Weekly Update
August 10th, 2023

August 15, 2024
In this Newsletter
- PSAT Update
- Activities Around DHS: Picture Day & Club Opportunities
- Homecoming: Volunteer Opportunities & Activities
- Student Opportunities: U.S. Senate Youth & Student Advisory Council
- PTSA News
- CSD District News
- Community Partners
Principal's Message
We have hit the ground running this year and have hit our stride this week. It is now time to ask for your support in the form of time. There are many ways you can help support DHS over the school year. The more support we have, the less work there is for those serving our students.
We will have our first School Leadership Team (SLT) meeting on Tuesday, August 20th at 5:15 pm followed by our PTSA meeting at 6:30 pm. These meetings will be available face-to-face in the learning commons as well as virtually. The School Leadership Team will be discussing the upcoming elections which is a great way to serve the DHS community. Come out and hear about the opening of school and be a part of the planning for the 2024-25 school year.
School Leadership Team election information will be released next week. If you cannot make a long-term commitment, please consider stepping up and volunteering with the PTSA during homecoming. The PTSA is full speed ahead with Homecoming planning. Homecoming is September 13, 2024, and our PTSA will be seeking parents to serve as chaperones for the dance (September 14) as well as serving in other capacities.
Finally, please see the links below to the New Parent/Guardian Information Session from Saturday, August 10, 2024, which includes timestamps for your viewing preference.
Duane Sprull Ed.D.
Go Bulldogs!
DHS News
DHS Parent/Guardian Info Session
Student Personal Devices at DHS
At this point in the school year, all students should have their school-issued Chromebooks. Moving forward, students should use these devices during the school day. Personal devices, including iPads, tablets, personal computers, and hot spots should not be in use at Decatur High School. Personal devices affect the performance of our network and have the potential to circumvent our DHS Cell Phone Protocol for the 2024 school year. Our expectation is that students without documented approval to use the personal device fully transition to the school-issued Chromebook by Friday, August 16, 2024.
The PSAT will happen during school on October 11, 2024. We will also have a pre-administration session the week prior (currently scheduled for October 2, 2024). All 10th and 11th graders will be automatically registered to take it. All 9th graders will have a social justice lesson. All 12th graders will have a digital learning day. More information will be communicated about this day as we get closer.
Activities Around DHS
9th-11th Grade Picture Day is right around the corner!
CADY will be set up at our school on September 9 to take student photos for the yearbook and IDs. Don't forget to dress for the occasion! Keep the memories alive! Right now CADY is offering $10 off your purchase when you pre-order your photos before 9.18 at CADY.com/pictureday. #smile. #schoolpictures #CADY
Get Involved at DHS
The Decatur High School Chapter of National Science Honor Society is now accepting applications. To be eligible a student must be in 10th-12th grade, have above a 3.5 (unweighted) GPA in the sciences and participate in a science related extracurricular activity. Applications are due before 8 a.m. on Friday, September 13th. Late applications are not accepted. We look forward to receiving student applications. Students are encouraged to write a substantive paragraph in response to questions. Applications with sparse answers will not be considered for membership. If you have any questions, please Contact Dr. Smith at csmith@csdecatur.net. Click HERE for the form
Homecoming 2024 Information
Volunteers Needed for the Homecoming Dance!
We're looking for volunteers to help make the Homecoming Dance a success! We need parents and students to assist with decorating beforehand, greeting at the door, serving refreshments, and/or cleaning up afterward. If you can spare a few hours to contribute to this special event, please sign up HERE! Date: Saturday, September 14
Buy your yearbook now!!
The 2024-2025 school year will be a memorable one for sure. We are planning on a full book, so don't lose those memories - get a yearbook now. Yearbooks can be bought at www.jostens.com and are $65 until the end of August! Through August if your purchase personalization, you get FREE icons to showcase your year! Get one today! If you have any questions please email alockhart@csdecatur.net.
We want YOUR Pictures in the Yearbook!
There are over 1900 students at Decatur this year, and our staff of 31 can't cover everyone or everything. We are looking to the community to help us expand our coverage. Every month we will put in an all call for specific pictures - but if you have pictures at any time please feel free to upload. Please note that pictures may or may not be used depending on subjects, content, etc. This first call is specifically asking for
- First Day of School Photos
- Summer practices, camps, etc
- Senior Sunrise
- Summer travel, work
- Summer birthdays
- Sports Games
- Volunteering
To upload a photo click this link HERE.
Class of 2025 and Yearbook News
Please see the following link HERE for information about yearbooks, senior pictures, senior ads, senior quotes, and senior baby pictures.
If you have any questions please email indectaur@csdecatur.net.
The first meeting of the Decatur High School (DHS) PTSA will be on Tuesday, August 20 at 6:30 PM. The meeting location is the DHS Learning Commons (aka Library). Please enter through the west doors from the Bus Loop on Commerce St. Dr. Sprull has made a zoom link available, which is linked below. All are welcome!
Generally, the monthly meetings are on the third Tuesday of the month. However, we will need to re-evaluate that cadence for February and May.
DHS – Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) Monthly Meeting
- August 20, 2024 @ 6:30pm
- Decatur High School Learning Commons (aka Library); Zoom Link
Thank you to all those who made the DHS Parent/Guardian Information Session on August 10 a success. A link to the recording will be made available when it is ready.
To support the PTSA, please see this link
Beginning next week, Decatur High School families will receive one CSD district newsletter. The transition to one newsletter is in response to feedback from the CSD school community to streamline and reduce the volume of weekly communications to families from multiple schools.
The new district newsletter will include Decatur High School school news, district news, and links to all school newsletters. A link to the Decatur High School newsletter will be embedded next to the school's logo.
CSD Grading Handbook
We're off to a fantastic start this school year, with teachers already diving into instruction and engaging students in deeper learning. Last November, the City Schools of Decatur Board approved a new grading policy for the 2024-25 school year. Please click the CSD Grading Handbook link below to help you understand the details and implementation. Additional opportunities for discussion and questions will be available during each school's curriculum night.
Reminder: CSD is Moving from MAP to STAR Assessment
All CSD Pre-K through 12 students will take the STAR assessment instead of the MAP this year. The STAR assessment will be administered three times per year, beginning August 12 and then again in December and May. To access the STAR FAQ, click here.
The Teaching and Learning Department will host an informational webinar to provide an overview of STAR and discuss score reports on September 17, 6 p.m. Join the webinar here.
Additional resources:
To learn more about STAR, click here.
STAR vs. MAP? View a research study on score correlations here.
Mark Your Calendars! CSD Programs Overview Virtual Meeting
Join us for a virtual meeting to learn more about the following support programs available to CSD students:
Multi-System of TSS
ESOL & Federal Programs
504 and Psychological Services
Professional School Counseling
Behavior Support
School Social Work
Special Education
Questions? Click here to submit your questions before Thursday, August 29, 2024.
Community Partners
Decatur Education Foundation
Rock Out with DEF at Battle of the Bands!
Join Decatur Education Foundation for a brand new community event! Head to Legacy Park on Friday, Sept. 6th, from 5-9 pm for a fun family evening of live music and community! City Schools of Decatur community circle bands will bring the tunes – you bring your school spirit! The school with the largest percentage of representation will win a music grant for their school ... along with a trophy and bragging rights, of course! We’ll have food vendors and sweet treats to supplement your picnic. Adults are $10, and KIDS ARE FREE! Get tickets here: https://decatureducationfoundation.org/def-events/battle-of-the-bands/
*If cost is an issue, please email Drew@DecaturEducationFoundation.org.