The Loker School Scoop! 2-4-25

Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Dear Loker School Community,
I hope that you are well! It is hard to believe that Monday will be our 100th day of this school year and the 1,000th day of our fifth grade scholars' elementary career! We are so proud of the growth that our scholars have demonstrated so far this year and we are excited about the continued development and learning in the months ahead. On Thursday, your children will receive their report cards (developmental checklists for kindergarten) for the first half of the school year. We will send home a paper copy in backpacks with each child along with sharing a link where you can access the report cards/developmental checklists electronically. The teachers have worked extremely hard to share this important progress update and I encourage you to review the information carefully and positively reinforce your children on their successes!
On Sunday afternoon, my family and I had the privilege of attending the Wayland Lunar New Year Celebration at Wayland High School. The event was organized by the Wayland Chinese American Association and featured many wonderful cultural performances by Wayland Middle School and High School scholars, including several Loker alumni. Thank you to all involved with organizing this special event!
Have a terrific week!
Thursday, February 6th
with Special Kindergarten Performance
Loker Gym
During School Meetings, we celebrate student birthdays, host student performances, discuss important elementary school rights and responsibilities, share classroom experiences in coordination with our Loker School motto, PRIDE, and sing our Loker School Song. This week's meeting will include a special Kindergarten performance of the "100 Day Song" in both English & Spanish. We hope that you are able to join us.
Thursday, February 6th
Your child’s Standards Based Report Cards for Grades 1-5 and Kindergarten Developmental Checklists will be sent home via backpacks on Thursday, February 6th. At that point, you will also be able to view, download and print report cards online via the Home Access Center. Home Access Center.
If you are new to Wayland Public Schools, you will need to create a HAC account. If you already have a HAC account from an older child, you will be able to access your Kindergarten student by clicking on the 'Change Student' button in the top right corner in HAC. There is no need to create another account.
We suggest that you follow our naming convention of firstname_lastname for your User name. If you have any questions, email cathleen_holmes@waylandps.org.
Tape Art Returns!
Monday, February 10th
The Cultural Enrichment Committee and PTO are bringing Tap Art back for our 5th graders. The halls will be transformed into an awesome mural. It will be on display as part of the Talent Show's art exhibit and we hope you'll all get a chance to walk through and appreciate the creativity!
We ask that you please avoid scheduling appointments or other absences that will cause your child to be out of school on testing days. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Grade 3:
- English Language Arts: April 8th & April 10th
- Mathematics: May 13th & May 15th
Grade 4:
- English Language Arts: April 3rd & April 4th
- Mathematics: May 8th & May 9th
Grade 5:
- English Language Arts: April 1st & April 2nd
- Mathematics: May 1st & May 2nd
- Science, Technology & Engineering: May 6th & May 7th
All sessions start promptly at 8:15am.
Returns to 3th & 4th Grade in March
Thursday, March 6th
Just Like Me, our disability awareness program, is coming to Loker on March 6th! Third graders will be learning about Deafness and Hard of Hearing and fourth graders will learn about Learning Differences. The hour-long session will include an opening introduction with a video and then students will break up into stations for some experiential learning activities. A guest speaker will also come later in the day to speak to the students. We need parent volunteers to help run these activity stations. Activities are heavily scripted and material and the script will be provided in advance. Please consider signing up HERE. Thank you for your help in bringing this back to our community and running smoothly! Any questions, please reach out to Elizabeth Wuerz at elizabeth.wuerz@gmail.com
February 1st- February14th
Families with children that will be 5 years of age by August 31, 2025 may pre-register their child(ren) for Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year.
The pre-registration link may be found on the Kindergarten Information website. We request that you pre-register your child by February 14, 2025 so that we may start to determine school placement, class size, and transportation needs for the incoming Kindergarteners. NO registration documents are needed at this time. Official Kindergarten Registration will occur later this Spring.
Families interested in the Spanish Immersion Kindergarten program still need to pre-register their Kindergarteners.
Families unsure of their Kindergarten enrollment decision at this time may still pre-register.
Friday, February 7th
Loker Lobby
Please help Wayland Girl Scouts to support families in Southern California while they rebuild and recover form the devastating wildfires. All proceeds will go directly to Girl Scouts of Greater LA county (via GSUSA) who in turn, will allocate the funds directly to impacted families for much needed resources. Wayland girl scouts will collect venmo (venmo: @troop84375) and cash donations until 2/14/25. Brownie Troop 84375 will also be accepting cash donations at Loker Elementary this Thursday, 2/7/25 from 7:45am-8:00am. Please consider donating.
Remember the Big 5 Every Day!
Please help your children be properly dressed for the cold weather! Weather permitting, we go outside EVERY day at Loker School. Please be sure to send your children to school with the Big 5:
- Winter jacket
- Snow pants (waterproof)
- Boots
- Hat
- Mittens/gloves. (waterproof)
If there is snow on the ground, students who are not properly dressed will be asked to stay off of the fields and play structure areas. Thank you for your support with this. Children have more fun and learn better when they are comfortable! Please be sure to label ALL clothing.
Please pack a seasonally appropriate full change of clothes in backpacks.
Need to Contact Other Families?
Register Today and Stay Connected!
WPS Staff members are NOT allowed share your contact information with others, for any reason. This free service is truly the best way to be in touch with WPS families K-12! Membership Toolkit is Wayland's family directory provider and available through the PTO. Choose what information (if any) you want to share. Opt out at any time.
Access Membership Toolkit online here or download the app for your phone here or learn more here.
Now Accepting Donations & Requests
We're thrilled to introduce our new Kindness Closet, dedicated to providing FREE clothing and essentials to our scholars in need. Join us in spreading kindness and compassion throughout our community!
To help us stock the shelves, we're accepting donations of new and gently used clothing, jackets, winter gear, and shoes. You can drop off your donations in the designated bin located at the front entrance from now until February.
But that's not all! We're also accepting requests for clothing and essentials from our scholars and their families. Please know that privacy and discretion are our top priority. If you or someone you know is in need, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Loker School Main Office at 508-358-8601 or cathleen_holmes@waylandps.org. They will be happy to assist you in a confidential and supportive manner. Please see the attached Kindness Closet Request Form.
Together, let's make a difference in the lives of our scholars!
5th Grade Launch After School Trip
Wednesday, February 12th
Some fun and exciting news for our 5th graders! A Wayland 5th Grade group event is in place for all three Wayland Elementary Schools at Launch Entertainment Park in Framingham on Wednesday, February 12th, 12:45-4:45. Transportation and pizza will be provided. Cost is $27.50 per child. If you need financial assistance, please reach out to Brian Jones.
Please complete BOTH forms in the links below. Students without both forms signed may not participate.
Wufoo Permission Slip
Online Liability Waiver (centeredgeonline.com)
Additionally, we will need parent volunteers. If you are interested, please sign up here: Volunteer Sign-Up
If your child is going to be absent, tardy or has a dismissal change please be sure to update PickUp Patrol accordingly. New this year: MIDDAY PLAN CHANGES. This new field has Late Arrivals, Leave & Return as well as Early Dismissal options. You can enter information any time - no need to wait until the day of absence, tardy or change. Download the website to your phone home page for added ease. If you still need help, contact the Loker office at (508) 358-8601 or PickUp Patrol at support@pickuppatrol.net. We are happy to help!
Thursday, February 6th
- Loker School Meeting w/Kindergarten Students Performing, Loker Gym 8:20am-8:45am
- Standards Based Report Cards Grades 1-5 sent home with students
- Kindergarten Developmental Checklists sent home with students
- Art Projects for Talent Show due to Mrs. Holmes
Wednesday, February 12th
- Loker School Talent Show! 5:45pm-7:45pm Loker Gym
Friday, February 14th
- Winter Break begins at the end of the school day
- Classes Resume
Visitors & Volunteers
Anyone who walks the halls of our buildings, volunteers in classrooms/library or chaperones on field trips, must have a valid Wayland Public School CORI check on file. To complete a CORI application, please present in person at any school office (or central office) with government issued photo identification. It only takes a few minutes. CORI reports need to be renewed every 3 years.
School Hours
Thank you for your support in making sure that your children arrive at school punctually so that they do not miss any teaching and learning time.
7:45 AM – Doors Open and Arrival Starts
8:00 AM – Morning Announcements and School Officially Begins
8:01 AM – Students Arriving are Marked Tardy
2:25 PM – Dismissal On Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (1:15 PM Dismissal on Wednesdays)
Brian Jones
Loker School Principal
Cristina Sandza-Donovan
Loker School Vice Principal
Cathleen Holmes
Administrative Assistant