Equipping the Domestic Church/ISSUE 153 1.19.25
World of Communication January 24-26
Next weekend of the Jubilee is dedicated to all those who work in the realm of communication (journalists, media professionals and staff, video makers, graphic designers, copywriters, PR staff, social media managers, audio and video technicians, typographers, IT experts etc.). If you have one of those careers in your family, celebrate the work they do this weekend!
One of the talks that will be taking place for those professionals in Rome will be called: Communicating Hope and Peace. Are you a communicator of hope and peace? This is a good weekend to think about the things we post, the way we speak to others and especially the model we provide for our kids. In an often frightening world, do we fill them with hope and peace? Do we preach the Gospel through our actions? Do we teach our children empathy?
Here is a word search for your child to ponder words that have to do with positive communication!
SHARE YOUR FAITH: Simple Ways you Can Teach Your Kids Our Faith!
This weekend, we will hear the Gospel of the Wedding at Cana, the first miracle Jesus performed publicly. A miracle can't typically be explained by nature or science because it is God's work and God is bigger than that! But, it can be hard to explain miracles. God's work is beyond our understanding, which means that we don't get to direct God in making what we want, ultimately happen. Miracles are amazing, but God isn't a genie who grants wishes for every miracle we pray for and that can be a difficult lesson for both kids and adults to understand.
Every day miracles do happen. The miracle of life and of healing are remarkable occurrences that we are privileged to witness. Help your child to see God's hand in those experiences.
It is also important to teach your child about prayer. In the Our Father, we say "thy will be done," and we are called to believe it. So when we pray for something important in our lives, let us pray: "if it be Your will."
Catholic Scientists Today
This week, we are providing a brief article from the website: Society of Catholic Scientists. This continues the conversation of miracles from the voice of today's scientists who also faithfully practice Catholicism. Click on the title beginning with Q7, below:
We can't turn water into wine but we can try this fun experiment with color and water! Watch below and try it at home!
Last weekend, we celebrated the Baptism of our Lord. Here is a prayer service you can use in your home each year, as your child's baptism anniversary arrives!
Instructing the Ignorant
This work of mercy is simply "forming the faith of others."
Volunteering in your parish faith formation programs is a great way for your family to get involved with this work of mercy! This is an important ministry that is always in more need of help! Parents take a special role in forming their children in the faith and so, this work of mercy should be a natural part of each person's parenting role. However, that is sometimes easier said than done. How you can you take on this role more actively? You can do it in small steps by helping them to understand what is happening at Mass, taking time to pray as a family, reading faith-based stories and celebrating the liturgical seasons by having symbols of the season in your home. The Family Zone is here to serve as a resource for you in this very important role!
Winter's Chill Brings Soup Season!
People of Peace: Blessed are the Peacemakers!
On Monday, we observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a day devoted to a man of peace. You can bring more peace to your home and teach your children to be more efficient at maintaining peace within themselves and their relationships by setting up a family peace station or space. This would take the place of a traditional "time out" spot and provide a child with some calming sensory tools like playdough or sensory bottles with floating items. If you have more than one child, provide two places to sit where a pair might work on conflict resolution and talking out difficulties. On the wall, you can add some prayers , breathing exercises, and calming pictures. This can be a great way for you to build a tradition of peace in your home that can be brought out into a world that is hurting for more of this virtue!
Office of Evangelization and Catechesis
Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester
Editor: Leslie Barkin
Debtor in PossessionEmail:
Location: Diocese of Rochester, Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY, USA
Phone: 585-328-3210