Webber News
February 16, 2024
Webber Families,
We had a great week celebrating Valentine's Day!
Congratulations to the following Webber staff members.
Melissa (Missy) Simmons - Webber's Betty Campion Support Person of the Year
Samina Ata - Webber's Ancillary Staff Person of the Year
Melissa Berndt - Webber's Teacher of the Year
Please review the election information below and let me know if you have any questions. Voting day is February 27th!
Have a nice weekend!
Jennifer Goethals
Dear Dragon Community,
Lake Orion Community Schools educates over 7,000 students every day. We appreciate your involvement in supporting our mission of “empowering the Dragon community to achieve excellence” and encourage you to vote on the replacement of two millage proposals in the February 27, 2024 election.
- The first proposal is a replacement of the Non-Homestead Millage, which helps fund the day-to-day operating budget of the school district. This millage was originally approved by LOCS voters in 1994.
- The second proposal is the replacement of the Sinking Fund Millage, which is used to cover necessary school safety improvements and facility repairs. This millage was first approved by LOCS voters in 2016.
If you have any questions about the millage replacement proposals, please go to LakeOrionSchoools.org/SchoolElectionInformation or contact LOCS by email at communications@lok12.org or by phone at 248-693-5400.
To learn more, watch the recent conversation on ONTV’s “Orion Today” television show discussing the millage and answering questions.
Ben Kirby, Superintendent
Lake Orion Community Schools
Yearbook Cover Art Contest
Webber PTO Silent DISCO!
Please access the link to volunteer!
2024-2025 Kindergarten
DK Screening - if interested in this option for Fall of 2024
New to LOCS! Care Solace
February 19th and 20th - No School - Mid Winter Break
February 22nd - Waldon Choir visits 4th and 5th graders
February 23rd - Waldon Band visits 4th and 5th graders
6:00 p.m. Webber PTO Silent Disco (See Flyer)
February 26th - Mobile Dentist
February 27th - VOTING DAY!
Middle School Counselors Visit Fifth graders
Chicago Brothers Dine to Donate
February 29th - 5:00 - 7:00 Discovery Fair
Lake Orion Community Schools is launching a program in 2023-24 to recognize LOCS staff members for their excellence.
The intent of the Distinguished Dragon program is to ensure that staff members who go above and beyond their regular duties are appreciated. The additional effort or support can range from helping an individual to helping a group or any effort that seems worthy of praise.
The staff member can be nominated by a student, parent, community member or a colleague by completing the form at LakeOrionSchools.org/DistinguishedDragon. We ask for the submitter's name and contact information to follow up with specific questions if necessary. Please make sure to select the appropriate school/department form so the message is routed in the proper direction.
Please complete the form entirely so the individual can be appropriately honored for their contributions.