Parsons Middle School
Week At a Glance February 3rd - 7th
"If everyone does what they are supposed to do ... We Win! So the message to players is: DO YOUR JOB!" Bill Belichick
Principal's Corner
There are 5 weeks left in the third quarter. Students must be passing all classes in order to participate in any of the extra curricular activities planned the spring. Remember that you can check your students' grade through Infinite Campus, the same tool you used to enroll them before the school year started. Attendance has taken a small dip over the past two weeks so please encourage your students to rest and practice good hygiene as we get closer to the spring season. Attendance is also apart of student eligibility in those extra activities, any student attending less that 90% of school days is considered 'Chronically Absent.' This week students will begin working our their Student Led Conference presentations, planned for March 10th and 12th.
Daily Scheduled Events
Monday 2/3
Viking Time: Draft the SLC One Pager
Tuesday 2/4
Viking Time: SEL Lesson Digital Citizenship
BBB at Frontenac 4:00 PM Leave Time
Scholars Bowl at Indy 2:30pm Dismissal
Wednesday 2/5
PLC: Certified & Classified Walkthrough Data
Viking Time: Xello
Thursday 2/6
Viking Time: IXL Math
BBB at Home vs Indy 4pm Start
Scholars Bowl at 3:30pm
Friday 2/7
Grade Level Collaboration 7:40 AM
Viking Time: Student Assembly
MS Crisis Team Meeting 10:30am
Saturday 2/8
BBB at Indy Tournament 9am
Gradebooks Updated by 3:30pm
Weekly Reminders
- Breakfast and Lunch Menu
- Athletics Schedules
Approaching Dates:
- February 10th No School for Students
- February 17th No School Presidents Day
- March 10th Noon Dismissal & End of 3rd QTR
- March 10th and 12 Parent Teacher Conferences
- March 14th - 23rd Spring Break
Contact Us
Phone: (620) 421-4190