Heritage Newsletter
October 16
Heritage Newsletter 9/23/2024
Principal Message
As we are bringing our first successful school quarter to a close, I want to take a moment to reassure you that the safety and well-being of our students is always our top priority. Our staff is dedicated to maintaining a positive and supportive school climate where every child feels safe, valued, and heard. We are committed to listening to our students and families, and we encourage open communication to ensure that everyone's needs are met.
Please know that we have a variety of resources available to support students academically, socially, and emotionally. If your child or family is in need of any additional support, do not hesitate to reach out to us. Together, we can ensure that Heritage Elementary remains a safe and nurturing environment for all our students to thrive.
Thank you for your trust and partnership. Here's to a successful and joyful school year!
Warm regards,
Mrs. Jamie Moso
Principal, Heritage Elementary School
Mensaje de la Directora
A medida que cerramos nuestro primer trimestre escolar exitoso, quiero tomarme un momento para asegurarles que la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestros estudiantes es siempre nuestra principal prioridad.
Nuestro personal se dedica a mantener un ambiente escolar positivo y de apoyo donde cada niño se sienta seguro, valorado y escuchado. Estamos comprometidos a escuchar a nuestros estudiantes y familias, y fomentamos la comunicación abierta para garantizar que se satisfagan las necesidades de todos.
Tenga en cuenta que tenemos una variedad de recursos disponibles para apoyar a los estudiantes académica, social y emocionalmente. Si su hijo o familia necesita apoyo adicional, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros. Juntos, podemos asegurarnos de que Heritage Elementary siga siendo un entorno seguro y enriquecedor para que todos nuestros estudiantes prosperen.
Gracias por su confianza y colaboración. ¡Brindemos por un año escolar exitoso y alegre!
Un cordial saludo,
Sra. Jamie MosoDirectora,
Escuela Primaria Heritage
Minimum Day Sept 24-27th
Minimum Day
TK & Kinder: 8:15AM -11:50AM
1st - 6th 8:15AM- 12:15pm
Jamba Juice
Dont forget to pre-order
Fall Break no school be safe and see you on Oct 14th
Fall Break - No School Sept 30 - Oct 11th
LIFETOUCH Dont forget to order your pictures
BOOK FAIR 9/23/24-9/27/24
Website for Parents to Enroll: https://www.myschooldentist.com/32772_schsrm
This online consent form for parents is an easy way for them to sign up.
Use your camera to scan / Usa tu cámara para escanear
Chromebook Care Plan
Chromebook Care Plan Chromebook Care Plan - Lodi Unified School District (lodiusd.net)
Enrollment Form
Enrollment Form Enrollment - Lodi Unified School District (lodiusd.net)
Fingerprint Livescan date coming soon!
Livescan coming soon
Online Data Confirmation (K-12)
We are excited to announce that this year, families will be able to verify their child's elementary school teacher and secondary school class schedule through our online data confirmation process. Starting on July 19, 2024, at 10:00 AM, parents who have completed the online data confirmation will be able to access this information. We encourage all parents to complete the online data confirmation process by following the instructions in the flyer below.
Please click on the link below:
*There is a change in music exemption practice. Due to supervision concerns, we will no longer be able to provide an alternative placement for students.
Our district leadership have worked with the local religious leaders to help create guidance for this situation.
Have You Reported Your Students' Absence?
Attendance/ Atendencia
If your child absent you need to call the office they will be marked absent.
If you don’t call it will be an unexcused absence.
Si su hijo pierde el dia, debe llamar a la oficina, si no se marcará como ausente. Si no llamas será una ausencia injustificada.
اگر آپ کا بچہ غیر حاضر ہے تو آپ کو دفتر کو کال کرنے کی ضرورت ہے اسے غیر حاضر کے طور پر نشان زد کیا جائے گا۔
اگر آپ فون نہیں کرتے ہیں تو یہ ایک غیرمعافی غیر حاضری ہوگی۔