Ferson Creek eNews
February 14, 2025
Important Dates
2/17 - Presidents Day, No School
2/18 -School Improvement Day, No School for Students
2/21 -End of 2nd Trimester
2/21 -Talent Show Try-Outs - see link below for more info
2/26 - Early Release, students dismissed at 2:35
2/27 - Half Day Spring Conferences, students dismissed at noon, no lunch served
2/28 - Teacher Institute Day, No School for Students
3/12- 3rd Grade Music Program at 5:30PM
4/23-1st Grade Music Program at 5:30PM
Important Upcoming Dates!
Judge David Reads to Ferson Students
Ferson Creek classrooms welcomed Judge David on Wednesday as a part of the Illinois Judges' Association Read to Schools Day. Not only did Judge David read stories to classrooms, but he also gifted the classrooms a copy of the book that he shared. We are so lucky that Judge David visited our school for the third year in a row!
Thank you, Ms. Cara!
Today we wished a warm farewell to our head lunch supervisor, Ms. Cara. Ms. Cara has been a part of our lunchroom for almost three years. She is headed to the creek on the other side of town as she takes on a new role at Norton Creek. She will be missed!
Kindergarten Enrollment-2025-2026
Kindergarten enrollment for the 2025-26 school year can be completed from January 27 through February 21
Click image below to be directed to the D303 enrollment website page.
Frankie the Fox-Sign Up!
Sign up to welcome students to school as Frankie the Fox!
Click button below to be a part of the fun.
AT/Accelerated/Infinity Gifted Program Identification
As we embark on the season of planning for the 2025-2026 school year, the identification process is underway for accelerated placement for next year’s 4th, 5th and 6th graders. Here is some helpful information:
All 3rd grade students are automatically considered for potential placement in Academically Talented (AT) Math and AT ELA programming. You do not need to request it. However, you can reach out to ask questions about the process anytime using the contact information below.
5th grade students are also automatically considered for potential placement in an additional Accelerated Math Pathway that starts in middle school. This pathway provides for the completion of Algebra before entering high school by allowing students to complete more than one grade level of math in 6th grade and 7th grade.
5th grade students who are currently in our AT programming may be identified for potential placement in the Infinity Gifted Program at the middle school level. These students may take part in additional testing in February. Parents will be informed in advance if additional testing is requested.
Families of students who are identified for placement in our AT Math, AT ELA, Infinity Gifted or Accelerated Math programming will be informed by March 28. Please refer to the Identification Timeline for additional information.
Yvette Stahl, Gifted Coordinator
yvette.stahl@d303.org | 331.228.6166
Spring Conferences
On Thursday, February 27th, all elementary students in D303 will have a half-day of school due to our Spring parent-teacher conferences. These conferences serve a different purpose than our Fall conferences. Spring conferences provide teachers the opportunity to connect with families of students to discuss progress towards goals and areas for growth. The February 27th conferences have a much shorter time frame of 1:05 to 3:25. This means that teachers will only be able to meet with a few families that afternoon. Your child’s teacher will be sending a letter home with either a request to meet or a message stating that a conference is not necessary at this time.
Due to the 12:00 dismissal, students will not have lunch at school that day. All classrooms will take a snack break at some point in the morning.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out.
Kristy McKnight
Ferson Creek PTO Newsletter
PTO Presents: Neon Nights Dance-Save the Date-April 11th 6-8PM
Health Office News-Cold & Flu Season
Blast off into Scouting at Ferson!-February 20th
Fiddle Fest 2025-February 28th
Calling all fiddlers and lovers of folk music! It’s time for the 18th annual Fiddle Fest! All advanced orchestra students, elementary through high school and beyond, can participate! Parents, teachers, older siblings, grandparents and community members who play guitar, banjo, mandolin or a string instrument are welcome! We guarantee you’ll have a great time! If you are interested in playing and need music, please contact your child’s orchestra director, or email Rita.Borkowski@d303.org
Click Fiddle Fest 2025 Online Registration to sign up. All performers must register so we can adequately plan for this huge event. The final deadline to register is Thursday, Feb 20th.
Fiddle Fest is Friday, February 28th. Performance begins at 7:00 pm.
Place: North High School Gym. 255 Redgate Rd, St. Charles, 60175.
Dress Rehearsal: 5:00 – 6:00 pm All performers participating must attend!
Pizza Dinner: available for participants / volunteers for $5.00 following rehearsal.
Ferson Creek Talent Show
North Star Football Parent Nite Out-February 15th
Wasco Baseball Spring Registration
Project Dance Love-February 22nd
Inclement Weather Procedures
Stem Night-April 22nd
Lost & Found
District 303 Partners With GPS Parent Series
District 303 is proud to partner with the Glenbard Parent Series (GPS) to offer our families broader access to information sessions and resources that support their child’s development.
For decades, GPS has been offering free programs that aim to empower and strengthen families, individuals and communities. As a partner organization, District 303 will support promoting upcoming programs and their importance to our local community.
Ferson Creek Spirit Wear
Click image below to order!
Attendance Information
Please call 331-228-2300 to report absences and choose option "1" or email Cheryl Wiley at cheryl.wiley@d303.org
- Messages can be left 24 hours a day.
- Please leave your name, your child's name, phone number, reason for absence and your child's symptoms if ill.
- If you have advance notice of an absence please fill out our prearranged absence form, inform your child's teacher and submit the completed form to the front office. You are allowed up to 5 prearranged absences per school year.
Lunch & Recess Volunteers
Our parent volunteers are an integral part of our school community. Therefore, we'd love to invite you to spend time with Ferson Creek students during lunch and lunch recess.
Interested? Information and sign up can be found using this link.
Please keep in mind that it is important to keep our students, staff members, and volunteers safe while they are in our schools. Given that, all volunteers must:
- Have your ID ready and sign in at the office to receive your visitor badge.
- EACH YEAR complete a Volunteer Liability Form. If the school does not have one on file for you and you do not provide one, the office will provide one for you when you come for your first day as a volunteer.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Dr. DuCharm (331-228-5920, Alison.DuCharm@d303.org)
School Directory -PTO
If you'd like to be a part of the optional, PTO sponsored school directory, please login into your Membership Toolkit account to update your students' information for the 2024-25 school year. All students' grade levels have been advanced, but you will need to update their teachers.
If you don't have an account yet, be sure to register! You can update your account privacy settings at any time!
2024-2025 Early Release Dates
2024-2025 District Calendar
Ferson Creek Elementary
Website: https://fersoncreek.d303.org/
Location: 38W160 Bolcum Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-2300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ferson-Creek-Elementary-1492773537612187/