Blazer Blast
Depp Family Newsletter * August 30, 2024
Volunteers Needed
Looking to get more involved with the school?
Want to help teachers and staff with projects?
Want to receive sign ups to volunteer for PTO sponsored events such as Field Day, Depp Jam, etc?
There will be many ways for volunteers to get involved!
Click here to find out more information and to sign up for the Depp Volunteer Database.
All volunteers are required to have a background check through Secure Volunteer. It's easy and takes less than 5 minutes! This needs to be completed every three years. Please click here to begin the process.
New Food Service Provider
We are excited to announce that our school has partnered with Aramark as our new food service provider. Aramark brings a variety of nutritious and delicious meal options to our students. Please note that unlike previous years, some of the menu items will now include pork. To ensure everyone is informed, all items containing pork will be clearly labeled in the meal descriptions. We encourage you to review these descriptions and discuss meal choices with your child. Thank you for your continued support!
For the Depp Elementary breakfast and lunch menus, click HERE
A Note from the Media Center
This year as part of the annual update for students, parents were given the ability to opt in to receive an email receipt when students check out books from the media center. There has been some confusion with these emails, as they originally had a header that read Lost or Damaged Book Receipt. We believe that this header has been changed to read Today's Book Checkouts. We are sorry for any confusion this may have caused and most likely your student does not have lost or damaged books at this point. The new email should include the books students check out and their due dates and will have the Subject Today's Book Checkouts. If you no longer wish to receive these emails, or wish to opt in, but didn't, please email Mrs. Davies at davies_jamie@dublinschools.net. Thank you!
After School Activities
Families can now find direct links to Enrichment Activities and Visual & Performing Arts Activities available in our community and beyond on the Enrichment Opportunities page on the DCS website.
Counselor Corner: August 2024
The Trailblazer Trait of Bravery
At Depp, we foster the Trailblazer Traits of Bravery, Caring, Ownership and Growth. Our grade level town halls will begin in September and we will focus on exploring what it means to show these traits both within and outside of our school community. We are kicking off the year with Bravery. We believe that Brave Trailblazers take risks, try new things and are willing to be a leader.
As we move through our exploration of Bravery, parents can extend this learning at home by:
Modeling bravery. Children learn more from what you do than what you say. Take on new challenges and show your child what it means to be brave.
Acknowledging your child. Let your child know that you see them as brave and that it's okay to feel unsure. You can say something like, "You can do it; I know how brave you are".
Accepting fear. Help your child identify their fears and accept that it's natural to feel them.
Encouraging positive self-talk. Teach your child to talk positively to themselves.
Giving your child permission to fail. Let your child know that it's okay to try something and fail, and that they can learn from their mistakes.
Trying new things together like eating adventurous foods, exploring a new place, or playing a new game.
Books about Bravery:
I Will Be Fierce! by Bea Birdsong
I am Courage by Susan Verde
After the Fall by Dan Santat
I'm Not Scared, You're Scared! by Seth Meyers
What Do You Do with a Chance? by Kobi Yamada
Amy Diller, LPSC
Last Names: A - L
Christin Loose, LPSC
Last Names: M - Z
Community Resources Available to our Families
Are you experiencing economic hardship such as: job loss, death of a family member, sudden move, divorce, health issues, or an unexpected emergency? Dublin City Schools partners with many organizations that can help!
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, September 4th
5:00-5:40 p.m. - AM Kindergarten Curriculum Night - Masters/Gardiner/Poe (Parents Only)
5:00-5:40 p.m. - PM Kindergarten Curriculum Night (Masters/Gardiner - Parents Only)
5:40-6:20 p.m. - 2nd Grade Curriculum Night (Parents Only)
6:20-7:00 p.m. - 4th Grade Curriculum Night (Parents Only)
Thursday, September 5th
5:00-5:40 p.m. - PM Kindergarten Curriculum Night (Wilson - Parents Only)
5:00-5:40 p.m. - 1st Grade Curriculum Night (Parents Only)
5:40-6:00 p.m. - Cog 4 & Cog 5 Curriculum Night (Parents Only - Room 303)
6:00-6:20 p.m. - Math 5-6 Curriculum Night (Parents Only - Room 303)
5:40-6:20 p.m. - 3rd Grade Curriculum Night (Parents Only)
6:20-7:00 p.m. - 5th Grade Curriculum Night (Parents Only)
Thursday, September 19th
Fall Picture Day
Friday, September 20th
6:00-8:00 p.m - Depp Dash (Community Fun Run)
Thursday, October 10th & Friday, October 11th
4:30-7:30 p.m. - Community Night/Book Fair - Depp Playground/Library
Wednesday, October 16th
4:00-7:45 p.m. - Parent Teacher Conferences
Thursday, October 17th
6:00-8:00 p.m. - Fall Festival at Leeds Farm
Thursday, October 24th
4:00-7:45 p.m. - Parent Teacher Conferences
Abraham Depp Elementary
Troy Ehrsam, Principal
Burt Stellers, Assistant Principal
Diana Mack, Teacher/Administrator on Special Assignment
Amy Diller, School Counselor (Last Names A-L)
Christin Loose, School Counselor (Last Names M-Z)
Abraham Depp PTO (DeppPTO@gmail.com)
Instagram: abrahamdepp
Facebook: Abraham Depp PTO
Email: depp_info@dublinschools.net
Depp Website: https://depp.dublinschools.net/
Location: 9001 Gardenia Drive Plain City, Ohio 43064
Main Office Phone: 614-718-8642
If your child will be absent from school, please email our attendance line at ades_attendance@dublinschools.net. You can also call our attendance line at 614-718-8642
District News
Labor Day
As a reminder, there will be no school on Monday, September 2 in recognition of the Labor Day holiday. Enjoy the long weekend!
Dublin City Schools is committed to keeping our community informed as we navigate the redistricting process. As such, we are providing the most current information on our website for families. This section of the website will include information about upcoming redistricting events and recordings from past events, as well as general information and frequently asked questions. The page will be updated as new information becomes available.
From the City of Dublin
A Squeaky-Clean DCRC
Staff have put in the work during the annual shutdown at the Dublin Community Recreation Center! Regular hours of operation and programming will resume Sept. 3. Sign up for a fall program using the Healthy Guide: https://bit.ly/DCRCHealthy
Pool Season Sending This Weekend
Labor Day weekend is your last chance to soak up the sun at Dublin Community Pool North and Ballantrae Spray Park. Both locations are closed for the rest of the year starting Sept. 3. Get your swimming in this weekend: https://bit.ly/DublinPools
City of Dublin Holiday Reminders
City Offices: Closed, Monday, September 2
Yard Waste: Tuesday, September 3
Recycling/Trash: Thursday, Sept 5
Dublin Community Rec Center: Closed Monday, Sept 2
Dublin Community Pools:
North: 10: a.m. - 8:p.m.
South: Closed