Tech Ped
SDG's Instructional Tech & Pedagogy Newsletter
Black History Month
If you are looking for read alouds and story suggestions for Black History Month, check out this Google Site Curation.
Whole Learner Activity: GoNoodle: A Treasure Chest of Resources
My sophomore's were particularly wound up on Friday due to some interruptions to our schedule during lunch. Some even expressed a need to calm themselves down. I played a GoNoodle activity "Let's Unwind", and while they snickered at first, several started following along and by the end, a majority were engaged and participating. While I got the impression they were doing it ironically, the effect was still the same, we were able to transition into the rest of our work together. To be clear, the intended audience is elementary, but even 15-year-olds can benefit from a chance to regulate themselves during the day.
The Power of Our Internal Voice & Thoughts
Check out Dr. Wadsworth's challenge. He claims that 100% of his patients who try this activity report feeling "significantly better." The obstacle is that they are too embarrassed to do it- even when alone. What is the cognitive behavioral therapy strategy? Check out his two-minute Tik Tok video below to find out. He also discusses the brain science behind it. Depending on your grade level, your students may appreciate the video especially because it is on Tik Tok.
About Me
SDG Instruction Tech Lead
Classroom help available. I can model tech, teach lessons, or co-teach with you for any part of project. Challenges arising in the classroom? Tech/instructional coaching sessions available. From design to instruction time, I am here to help you shine.
Location: 4800 S 60th St., Greenfield, WI, 53200
Phone: (414) 855-2409
Twitter: @teachwysocki