Mustang Minute
Week of May 20, 2024

Welcome to the Mustang Minute!
As fellow parents of Mill Street Students, Home & School encourages and facilitates a cooperative partnership among our students, parents/guardians, and school staff and administration. H&S is our school’s version of a PTO or PTA, and our goal is to support and enhance the school experience of each student. There are no dues--just an open invitation to stay informed and get involved at whatever level you can. We look forward to and appreciate your involvement!
Please email us at millstreeths@gmail.com with any questions, ideas or concerns!
This Week at a Glance:
Monday, May 20th:
Wednesday, May 22nd:
- Mustang Stampede
- 3rd - 5th grade from 8:30 - 10:30 a.m.
- Kindergarten - 2nd grade from 12:30 - 2 p.m.
Thursday, May 23rd:
- All-School Assembly
- Kona Ice Truck During Recess
- 5th Grade Clap Out at 2:20 p.m.
- 🌟 Last Day of School 🌟
- Online Annual Update Due
Friday, May 24th:
- Summer Break Begins!
Mustang Stampede is Wednesday!
The Mustang Stampede (aka field day) is on Wednesday, May 22nd. Here are a few suggestions to ensure everyone enjoys this exciting day:
What to wear: Please send your student(s) to school in comfortable clothing and athletic shoes with socks, as there will be three inflatables (an obstacle course, a jump house, and a large slide) as part of the rotation.
Sun protection: Sunscreen should be applied at home, and hats may be worn.
What if it rains? The fun must go on! The inflatables will be set up inside the gym. Please note that it gets warm inside the gym, so take this into consideration when selecting clothing.
Water and snacks: Please make sure your student comes to school with a water bottle. Popsicles will also be served.
✨ We are excited to have a DJ at Mill Street all day long, thanks to the stellar performance of the Kindness Fundraiser! ✨
Special All-School Assembly & Kona Ice on Thursday!
On Thursday, students will take part in an all-school assembly to celebrate the end of a wonderful school year. This year is extra special as we bid farewell to Mrs. Salness, Mr. Buckley, Mrs. Connell, Mrs. Crockett, Mrs. Lehmann, Mrs. Roy, Mrs. Gach, Mrs. Folkens, and Mrs. Paladino, all of whom are retiring.
As part of this celebration, and thanks to the outstanding success of the Kindness Fundraiser, we will conclude the assembly with a surprise event! But that's not all -- the Kona Ice truck will be on hand to provide icy treats for all students and staff as we celebrate friendships, growth, and countless amazing memories.
"A teacher plants the seeds of knowledge, sprinkles them with love, and patiently nurtures their growth. Their influence knows no bounds." --Unknown
5th Grade Clap Out @ 2:20 PM!
Fifth grade parents are invited to line the sidewalk near Door 5 with signs, balloons, or just celebratory hugs as we dismiss the fifth graders for the final time.
Volunteers Needed: Mill Street Garden
We are looking for volunteers to assist students from each grade level with planting various herbs and vegetables in the Mill Street garden, tomorrrow, Tuesday, May 21st from 8:30-10:30 am. We will provide all the necesary items for your use.
Last Day to Order: Cake Pop Kits
For our last Mill Street Night Out of the school year, we have Cake Pop Kits to help kick off summer!
- Option 1: For those kiddos graduating and heading off to JJHS! Each Cake Pop Kit includes supplies for making 12 cake pops with red, white, and blue Patriots-colored sprinkles.
- Option 2: For those kiddos K-4! Each Cake Pop Kit includes supplies for making 12 cake pops with red and white Mustang-colored sprinkles.
During checkout, please select 'pickup' and choose May 22nd as the pickup date. Please disregard the location specified; these kits will be delivered in bulk to Mill Street and distributed. If you have any questions, please email millstreeths@gmail.com.
Birthday Books
This week, we will be celebrating the final summer birthdays as part of our Birthday Book Program. Students are invited to come to the office during morning announcements to pick out a special book as a gift from Mrs. Salness and Home & School. Happy Birthday, Mustangs!
REQUIRED: Online Annual Update
Naperville School District 203 will open its Online Annual Update for the 2024-2025 school year for all returning preschool students and students entering 1st -13th grades. The Online Annual Update will be open May 1st – 23rd. To access the Online Annual Update, you will need your Campus Parent username and password. If you do not have a Campus Parent Account, contact Parent Support at parentsupport@naperville203.org.
If you have any questions, please email Maureen Dvorak, School Services Manager, at mdvorak@naperville203.org.
Order School Supplies 2024/2024 School Year
Parents can order through June 16th for the ship-to-school option. Supplies ordered by June 16th will be in your child's classroom for the first day of school. Beginning June 17th, all orders will be shipped to home only and will include a price increase.
Community and Family Resources
Hello Mill Street Families! We are again including a link and QR Code for the Social Work Community Resources to share student, family, and community resources with you! Please check the link regularly for updates.
Lunch Menu
Follow us...
Follow Mill Street on Facebook through the Mill Street Home and School page, as well as the Mill Street Principal Communication page. You can also follow the Mill Street Run Club.
You can find Mill Street on Instagram @millsthomeandschool.
Co-President: Julianne Fox - millstreeths2@gmail.com
Vice President: Sabrina Corson - millstreethands@gmail.com
Vice President: Krystal Marshall - millstreethands2@gmail.com
Treasurer: Carol Cantor - millhandstreas@gmail.com
Secretary: Jessica Hogan - millstreethssecretary@gmail.com