Principal's Corner
November 26th, 2023

Week of December 8th! WOW time if flying!
I hope this note finds you well!
First, a big thank you to Denise Dias and the PTO for their incredible creativity and effort in bringing the Killam Building Project Tree to life for the REF Festival of Trees. It’s such a beautiful representation of our school community, and we’re so grateful!
We have a full week of learning ahead of us this week! It’s been wonderful to see students working on "perspective taking" with their classmates this month.
Looking ahead, we’re excited for Spirit Week next week! The daily themes are listed below, so be sure to help your child join in on the fun as we celebrate our Killam Koala spirit.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to another great week ahead!
Lindsey Fulton, Principal
Spirit Week Next Week!🎄🕎
It's Cold Outside!.. which means rolling car drop off is busy! 🚗
- Pull ALL the way up! This means to the end of the school building.
- Students should exit anywhere along the sidewalk and Ms. Hallett or I will assist them into the building.
- ALL students being dropped off from 8:15-8:25 am in the line must enter through the front door
- Students should exit the car independently. Parents/Guardians should remain in their vehicles
- NO left hand turns out of the front loop. This congests road traffic.
Know an Upcoming Kindergartner?!
TRRFCC Ticket Winners!
Important Dates/Events
This Week:
Monday, December 9th- Killam Building Project Neighbor Meeting 7 PM @ Killam
Tuesday, December 10th- PTO Meeting 7 PM @ Killam
Wednesday, December 11th- Grinch Family Movie Night (see flyer below)
Next Week:
Monday- Friday- Spirit Week
Monday, December 23rd- Wednesday, January 1st- Winter Break- No School
Looking Ahead:
Thursday, January 2nd- School Resumes
In Partnership with Reading Fire: We are collecting toys for Toys for Tots!
PTO Flyers & Help Needed ⏬
Use Minted! Minted gives back! 📸
It's almost time to order your holiday cards. Minted is giving 20% off of your order and donating 15% back to Killam! Pass this along to your family and friends too, the code (FUNDRAISEJWKILLAM) can be used for anything on their site.
SEPAC Updates!
To learn more about Reading SEPAC, please visit our website: Reading SEPAC Website
Should you wish to receive our monthly newsletter, please send an email to SEPACReading@gmail.com
Please note that Reading SEPAC IS OPEN TO ALL parents/caregivers and not only families who have a child with special needs as we offer various opportunities to connect with other families and provide learning experiences.
SEPAC Winter Business Meeting:
Wed, Dec 18, 7pm (Online; Registration is required)
Please join us virtually for our next SEPAC Business Meeting. We will be going over the following:
SEPAC intro & updates
Student Services updates
Reading Coalition for prevention and support presentation
LEAD program review
Click here to register for the SEPAC Business Meeting.
Registration required to receive the zoom link for the business meeting.
Past Events:
Recorded events that’s available on the Reading SEPAC Website:
The Right to Read Panel Discussion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw_oIuqkUt0
The New IEP Presentation
MCAS & Students with Disabilities Presentation
Multi Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Presentation
Review tiered system of supports and provide examples
Outline effective communication channels with your team and school
***Should you wish to reach out to Reading SEPAC anonymously, please use this form
Lindsey Fulton, Principal
Email: lindsey.fulton@reading.k12.ma.us
Website: https://killam.reading.k12.ma.us/en-US
Location: 333 Charles Street, Reading, MA, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JWKillamSchool
Twitter: @smorenewsletter