It's almost that time!

Short and Sweet, I promise...that I will try.
Dear St. Therese Families.
As an administrator and as a father of 2 kiddos in Catholic school, I know well that there has been so much information coming at us, at a time of year that can already be too busy and sometimes stressful. In light of that, I will keep this one light.
We enjoyed our second week of school as we all settle into routines and new schedules. Students and staff have been enjoying the cooler weather and sunny skies. It's been a great beginning to what is sure to be an even better year!
Please take the time to read the notes included in the newsletter. Note that we have our Back-to-School Night this coming Tuesday, September 17th. For that evening, the Parents Club has organized a small potluck social for school parents beginning at 5 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend regardless of involvement in the potluck. The announcements will begin at 6, and will be brief so that you can make the bulk of the evening meeting your students' teachers. This event is for parents and guardians, so we ask that kids stay home.
In Christ the Teacher,
Principal Schoning
5th Grade Boys Serving their Community
Litter Pick-Up Duty
You'd have thought I told the 5th graders that they had won the lottery when I asked them to walk the campus with me, and pick up litter. They did a great job! Here they are showing off the bounty of their labors, the ever coveted No Parking sign.
Reminds me of my favorite quote from our namesake, St. Therese. “In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love.” “Without love, deeds, even the most brilliant count as nothing.”
Autumn Project in 2nd Grade
The 2nd graders are learning about the seasons and how leaves change color in the autumn. We made these autumn scenes using a paper plate, paint, construction paper, and cotton balls. - Ms. Lavagetto
What's going on in tech?
5th Grade Coding Interactive Art
Kindergarten Watching the 3D printer work
Jog-A-Thon! Jog-A-Thon! Jog-A-Thon!
It's Go Time!
Keep going! We've got this!
Back to School Night: SAVE THE DATE!
Next Tuesday is our annual Back to School Night! This is a time for parents to come meet all the St. Therese staff and visit their child's classroom to learn about the new grade level! This year we are having a Parent's Potluck at 5PM. Parents are invited to bring a snack to share with the community. This will be a time to get to know other parents and talk to Parent's Club chairs to learn about fundraising events.
At 6PM we will all gather in the gym to hear about the year ahead. At 6:30 parents will be able to head to their child's classroom to learn more about the year ahead! PK-5 parents will head to their assigned classroom. Middle School parents will gather in the Tech Room.
Session 1: 6:35-6:55
Session 2: 7:00-7:20
Notes on Drop-off
Thank you all for adjusting to the new drop-off route.
Serve Your Community by Altar Serving!
Please follow the link below to a letter from Father Gabriele regarding opportunities to become an altar server this year.
Monday Morning Prayer Meetings are back!
What a great way to start the week together as a school, in prayer and community. Our students did great!
Every Monday our St. Therese students and staff will meet in the gym at 8:10 to start our week off with prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, School-Wide Learning (SLE) acknowledgments, and weekly announcements!
Next Parent's Club meeting will be on Monday, October 14th at 6PM
Save the date: Picture Day is November 5th, 2024
See the link below to plan throughout the year.
Athlete's Foot
There are some great opportunities for boys and girls to get involved in sports this Fall! Take a look and let us know if you have any questions!!
- Registration is open for the swimming team, and it will be open through the end of September, register here: https://cyocamphoward.org/content/24610/st-swimming
- Swimmers ages 3rd grade through 8th grade can join the team, and should be able to swim across the pool (we are NOT instructors on how to swim)
- We have GREAT coaches who are all former swimmers led by our very own Dave Tabayoyon who coached last year
- We are partnering with FMES school to create a team
- Practices are still being scheduled, but we will likely swim at 7pm two nights a week at Parkrose pool
- Please contact athletics@stthereseschool.org with any questions!!
- All boys & girls in grades 1 and 2 are welcome to join our Hot Shots team for Fall, register here: https://cyocamphoward.org/content/18532/st-basketball-hot-shots
Catholic High School Application Information
Attention 8th grade families: it is time to start thinking about Catholic High School! See the flyer below for upcoming dates for Open House, High School Placement Tests, and application due dates. Mrs. Baumbach will be hosting a Catholic High School Info Night. More information will come to you soon.
Dates to Know
9/17 Back to School Night
9/27 Last Friday of the Month Free Dress with $2 donation
10/4 Jog a Thon
10/11 No School
10/14 Parent's Club Meeting
Fun in Pre-K!
7th Grade Math: Exploring ratios with skittles
Miscellaneous Reminders
- The MPC aka the gymnasium is being re-roofed, so all students will use the main gate, including those who attend Morning Care, before school. We will not be able to use the gate near the gym for a couple of weeks. Temporary inconvenience to take care of our great gym.
- Our Lost and Found is already overflowing. Gentle reminder that periodically, we have to sort through the sweatshirts, water bottles, and various other items that parents spend good money on, and we donate them to charity.
- Every Third Sunday of the month is an opportunity for someone from the school to serve our community, by serving coffee and donuts after the 10 am Sunday mass. Please contact the school office if you would like to volunteer for future months. 503-253-9400. It's an easy task, fun for the family, and counts as Fair Share Hours.
- Please pull all the way forward at Drop-Off in the morning so that we can keep that line moving quickly and prevent back-up.
As always, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Registrar/Office Mrs. Barnett, barnetta@stthereseschool.org
Principal Schoning schoningc@stthereseschool.org
Vice Principal Baumbach cbaumbach@stthereseschool.org
School Phone: 503-253-9400