Linden Middle School
March 2025 Newsletter
Dear LMS Families,
Welcome to March! As always, I hope this letter finds everyone happy and healthy and ready for some warm weather. Spring marks the busiest months of the school year here at LMS. With state testing starting in April and all of the year end activities, don't blink because it will be over in no time. Staying focused after spring break can be a challenge but the job is not done yet! Please continue to monitor your students' progress through Parent Vue. In addition, continue to reinforce the importance of your student monitoring their Student Vue account. From all of us at LMS, thank you for your continued support and partnership in your student's educational journey.
Important Dates
March 3
7th/8th Boys Basketball (A) vs Kearsley @ LMS Game 4:15
7th/8th Boys Basketball (B) @ Corunna MS Bus 3:15/Game 4:15
March 4
LMS Art Club-7th/8th Grade in Art Room 2:40-4:15
March 5
School Board Meeting 6:00 pm
7th/8th Boys Basketball (A) @ Flushing MS Bus 3:15/Game 4:15
7th/8th Boys Basketball (B) vs Flushing @ LMS Game 4:15
March 6
Comp Cheer- Linden @ Fenton
7th and 8th Grade Band Festival
March 7
LMS Competitive Cheer @ Brandon-Bus @3:45pm
March 8
Winter Color Guard Show @LMS Cafeteria+Gym
March 11
LMS Art Club-6th Grade in Art Room 2:40-4:15
March 12
LHS & LMS Choir Concert - LHS Auditorium-7pm
March 13
Half day for students
Parent / Teacher Conferences
March 14
No school for students/Teacher PD day
March 18
6th Grade Band Concert - LMS Cafeteria- 7 pm
LMS Art Club-7th/8th Grade in Art Room 2:40-4:15
March 19
SOAR Leader Meeting - 7:15 AM, Media Center
6th Grade Class Meeting
School Board Meeting 6:00 pm
March 20
PSAT 8 Practice session 1 - Bluebook updates
Tornado Drill #2 of 2
7th Grade Class Meeting
NJHS Spring Fling 3:00-5:00 @LMS cafeteria/gymnasium
6th Grade Tuffy Hunt
March 21
World Down Syndrome Day - Rock Your Socks
End of 3rd Quarter
8th Grade Class Meeting
6th Grade SOAR Leader Eagle Time Visits - Tuffy Hunt Rewards
Zero Referral Club Celebration
March 25
LMS Art Club-6th Grade in Art Room 2:40-4:15
March 26
Craig Tornquist Assembly- 8th Grade
March 28
Spring into Wellness
March 31-April 4
Spring Break - No School
2025 Spring PT Conferences
LMS is excited to announce Parent-Teacher Conference procedures for the Spring 2024/2025 school year. We will follow a similar format as we did for Fall conferences. Please review the information provided below:
6-12 Secondary Parent-Teacher Conferences
Spring PT conference date will be March 13, 2025. Secondary conferences will be scheduled anytime between 11:40 am - 2:40 pm. However, PT conferences may be scheduled with your students' teachers through March 19, 2025.
Teachers will prioritize conferences with parent(s)/guardian(s) to discuss the growth and progress of students struggling academically, but also provide all parent(s)/ guardian(s) with the opportunity to schedule a conference.
Teachers may schedule PT Conferences:
face to face
Parent(s)/guardian(s) attending conferences in-person will sign-in, be provided a visitor badge, as well as a building map to locate their students' teacher.
virtually (ie. Zoom)
or by phone.
Please be on the lookout for scheduling opportunities from LMS teachers in the near future.
LMS will have open, drop in, conferences from 12:30 pm - 2:40 pm on March 13, 2025.
11:40 am - 12:30 pm will be teacher scheduled times and the building will not be open until 12:30 pm for walk in’s.
We hope that the opportunity to schedule a conference with your students' teacher(s) using a variety of modalities will increase our ability to provide relevant information to all parents, guardians, students, and families.
LMS Spring Testing (April and May)
April and May are busy months here at LMS with the state spring testing windows. It is very important to encourage your child to charge their Chromebook each night, get a good nights sleep, and eat a healthy breakfast prior to the scheduled test session.
8th Grade
PSAT 8 - April16 - The PSAT 8 is an online format, with both the Math and Reading portion being completed by students online through the Bluebook App. This app is already downloaded on student Chromebooks. We will have two practice sessions prior to the test on April 16th. These practice sessions not only allow students to see the format of the test, but provide any necessary systems updates on student Chromebooks.
NWEA - Math - 4/22 , Reading - 4/23
M-Step - Science 5/06 , Social Studies 5/08
7th Grade
NWEA - Math- 4/08 and 4/09, Reading - 4/10 and 4/11
M-Step - Math 4/29 , Reading 5/01
6th Grade
NWEA - Math - 4/08 and 4/09, Reading- 4/10 and 4/11
M-Step - Math 4/28, Reading 4/30
Makeup Dates
PSAT8- 4/24
M-Step - 5/12-5/16
8th grade parents ONLY - Please see the link below to opt your child out from including "Optional Student Information" during the PSAT test session - This is NOT an opt out for the PSAT 8 test itself. If you elect to opt your student out please print and return the form below to the LMS main office prior to the test session on April 16.
Spring Into Wellness!
We are excited to communicate our first ever wellness day at LMS, Spring into Wellness!
This day-long event will take place on March 28th, 2025. It will be a nice transition into Spring Break focusing on different aspects of wellness, both physically and mentally. Students will participate in two break out sessions each and then all students will attend a juggling show with a focus on self worth. The breakout sessions will include Yoga/Mediation, Mindfulness, CPR/AED, Vision Boards, and Movement Matters with a table set up with OK2Say information for all students. We are very excited for this event for our students!
Counselor's Corner
We are in the beginning stages of planning for next school year's schedule. All grade levels will complete course selection information the week of March 3-March 7. Please discuss these course selection options with your child.
6th Grade
Current 6th grade students will complete a 7th Grade Band Interest Form during SOAR Time. No experience is needed to sign up for 7th grade Band. Completing this form means that your child is commiting to Band for the entire 25-26 school year. It's important for all 6th graders to complete the band selection form, whether they're continuing in band or are interested in joining.
No other course requests are needed for students entering 7th grade. Students will be placed in a rotation of exploratory classes, including Health, PE, Careers & Communications, Art and more!
7th Grade
Current 7th grade students will complete an 8th Grade Exploratory Sign-Up Form during SOAR Time. This form will indicate your child's interest in Band (Full Year) , Spanish I (Full Year), Yearbook (Quarter 1 through Quarter 3), and/or Business & Gaming (Quarter-Long) for the 2025-2026 school year.
Students are only able to select one full year elective, so please select only your top priority if you're interested in both Band and Spanish I.
Note: Spanish I is a high school level class and will earn students high school credit. Students are required to be on the honor roll (As & Bs) or obtain teacher permission in order to take Spanish I. If your child is not an Honor Roll student, but is still interested in taking Spanish I, please have them see Mrs. Kubiak or thier school counselor to discuss.
Completing this form does NOT guarantee a spot in these classes.
No other course requests are needed for students entering 8th grade. Students will be placed in a rotation of exploratory classes, including PE, STEM Lab, EDP, and more!
For more information, or to view the course selection form ahead of time, please visit the LMS Counseling Website.
8th Grade
High school counselors will be visiting 8th grade Social Studies classes on March 4th & 5th to complete high school course selection. You should have received an email from the high school counselors with more details. Any questions about the high school course selection process can be directed to your child's high school counselor:
Brian Klein (A-L Counselor) bklein@lindenschools.org
Cori Mason (M-Z Counselor) cmason@lindenschools.org
Thank you!
Jennifer Gambrel (A-K Counselor) & Tiffany Roehrig (L-Z Counselor)
For more details, please visit our counseling website.
Assistant Principals Corner
LMS Families,
As we get closer to spring and nice weather here in Michigan, I want to give a reminder regarding our dress code. We have consistently talked about it with our students during morning announcements and during our class meetings, but it is always good to remind parents as well. Please make sure you are checking what your students are wearing to school to make sure they are appropriately dressed. We will be strictly enforcing the dress code as the weather gets nicer and students will be wearing different clothing. We do have clothes here to give students if they are inappropriately dressed or we also give parents the option to bring up new clothes. Please support us with this and address the issue before students come to school.
Also, just a quick reminder on our field trip guidelines. The spring is full of fun activities for our students to do, but they have to meet the guidelines in order to go. If a student has received 2 major referrals or 5 referrals in total through the school year, they will not be allowed to attend field trips. We strongly enforce this rule and unfortunately will have this conversation with select individuals when the time comes. Please remind your students that their behavior through the school year matters when it comes to being able to attend field trips. I hope you all have a great month and an awesome spring break! Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything.
Lance Belill
Assistant Principal
Linden Middle School
FINAL NOTICE: Order the 2024 Yearbook
Dear Families,
Time is running out to purchase the 2024 yearbook. A payment plan is available at checkout. Hurry, there are only 25 copies left.
LMS Life!
Congratulations to Emmalynn - LMS Student of the Month for February
Thank you Mrs. Molnar!
LMS Unified Game!
6th grade Honors recipients for 1st semester
7th grade Honors recipients for 1st semester
8th grade Honors recipients for 1st semester
Linden Middle School
Email: kenders@lindenschools.org
Website: https://middleschool.lindenschools.org/o/lms
Phone: 810-591-0710
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LindenCommunitySchools/