Bronco Announcements
Bella Vista High School

December 11, 2024
BVTV Video Broadcast will be back on Thursday!
Staff Absences
David Gonzalez – sub Amy Stockett
Doug Grush – sub Dwane Smith
Santi Sabado – sub Kevin Bowlson
Dariu Mois – sub Jana Gill
Troy Baucom – sub Patricia Busath
Yana Linko (campus monitor) – sub Kievan McCave
Jessica Cokinos
Lorraine Shurley
Vicki Jenks
Student Body
- The Library and the College & Career Center will be CLOSED TODAY during Lunch.
- TODAY's Key Club member meeting will be at Lunch in the Atrium.
- Faith Club meeting has been changed to this Monday, Dec. 16 during Lunch in Room G-2!
- Need some relaxation before Finals? Join us TOMORROW in the Atrium at Lunch to "Destress" by coloring and watching a holiday movie.
- Continue to bring canned good items to your 1st period class. Thank You to everyone who has brought in cans so far. Remember if you can't bring canned items, classes will also be collecting coins/cash. Canned Food Drive ENDS this Friday 12/13. Top 3 Classes with the most cans will earn a catered Panda Express Lunch!
- Dewey Elementary is hosting an event with volunteer opportunities for BV students this Friday, Dec. 13 from 5 - 8pm. Students interested in volunteering see the front desk or use the following Signup Genius link Dewey Elementary Santa’s Night.
- BV Choir presents their annual Dessert Concert "Broadway Bound" Saturday, Dec. 14. Cafeteria doors open 6:15pm. Performance start at 7pm. Tickets $20 at door. Desserts are free with admission. See you there!
- BV Soccer is hosting Community Gift Wrapping Events. Stop by the BV Parking Lot this Saturday, Dec. 14 from Noon to 4pm or next Friday, Dec. 20 from 2 - 6pm. Get your Christmas presents wrapped early while showing BV Soccer your support!
Nominations are Now Open for 2025 Classified Employee of the Year!
San Juan Unified realizes that there are many outstanding employees in service within the district. To recognize classified employees, the district is accepting nominations for the Classified Employees of the Year.
If you know a classified employee who goes above and beyond for San Juan Unified and the surrounding community, you may nominate the employee for consideration. Any San Juan Unified employee or member of the surrounding community may submit a nomination. Access the 2025 Classified of the Year Nomination Form for information about the eligibility requirements, nomination process and more.
All nomination forms must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 20.
The outstanding employees in each category will be announced at the board meeting on Feb. 11. Finalists will be entered into the Sacramento County Classified Employee of the Year program.
Upcoming Meetings
- TODAY: Key Club Meeting at Lunch in Atrium
- Thursday, Dec. 12: Finals Destress at Lunch in Atrium
- Friday, Dec. 13: BV Annual Canned Food Drive "LAST DAY"
- Saturday, Dec. 14: Broadway Bound Choir "Dessert Concert" 7 pm Cafeteria
- Monday, Dec. 16: Faith Club Meeting at Lunch in Room G2
- Monday, Dec. 16: Spring Musical Auditions 3:30-5:30pm Cafeteria
- Tuesday, Dec. 17: Spring Musical Auditions 3:30-5:30pm Cafeteria
- Tuesday, Dec. 17: Cocoa & Cram 3:30-5:00pm Atrium
- December 18, 19, 20: 1st Semester FINALS (minimum days 8:30am-12:37pm)
- December 21 - January 06: Winter Break - No School
Athletic Events
Support our Bronco Athletics! Free home admission with your ASB card!
- If you missed the Track & Field Team sign ups you can still sign up with Coach U anytime during the school day or through our team website bvtrack.com.
On going Reminders...
- Hey BV! This year’s musical is “Shrek the Musical!”
- Auditions: Monday, Dec.16 and Tuesday, Dec. 17 from 3:30 - 6pm in Cafeteria, (attend both days) You'll be singing, dancing, and acting from the show. Bring your tap shoes!
- Interested in being on Tech Crew: Auditions Monday, Dec. 16.
- Callbacks: Thursday, Dec. 19 at 3pm - until finished.
- All are welcome! Come be a part of our Big, Bright, Beautiful World!
- Questions See Mrs. Carey in Q4 or Ms. Murphy in A5 During Break.
- Attention Freshman: BV Link Crew is hosting “Cocoa & Cram” Tuesday, Dec. 17 from 3:30- 5pm in j-wing Atrium. Tutors available to help with a variety of subjects. Freshman who attend will get hot cocoa and snacks, and one last helpful cram session in before finals!
- Attention Seniors!! BV will be having a CASH FOR COLLEGE WORKSHOP on Wednesday, January 22 from 6-8:00pm in the Cafeteria. Attend this FREE workshop to receive help completing the FAFSA or the CA Dream Act Application.
- Are you interested in a paid summer internship with Kaiser Permanente? The KP Launch Summer Internship application is now open. Students must be 16 by June 1st to be eligible. Applications DUE January 06. This is a highly competitive internship so put your best self forward! You can get more information by seeing your counselor or visit the website: https://kplaunch.kaiserpermanente.org/apply-now/
- Seniors schedule your Senior Portraits with Bill Smith Photography ASAP!
- Appointment Link: https://billsmithphoto.com/bellavista/
- Ordering questions: text or call (916)749-1026
- Pre-order Yearbook for $70: purchase online https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/ (Use Code 6038) or purchase in the Finance Office with cash/check.
- Stop by the Front Desk to Check the Lost & Found! All unclaimed items will be donated!