Jan 2025 GATEWAY Depart Newsletter

GATEWAY Department Newsletter January 2025
GATEWAY (Gifted and Talented Education With All Youth) Vision Statement:
All Barnstable Public School students will experience joyful and inclusive learning environments that pave the way to continuous learning, curiosity, change-making and meaningful engagement with the world around them. We aspire to create a learning community with students and educators engaging in challenging, authentic, adventurous, meaningful, and affirming experiences so that learning, independence, and achievement may flourish for all.
Learning in GATEWAY will provide opportunities for students to
- develop talents based on interests
- engage in enrichment and extension, through thought-provoking topics, which reflect their own experiences and those of others
- engage in advanced, rigorous learning beyond the grade level standards
- think critically and creatively about their learning and communicate effectively with others
- build growth mindset and perseverance for task commitment
- develop civic mindedness that prepares them to make meaningful contributions in their communities and beyond
- experience connections in multiple content areas which align to instruction in various educational settings within a student’s day
Our goal is to create learning environments where educators and students achieve more than they imagined possible.
The Barnstable GATEWAY Program has been supporting students for over 35 years! Every year we strive to improve opportunities for all students through TALENT DEVELOPMENT and to challenge academically advanced and creative learners. Supporting students through talent development is best achieved through a partnership.
Families are encouraged to provide information about a child’s talents and interests to GATEWAY. Here are two ways you can share about your child.
FAMILY SURVEY - Available in English, Portuguese, and Spanish
Below are online family resources to support talent development.
Partnering with Massachusetts
Partnering with Cape Cod Collaborative & Mass Maritime
Barnstable is the largest district to participate in the Advanced Studies & Leadership Program (ASLP). Through a competitive application process, 32 students are selected to attend a 2-week summer, college-like residential experience developed by the Cape Cod Collaborative with the Massachusetts Maritime Academy. It emphasizes leadership and development and project-oriented instruction in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) areas and the humanities for high achieving students. Visit the website to learn more.
Partnering within Barnstable
The Mock Trial team at BHS is a GATEWAY program that participates in interscholastic competition. Students have the privilege of working with a volunteer attorney coach, Katherine(Kate) Parke. They meet weekly with Kate Parke and the Mock Trial Coach, Jennifer Holland, to test their skills as lawyers and witnesses in a simulated courtroom competition. They compete with other districts on Cape Cod at Falmouth District Court. Their first competition was held on January 16 against Falmouth High School and Barnstable was victorious! Visit the website to learn more.
Please reach out to the Teaching and Learning Office or your school's GATEWAY Specialist for more information.