The Weekly Update #5
September 8th, 2024
From the Principal
We are entering into the 5th full week of school. Of course, we have been extremely busy at Southeast Middle. Students have continued to complete diagnostic tests, which includes the STAR test. Our traditional 8th and 7th graders are done testing, and we have been able to shout out those students who are a part of the 1000 Lexile + club. If students in middle school are reading at lexiles of 1000 and above, then they are reading at or above grade level! This week, we will focus on the 6th graders, and then move on to our Magnet students. We are excited to see that our students are taking the test seriously, and in turn, finding books in our library that are on their reading level. We want to encourage you to continue to push reading at home, as well. As studies have shown, students who read tend to perform better than those who don't.
Additionally, progress reports will go home on Tuesday, September 10. These grades are progress only, however, they are a good indicator as to what your student is doing or not doing in class. If you child has a D or F in a class, please reach out to his/her teacher in order to determine ways in which you can assist your child at home.
September 15 marks the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month! We will have several activities to mark this. So, please look for information from the school.
Also, with sports season upon us, please ensure that your student has paid his/her fees in order for them to fully participate. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child's coach for more information.
Finally, please know that we expect your child to follow all rules and regulations while he/she is at school. If your child does not, disciplinary consequences may follow. Our intent is to attempt to keep students at school, if possible. However, there are certain behaviors that we will not tolerate. There has been vandalism in a classroom and on the walls of our hallways. Our custodians work extremely hard to ensure that our school is clean and presentable on a daily basis. Therefore, students caught vandalizing will be disciplined.
As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to the school if you need any assistance. Our goal is to continue to ensure that students are our main priority.
Thank you,
Regina M. Bennett, Esq.
Principal, Southeast Middle School
Upcoming Events/Activities
2024 Football Schedule
Please note that dates and times are subject to change
Volleyball Schedule
Please note that our game schedule for tomorrow, September 9, has been cancelled.
Please note the dates for application periods for the 2025-2026 School Year
High School schedule for Magnet Showcase Week
Middle School schedule for Magnet Showcase Week
Economic Data Forms
Parents, please assist us in completing economic data forms for your students. These forms assist in allocating federal monies to our schools. Many of our students have turned these in incomplete. Please see attached letter and the link to the form online.
Parents, these forms are due by September 20, 2024. Please have your students to turn in this form if they have not done so. I have included a link at the bottom of the page (myschoolapps.com) in order to complete electronically if you do not have the paper copy.
Southeast Spreads Sunshine
Students will be able to wear a yellow shirt with their uniform bottoms in support of Suicide Awareness Day.