
It is helpful to talk to your child(ren) about the differences between (1) rude behaviors (2) mean behaviors (3) having conflict (3) and bullying behaviors (see Bullying Chart below) and different strategies for handling each of them. This empowers children to understand when and how it is appropriate to navigate an uncomfortable or undesirable situation and when it is imperative to enlist adult help! Here at North Elementary we use the Panther Protocol (see attachment below) to help our students with strategies to solve problems. We want to build their skill to solve problems, but we are always here to support them so that they can have the best day possible!
Did you know that elementary school counselors implement a school-wide counseling program? School programs are based on individual students and their own social/emotional needs. This resource is designed for ALL students and is delivered using a combination of direct and indirect services. Direct services include (1) classroom lessons, (2) small group instruction, and (3) individual counseling, and/or (4) behavioral supports. Indirect services may include consultation, collaboration, planning, and referrals for outside providers and additional assistance.
Thursday and Friday, October 3rd & 4th PTC - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, October 8th - Fall Pictures w/Campos
Friday, October 11th - House Sort Event 8:30am - 11:00am
Monday, October 14th - Holiday - Indigenous Peoples Day - NO SCHOOL
Monday, October 21st - Friday, October 25th - Book Fair
Friday, October 25th - Fall Festival 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Red Ribbon Week begins Monday, October 28th
Friday, November 1, 2024 - 1st Quarter Awards (Times will be announced as we get closer.)
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