Dike-Newell School Newsletter
October 4, 2024
October 9th - PTA Meeting @ DNS - 6:00
October 11th - Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL
October 14th - Indigenous People's Day - NO SCHOOL
October 15th - School Picture Day!
October 25th - PTA Halloween Monster Mash Dance @ BMS
November 5th - Profesional Development Day - NO SCHOOL
November 13th - PTA Meeting @ FMS - 6:00
November 25th - 1/2 day for student - Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 26th - 1/2 day for students
November 27th - 29th - Thanksgiving Holiday - NO SCHOOL
A Note from the Nurse
Mosquito borne illnesses on the rise in some counties in Maine
Maine has detected Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), Jamestown Canyon virus (JCV), and West Nile virus (WNV) in mosquitoes, wild birds, domestic animals, and/or humans in 13 of our 16 counties.
Presence of these viruses in animals indicates that mosquitos in certain regions of our state do carry the viruses and therefore pose a risk to humans.
Maine CDC has identified the following counties as being high risk: Cumberland, Kennebec, Penobscot, Somerset, and Waldo counties. All other counties are at an elevated risk at this time. All three of these viruses are spread through the bite of an infected mosquito and usually start with flu-like symptoms in humans.
The risk for getting a mosquito-borne disease is highest from dusk to dawn and when temperatures are above 50°F (especially above 60°F), since this is when mosquitoes are most active. Risk from mosquito bites is expected to continue until two hard frosts kill the mosquitoes this fall/winter. The best way to prevent mosquito-borne diseases is to prevent mosquito bites.
-Use mosquito repellent when you go outside, especially dusk to dawn when mosquitoes are most active.
-When possible wear long sleeved shirts and pants
-Remove standing water where mosquitoes breed
-Make sure your window screens are tight and free of holes
Lines from the Library
Second grade students have been learning about trickster tales during their weekly library classes. Trickster tales are found in all parts of the world and often feature a smaller animal who, using cunning and wit, outsmarts a stronger animal. These stories can be humorous and have been passed down for generations.
After hearing a wide array of stories, students used handheld maps to locate the setting for each of the stories. They also discovered that the PebbleGo website has a multitude of information on countries and cultures. So far we have read the following titles retold and illustrated by Gerald McDermott:
Coyote (American Southwest)
Jabuti (Amazon Rainforest)
Monkey (India)
Pig Boy (Hawaii)
Raven (Pacific Northwest)
Zomo (Africa)
Many thanks to the donors at Donors Choose
who provided the books, maps and globes for this lesson!
PTA Information and Updates
We are looking for donations of Halloween decorations and games for our Monster Mash! If you have anything to donate please email us At bathelementarypta@gmail.com.
Dates to remember:
October 9th PTA Meeting at DNS 6-7:30pm all are welcome!
October 11th Gate Collection if your interested in signing up please use below link:
October 25th Monster Mash at BMS 5-7:00 pm
Keep an eye on our FACEBOOK PAGE for all PTA related events.
Volunteering in RSU1
Are you interested in being on a list of eligible volunteers? Visit the RSU1 website to learn more and to sign up: https://www.rsu1.org/page/volunteer-information. At site preference, scroll down to select DNS and be sure to click Submit after the form is complete and signed. Please allow one week prior to a field trip or event for processing.
Dike-Newell School Information
Email: kwalker@rsu1.org
Website: https://dns.rsu1.org/o/dike-newell-school
Location: 800 High Street, Bath, ME 04530
Phone: (207)443-8285