The Buzz
Autumn Term - 12th October 2023

Message From the Head of School
As a school we are rightly ambitious for all our children and we believe all children should be readers. Reading is the key to the curriculum, we are aware that being able to read unlocks access to all areas of the curriculum. It is vital that from the first day our children join us in Nursery we do all we can to ensure they are readers but also have a real love of reading and books. Children have daily phonics lessons and are exposed daily to high quality texts and are encouraged to read for pleasure. This is modelled by all staff in school, including myself during assemblies. The carefully matched books they bring home help them to practise and learn their phonics and the additional books are for you to share with your child for pleasure.
For more information about the school approach to phonics and how you can support your child, please join Mrs Davies, Miss Jolley and myself at 9am on Tuesday 17th October for our phonics parents’ session to find out how we teach phonics, early reading and spelling. Please complete the phonics eform to attend.
Over half term we would like to welcome you to take part in our extreme reading challenge. Please send a jpeg or image of your child taking the opportunity to read in a unique place to office.hisn@hpp.school. We will use these pictures to create a fabulous display of our reading talents in school. These images will be shared widely with the school community and maybe online but the children will not be named.
Myself and Ms Lockey took the opportunity to read in the sunshine this week whilst enjoying our new EYFS play equipment.
Parent/Carer Consultations
We look forward to welcoming you into school for face to face parent consultations on :-
Wednesday 1st November - 3.30pm to 6.30pm
Thursday 2nd November - 3.30pm to 6.30pm
The booking system will be live from 7pm on Monday 16th October 2023. Details will be sent via ParentHub.
You will have an opportunity to look through your children's books and celebrate their efforts so far this year.
I wish you all a lovely weekend.
Claire Cook
Head of School
HJS School Tours
Hampton Junior School have now opened their booking system for school tours to prospective parents for September 2024. To register please complete this eform.
Attendance Matters
Classes 1D had the best attendance last week with 99%
Classes 1C and RP had the no lates last week
Behaviour at HISN
from Ms Lockey
"Walking the school" is one of the best parts of my role here at HISN and HJS. Going into classrooms where children are able to concentrate on their learning and low level disruption is minimal or non existent is a real pleasure. All children are entitled to learn in a calm environment where they are able to make the most of all of their opportunities.
The HPP behaviour policy has been developed with staff, children and parents over several years and is key to ensuring that calm purposeful environment. Staff and children put it into practice everyday to secure the elements of good behaviour needed. The behaviour policy is age and stage appropriate, with EYFS looking different to year 6 in terms of expectations, rewards and sanctions.
Parental feedback from both schools regarding the behaviour of pupils in school is very positive with 96% of parents in the recent Ofsted inspection agreeing that pupils are well behaved.
We asked our children what they thought.
William - The Bees help me make good choices.
Austin: "Rules help us to be safe at Nursery. Teachers help us."
"Our Bee Rules help us learn, listen and have friends." Louva - Jasmine
"When I am in my green zone and am ready to learn." Leighanna
Maxwell: I like the feeling of when you move up the behaviour chart, it feels good and I know I've done good work.
Ottilie: My Mum and Dad are always so happy when I have a pot of gold sticker. I feel proud.
Ella "We are calm when anything can seem scary or worrying, and we know we can talk to teachers or trusted adults"
Lyla - Behaviour helps us to focus when learning. If we do not focus, we might not know what the learning is.
Luna - Behaviour helps us when learning because it helps us to listen. If we listen on the carpet we know what to do on our table.
Ethan - We have our compliment chain when all the class do something good. We can get a treat if we finish the chain.
The children are rightly proud of their great behaviour and it's wonderful to see them sharing their stickers with equally proud parents at the end of the day. Keep it up HISN!
This year for Harvest, HISN will be collecting food and hygiene items for the Vineyard Food Bank and the Hygiene Bank, both of which service the local area.
Please drop donations off in the playground on the morning of Thursday 19th October. All donations will be collected by the food and hygiene banks in the afternoon.
Non-perishable items are highly recommended by food banks because they are convenient, have a long shelf life and are easy to consume. Please no fresh produce and ensure all donations for the hygiene bank are new/unused items.
Items we can accept -
Canned meats and fish
Canned soups/stews
Canned beans (baked beans, butter beans etc)
Plain rice
Tinned tomatoes, pasta sauce
Canned fruits
Canned vegetables
Jams and spreads
Tea bags
Granola/Cereal bars
UHT milk
Non dairy milk
Sanitary products
Baby wipes
Shampoo, conditioner, hair styling products
Body wash, deodorant, lotions, face wash
Toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving items
Loo rolls, tissues
Laundry detergent, sponges, cloths
Washing up liquid, dishwasher tabs, polish, sprays
Makeup, perfume, grooming products
Certificate of Excellence
Last week certificates were given out to children who focussed on the HPP principle of Resilience
Nursery AM - Pippa and Jan
Nursery PM - Aiden
RC Olivia
RF Casey
RK Patrick
RP Idris
1B Harry
1C Ruby
1D Orestis
1Y Abigail-Leigh
2C Noah
2H Ayla D
2J George
2MC Gracey
To support children with independence and communication across the school, we have decided to introduce a Makaton sign of the week. This week's sign is 'toilet.'
Above is a link to a video showing the sign of the week.
In Nursery this week we have been learning all about autumn. We thought carefully about how the weather and environment changes when we move from the summer to autumn. We went on a walk to look for signs of autumn and found some leaves that had fallen off the trees and changed colour. We have been busy painting and printing leaves, using crayons to take leaf rubbings and continuing to look for signs of autumn in the nursery garden.
We were very excited to have a special visitor in the nursery this week too. We had a lady come in to talk to us about how to brush our teeth and look after our teeth. We watched a puppet show and were very excited to be given our own toothbrush and toothpaste to take home.
Reception has had another busy week of learning. We started off our week with the Oral Health Workshop where we learnt all about the importance of brushing our teeth and we were very excited to be taking home a brand new toothbrush!
We have continued our learning on ‘The Big Bad Mood.’ We have been learning about different strategies to help us get back into the ‘ready to learn’ green zone. We have also been exploring different ways that we can be kind. We talked about different times that we have been kind and how it made the other person feel. We created a recipe to help us remember how to be kind to each other.
Another focus in Reception has been Autumn. We enjoyed talking about the different changes that happen during Autumn and the events and celebrations that take place. We enjoyed creating leaf rubbings, Autumn animals out of playdough and practising our ‘funky fingers’ by tapping golf tees into a pumpkin! We have also been doing conker rolling and making Autumn trees in our creative area! During Forest Friday, Denzil the Dragon sent us on an Autumn walk and asked us to use all of our senses to explore the outside! We had a great time!
Year 1
This week, we have begun to look at the concept of addition in maths. We have been identifying parts and wholes, and using part-whole models to partition numbers to help us to add two numbers together.
In English, we have been learning about imperative verbs and how we can use these in instruction writing. We practised using our ‘bossy’ verbs on each other before using these to write our own smoothie recipe based on our focus book ‘T-Veg’. We then used time connectives to sequence our instructions to make sure we carried them out in the correct order. We now can’t wait to plan and make our own smoothies!
In DT, we have begun the topic by thinking about what we would like to put in our own smoothies. We thought about what exactly a smoothie was, and what a smoothie would usually be made up of. We then looked at various fruits and vegetables and discussed what would taste nice and what might not.
We have continued our study of toys from the past in history this week. We thought about what toys we would like to see in a toy museum before creating our own. We labelled the items we chose for our museum, focusing on the features of the toys and the materials used to make them, discussing the reasons for our choices and why we thought these toys were important from an historical viewpoint.
Our focus this week in science has been on our sense of hearing. We carried out a sound walk and tried to distinguish between all the different sounds we could hear around school. We discussed that there are parts of our ear we can see – the outer ear – but there are also parts that we cannot see – the middle and inner ear.
In PE this week, we have been exploring combination jumping and skipping with an individual rope. We focused on the importance of keeping our body upright, lifting the rope over our heads to our feet, and turning the rope from our wrists.
In computing, we have continued to look at the different features of a computer including the mouse and keyboard. We have continued to practise using a mouse and the keyboard to help us create images using the paint software programme.
Year 2
This week in Year 2 we have been busy writing The True story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. We looked at the original story and decided the troll wasn't scary, angry or unkind but simply didn't want the goats to break his fragile shelter by walking across the bridge. We've worked hard to think about using expanded noun phrases in our writing and try to include this week's EOV words too.
In Maths we have been focusing on fact families within 20 and 100. We used our part-part whole models and our bar models to help us think about what addition and subtraction sentences we could write for each model.
In History we have been thinking about the damage The Great Fire of London caused and we became architects for the afternoon designing a new, safer London.
In PE we have been working hard on our jumping techniques and this week put it into practice by learning how to French Skip. We can't wait to learn more about French Skipping next week.
In Art we have been learning about observational drawings and how different sketching pencils can allow us to create different shades within a drawing. We loved our observational drawings of a fruit bowl. Can you spot which fruit we drew?
Thank You
We would like to thank David Lloyd Hampton for their kind donation of children's tennis rackets. The children have been having great fun using them during P.E.
One of the biggest concerns around safeguarding our children is being able to monitor their access to online resources.
Please make sure our Infant and Nursery children are not given unsupervised access to Youtube and children should not be accessing TikTok and Snapchat as these are quite rightly an age 13. Content can be varied and our children can be exposed to highly inappropriate content.
“Even if you set your own account to private, you may still be exposed to sexual or violent content posted to the public feed, ranging from overtly sexual TikToks to physically dangerous stunts that kids may want to recreate, to overtly racist and discriminatory commentary, there is a wide range of concerning content on the platform." (Parents.com)
Safeguarding children is everybody’s responsibility. If you have any concerns about the welfare of a child please call SPA on 0208 547 5008 or out of hours, phone 020 8770 5000.
Click on above tab to view HISN's virtual school tour
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815