Parsons Middle School
Week At a Glance March 10th - 13th
"If everyone does what they are supposed to do ... We Win! So the message to players is: DO YOUR JOB!" Bill Belichick
Principal's Corner
Daily Scheduled Events
Monday 3/10
Noon Dismissal Early Release Bell Schedule
6th Grade Future Now Finance in the Gym
7th Grade Community Service at Lincoln & Garfield
8th Grade Tours Pitt State University
Grades Final at 3:30pm
Student Led Conferences 4:00 - 7:30pm
Tuesday 3/11
Viking Time: SEL Lessons
Bus Evac Drill at 8:40am
Wednesday 3/12
Viking Time: Xello
3rd QTR Rewards
8th Grade 8:34am - 10:18am
6th Grade 10:22am - 12:06pm
7th Grade 12:42pm - 2:26pm
Student Led Conferences 4:00 - 7:30pm
Thursday 3/13
Viking Time: IXL
Locker Clean Outs 6th and 7th periods
No School Friday 3/14 Spring Break 3/14 - 24
Weekly Reminders
- Breakfast and Lunch Menu
- Athletics Schedules
Approaching Dates:
- March 10th Noon Dismissal & End of 3rd QTR
- March 10th and 12 Parent Teacher Conferences
- March 13th 3rd QTR Rewards
- March 14th - 23rd Spring Break
- March 31st ELA State Assessments Begin
- April 7th Math State Assessments Begin
- April 11th 8th Grade Job Fair
- April 14th 8th Grade Science State Assessments Begin
- April 18th No School Easter Recess
- April 21st No School Staff In Service
- April 25th 8th Grade Job Shadowing
- May 7th 7th Grade Field Trip to Explore Place in Wichita
- May 8th Day At The K
- May 17th Chromebook Check In
- May 21st 6th Grade Field Trip to The Gathering Place
- May 21st Action 8 & Promotion at 6pm
- May 22nd Noon Dismissal Last Student Day
Contact Us
Phone: (620) 421-4190
Email: tgordon@vikingnet.net
Website: https://pms.usd503.org/