Wonder Watch
December 11, 2023
Happy December
It is hard to believe 2023 is already coming to an end! The 2023-2024 school year has been off to a great start and we look forward to more wonderful times to come in 2024.
As we enter into this holiday season, we encourage families to find meaningful ways to spend time together. The holidays can be a stressful time of the year. For your little one, it is special just to be together. Spending quality time together boost children's self-esteem and develops a positive sense of self-worth. Below are daily activities you can do at home over break that support different developmental domains such as literacy and math. The activities are quick ways to spend quality time with your child and support their learning and growth.
We wish you safe and happy holidays from everyone at World of Wonder
Holiday Community Share Event TOMORROW!!
Reminder that our Holiday Community Share event is Tuesday, December 12th, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Stop by to pick up a new toy, shop our gently used toys & clothes, make an animal friendly ornament, and more! This is a community event and open to more than just World of Wonder families. Please feel free to bring family, friends, or neighbors. We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! There will be a special Visit from Santa Bruce and Mrs. Clause from 6:00-7:00 PM. We hope to see you there!!
Meet Teddie Cobleigh!!! Welcome to the World! Congrats Marissa!
Inclement Weather
Looking into the new year and potential inclement weather days - World of Wonder will close if Fenton Area Public Schools closes due to inclement weather. No programming will run including all childcare. If you are signed up to receive notifications through the Instant Alert System and Mobile App, you will be notified with a phone call, text, and email. It will also be posted on the FAPS website, WoW Facebook page, and local news stations.
Staff Spotlight December: Debbie Olmstead, Thank you for all you do for WoW!!
Debbie Olmstead Associate GSRP teacher in Fox Hollow
Have worked in Fenton School District since 2006 Worked in GSRP since 2016
Have my Preschool Child Development Associate Credential (CDA)
I have five children and three grandchildren
I love spending time with my family and cooking!
We are so lucky to have Debbie at our School!! Thank you for all you do for WoW!!
SAVE the Date: Winter Sledding WoW Event: January 13th 10:00 AM -11:30 AM at WoW
World of Wonder Illness Policy
For the health and safety of other children and staff, a child should be kept
home if he/she has any of the following symptoms:
- A temperature above normal within the past 24 hours
- Earache, heavy nasal discharge, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting, red or watery eyes, chills or fever, persistent coughing, undiagnosed skin rash, or sore throat
- Any diagnosed, contagious, communicable disease
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has warned of an unseasonal RSV and Influenza. Similar to COVID, please report any positive cases to our Office Manager, Amber Brown by call 810-591-8349.
Symptoms to Monitor For:
o Temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
o Sore throat
o New uncontrolled cough (for children with chronic cough due to allergies or
asthma, a change in their cough from baseline)
o Difficulty breathing (for children with asthma, a change from their baseline
o Diarrhea, vomiting or stomach ache
o New onset of severe headache, especially with a fever
Hungry Howie's Fundraiser
We are excited about having our biggest fundraiser of the year starting in January. We are partnering with Hungry Howie's to sell coupon sheets with many great deals such as free pizza, salads, and breadsticks along with BOGO deals. The sheets will be $25 a piece. World of Wonder gets 75% of total sales! More information to come.
Smile Program: Mobile Dentist coming to WoW: Feb. 8, 2024
Help Support WoW
Join PAW (Parents at WoW): This is our version of a PTO. A way to meet other parents and to help advise and support our program. We would love to have representatives from every classroom. Next meeting is January 24th, from 9:00 AM to 10:15 AM, location in the Media Center at WoW.
Help Support WoW's Community Share Room: Donate new or gently used clothing or household goods. Families can also come shop for FREE stuff!
Stay connected! Like our World of Wonder Facebook page and join our PAW facebook group.
Dates to Remember:
- TOMORROW, Tuesday, December 12th - WoW Holiday Community Share Event
- Monday, December 18th-Tuesday, December 2th - No School for winter Break
- Wednesday, January 3rd - School Resumes
- Wednesday, January 24th - Next PAW Meeting