Lindbergh Gifted eNote
November 17, 2024
Please check the section for your child's program to see our weekly updates and any district updates!
General News and Updates!
Teacher in Charge
I will be leaving to attend the National Association of Gifted Children Conference Wednesday at noon and returning Tuesday, November 25th. If you need assistance with anything, please email Cathie Page ( and/or Thomas Anderson ( Mr. Anderson will serve as the teacher in charge while I'm off site.
LEAP Spiritwear!
Dates of Sale: 11/7 - 11/24
Date of Delivery to IDEA Center: week of 12/16 (Middle Schools too!)
Link to Website Or, scan the QR Code!
Idea Center
The Idea Center is a place where I learn about myself and others, use my brain, and be creative each day!
to Tony Kaiser and Daniel Levinson for installing the flooring of our GAGA Pit! We love it!
Book Fair Continues Online
Click the link below to continue shopping and help us make our goal of selling 375 book!
Recent Co-pilots!
Thanks for making a difference at the Idea Center!
Sloane T.--Sloane always helps with first graders in our theme class. On our mission to Jupiter, in the Lost in Space Kaleidoscope, she helped everyone with the chemical reaction experiment. When another student popped their balloon, she gave hers to him so he would not get upset!
Simon B.--Simon is always willing to help out in class, whether it be helping his teachers or his classmates. He quickly put away all of Mrs. Bergman's math books for the year, and he is a knowledgeable source for his classmates in math class. His kindness and leadership are super appreciated!
Jack B.--Jack was quick to volunteer to help a classmate catch up in math after being sick. He kindly used his work time to go through the math book pages with his friend. I appreciate you, Jack!
Hazel J.--Hazel offered to give up her recess time to help Mrs. Bergman clean up the classroom after math. She put games away and organized all of our books. Thank you, Hazel!
Elementary Math League Competition Results!
Idea Center won 2nd place in school sweepstakes. (Chesterfield Elementary won)
Our teams placed 2nd, 3rd and 5th.
1st place in 3rd grade: Francis D.
1st place in 4th grade: Ian H.
2nd place in 4th grade: Theo R.
3rd place in 4th grade: Anaamika W.
10 out of 13 PEGS students qualified for the next level, regional, competition in April 2024. In addition to Francis, Ian, Theo and Anu:
3rd grade: Matthew H. and Chase T.
5th grade: Henry K., Emma D., Aidan C., and Elliot L.
Thank you students for all your efforts and for achieving this amazing result!
LEAP Elementary
It’s the Final Countdown…to Music Bingo
November Has Come LEAP Families,
We’re gonna Rock Around The Clock at MUSIC BINGO on Saturday, November 23rd at the Crestwood Community Center. (Doors 6pm, Bingo at 7pm.) Are You Ready For It? We have just a few tables remaining - $200 for 8 people. If you don't have a full table, we now have some single seats available for $35.00 each!! Register for Music Bingo at
Never been to a Music Bingo? Don’t Worry, Be Happy! You Oughta Know, we’ll have 9 rounds of Bingo, instead of numbers your sheet has names of artist and songs. You don’t have to be a Radiohead to win. We also have an Intergalactic silent auction, 50/50, and more Supersonic games and surprises. Hungry Like a Wolf? Don’t forget to bring your favorite beverages and snacks, and we’ll have some complimentary ones, too.
We also need volunteers for all or part of the event and we’ll be saying Everything is Awesome! Sign up here:
Can’t wait to Rock In Roll All Nite with you so these kiddos can say Thanks For The Memories from Space Camp!
Space Camp Used Book Sale Is Coming – December 2-6!
Get ready to “Cozy Up with a Book” at our Used Book Sale December 2-6! The 5th Grade Space Camp Fundraising Committee is excited to host a Used Book Sale throughout that week, including a special Family Event the evening of Friday, December 6th. Send your student with cash to buy used books during their LEAP day ($1 per book), and then stop by the Idea Center from 5-7:30 pm on Friday to buy books, browse the 5th grade Maker's Market, craft with the kids, listen to special guest readers and drink hot cocoa. (Suggested donation $5/family.) The Family Event is open to all Lindbergh friends and family. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
RSVP for the Family Event or volunteer at! We need volunteers to help set up the book sale after school on Tuesday, November 26, sell books during a morning shift, and assist with crafts, hot cocoa and book sales during the Family Event. We welcome volunteers from all grades of LEAP and PEGS families! WE ALSO NEED A VOLUNTEER WILLING TO WEAR THE FROSTY MASCOT COSTUME!
Used book donations will be accepted at the Idea Center through the final day of our Used Book Sale (December 6th).
Space Camp Scholarship Fund
Want to help a 5th grader go to Space Camp? Consider making a donation to the Space Camp Scholarship fun! Please share--Thank you so much!
Way to go to our Dressel Girls on the Run...
who ran with Mrs. Strebler!
PEGS Elementary
We also enjoyed...
welcoming all our grand parents and friends...
for Grandfriends' Day!
Toys for Tots at PEGS
We start collecting for Toys for Tots this Monday through December 2nd. Each classroom has their own goal! Please see the flyer below for more info!
Middle School PEGS & LEAP
Canvas Reminder
Parents, periodically have your child login to Canvas in front of you (or log in as your child) to see what they see. You can see all the assignment instructions, learning materials, and retake information. We encourage you to talk with your child about how they use Canvas to access learning information and manage their work completion. This is a great way to check in to see how they are doing!
Secondary PEGS & LEAP
Missouri Fine Arts Academy
I am very excited to let you know that MFAA 2025 started accepting applications from all high school students across Missouri on October 14. The deadline for applications is January 31, 2025. The link for applications is below. This is a great opportunity for high school artists, musicians, and dancers.
Events and Important Dates
Upcoming Dates for your Calendars
Wednesday afternoon (11/20), Thursday (11/21), Friday (11/22), and Monday (11/25)--Dr. Bednarick-Humes at National Association of Gifted Children Conference--Mr. Anderson will be Teacher in Charge
Wednesday-Friday, November 27-29--Thanksgiving Break!
December 2-6--Space Camp Used Book Fair
Friday, December 6--Cozy Up with a Good Book and Mini-Maker's Mart Event--Exact time to be announced soon!
Monday, December 9--1st, 2nd, and 4th grade go to Penguin Patch at Kennerly for Holiday Shopping Opportunity
Tuesday, December 10--3rd and 5th grade go to Penguin Patch at Kennerly for Holiday Shopping Opportunity
Wednesday (12/11) and Friday (12/13)--Middle School LEAP Human Body Expo's
Thursday, December 12--4th Grade Strings Concerts (PEGS at 6 pm)
Friday, December 13--Elementary PEGS Spelling Bee
Tuesday, December 17--7 pm 5th Grade Strings Concert
Wednesday, December 18 5:15 pm New LEAPer Orientation at the Idea Center
Friday, December 20--1/2 Day--Elementary Winter Parties (10:45-11:45 am)
Lindbergh District News
Winter Weather Reminder for Families
As colder weather approaches, now is a good time to remind families and staff how we prepare for potential school closures that can result from snow, ice, or other severe weather events. The district decides to close school based on a number of factors, including student safety, bus transportation, road conditions and wind chill temperature.
When possible, the decision to close school is made by 10 p.m. the night before. However, if the decision cannot be made by 10 p.m., then a decision will be made between 5 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. the next morning. If the decision is made to cancel school, all families and staff will receive a phone call, text message and email notification.
LPAC Webinar: Building Social Connections Through Playdates and Hangouts
6-7 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 3
The Lindbergh Parent Advisory Council virtually presents “Building Social Connections Through Playdates and Hangouts,” presented by LenEll Kelley, behavior analyst, founder and clinical director of Developing Minds Therapy Services.
LenEll will help parents identify their role in preparing for a successful playdate or hangout, including how to help find peer matches, resolve potential conflicts, and the importance of flexibility with activities. And did you know how important the good-bye can be? LenEll will share ideas for parents with children of all ages.
Join Special School District and LPAC for this hour that promises to help you to help your child use social skills and develop friendships, ultimately building their self-esteem in the process.
Board of Education Candidate Information Session Nov. 21
Filing for the Lindbergh Schools Board of Education Election will open on Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2024, at 8 a.m. and close on Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2024, at 5 p.m. Two positions are available for three-year terms. The election date is April 8, 2025.
Individuals interested in running for the Board of Education are invited to attend a candidate information session on Thursday, Nov. 21, immediately following the 7 p.m. regular Board of Education meeting. This will take place at the District Administration building, 9350 Sappington Road, and is open to any individuals who are interested in running for the board. Questions? Contact
Lindbergh Gifted Education
Location: 5000 S. Lindbergh Blvd., Saint Louis, MO. 63126
Phone: 314-729-2495