WHS College & Career News
September 2024
Important Dates
August 27: School Starts
September 2: Labor Day - No school
September 11: Curriculum Night
September 19: Senior Family College Night (English & Spanish - See below)
September 27: No School - Staff Development
October 11: PSAT
October 11: Statewide In-Service - No School
October 23: Paying for College Webinar - English & Spanish (Statewide)
Google Classroom
We'd like to remind students and families about the Grade Level Google Classrooms, maintained by the Counseling Department. Students and families will find announcements and information ranging from job postings to college and career information to mental health resources.
Once a student joins using the join code below, they are able to invite their guardians to join.
12th Grade (Class of 2025): ujbz6xc
11th Grade (Class of 2026): 3wugnvo
10th Grade (Class of 2027): tu3xem3
9th Grade (Class of 2028): le3ce24
Outdoor School Student Leader Registration
Registration for the Outdoor School Student Leader workshop is open for the fall sessions of Outdoor school. This opportunity is available for all students in 10th through 12th grade.
Students interested in becoming a leader for Fall Outdoor School should register at http://signup.4ods.org/. This registration is only for attending a workshop. Student’s can change their minds later if needed. If you have any questions, reach out to Mrs. Willard in the College & Career Center.
PSAT - October 11
This fall, Wilsonville High School will offer the PSAT. The test will be administered on Friday, October 11 at 8:00 am.
The PSAT is a practice version of the SAT. We recommend this test for college bound juniors who plan on taking the SAT (please note that not all colleges require the SAT). To learn more about the PSAT, please take a look at the College Board website: https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt-psat-10. To register for the PSAT, students can stop by the Bookkeeper’s office, or visit the webstore. The fee to take the PSAT is $18. The deadline to register is September 11.
The SAT is offered on Saturdays in October, November and December at schools around the area (not at WHS). For more information about the SAT, in general, please visit the college Board website: https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat.
Please contact Teri Willard with questions willardt@wlwv.k12.or.us or 503-673-7628.
College Rep Visits
Each Fall representatives from colleges all over the country visit Wilsonville High School to share the best traits of their respective institution. These visits take place during the school day and are the perfect time for juniors and seniors to learn more about some of these schools. Students are encouraged to log into Naviance to check the list often. Juniors and seniors can sign-up in Naviance or with Mrs. Willard in the College & Career Center if they are interested in being invited to any of these sessions.
The list is growing daily, but here are a few that we have scheduled for September:
9/20 Whitman College, 12:45
9/23 Portland State University, 9:15
9/23 Southern Oregon University, 12:45
9/23 Oregon State University, 2:15
9/24 Azusa Pacific, 9:15
9/24 California Baptist University, 2:15
9/26 Baylor University, 9:15
9/26 Carroll College, 12:45
9/26 Gonzaga University, 2:15
9/30 University of Portland, 12:45
9/30 Manhattan School of Music, 2:15
Senior Planning
The counseling department works with students at each grade level in the area of planning for life after high school. Seniors will receive information about next steps at an assembly presented by the WHS Counseling Team on September 16. Students will learn about college applications (process and deadlines), SAT/ACT testing, and using Naviance during the application process and for career research.
During the final week of September, students who indicate that they are applying to four year college will be assembled for small group meetings with their school counselor to learn about processes specific to their applications.
Those who indicate that they are planning on attending a 2-year college will meet in small groups with their school counselor in November. Students who have other plans or interests or would like to research other options will also have the opportunity to work with their counselor and Teri Willard in the College & Career Center.
Senior Family College Night
Seniors and their families are invited to join the counseling department for our Senior Family College Night event on Thursday, September 19. Topics of interest will include finalizing your list of colleges, application deadlines and types, SAT/ACT, how to apply, and how to use Naviance Student during the admission process.
The event will be presented to our Spanish speaking families in-person at 5:30 in room 100.
Information will be presented in English at 7:00 p.m. in a webinar format. A link to the webinar will be sent out in the coming weeks.
The Junior Family College Night will be held in mid-January. The Sophomore/Freshman Family College Night will be held in early February.
If you have any questions, please contact your school counselor or Teri Willard.
Jostens Cap & Gown Ordering
On Monday, September 16, Jostens will be at WHS to distribute cap and gown ordering information. Seniors who do not get a packet, should stop by the College & Career Center to pick one up.
Jostens will return at a later date to accept orders.
All graduates must have a cap & gown to participate in the graduation ceremony. Students for whom the cap & gown price is a barrier should see Mrs. Willard in the College & Career Center. We do have caps & gowns that can be borrowed, on a first come first served basis.
Paying for College Webinar
Sponsored and presented by The College Place and the Oregon Association of School Financial Aid Administrators (OASFAA), Paying for College workshops are offered in a webinar format; families can register individually and participate from the privacy of their homes. They will discuss the opportunities and options for life after high school- and how to pay for them.
Offered in both English and Spanish, this webinar features live Q & A with financial aid administrators from across Oregon, including the ability to ask truly anonymous questions.
Tuesday, October 23rd 6:00 pm (in English and Spanish) register at: https://bit.ly/PFCE2024
Participants will be able to use the Q & A function to ask personal questions, which will be answered by some of Oregon's financial aid administrators. Questions may be asked anonymously, so that families feel comfortable asking those hard questions!
The 2025-26 FAFSA ( Free Application for Federal Student Aid) will be launched through a new process this year. Per the press release from the U.S. Department of Education:
“Starting on October 1 the Department will release the 2025-26 form for testing to a limited set of students and institutions. The Department will make the application available to all students on or before December 1.”
We will share information regarding the release of the 2025-26 FAFSA with seniors and their families as it becomes available this fall. Feel free to contact your counselor or Mrs. Willard with questions regarding the FAFSA.
College Scholarships
Some scholarship applications for the class of 2025 are open now and will start becoming numerous in late fall. Many will be posted in Naviance and in this newsletter as they become available. Students are welcome to start their search for scholarships by visiting some popular search engines now. Some of our favorites:
Two Scholarships with early September deadlines are:
Beat The Odds Scholarship: This fall, Stand for Children will award $16,000 college scholarships to three or more outstanding students who have “Beat the Odds.” The scholarship is $4,000 per year, renewable for up to four years provided the recipient maintains a 3.0 GPA or better, completes 12 or more credits each term, and funding is available.
Scholarship applicants must demonstrate that they:
• Are a student enrolled in an Oregon public high school, who will graduate in 2025
• Have maintained at least a 3.0 grade point average showing marked effort, improvement, or success
• Are succeeding in the face of obstacles (poverty, disability, homelessness, systemic inequalities, etc.)
• Have volunteered or participated in activities that are helpful to others
• Have a demonstrated financial need.
To apply, visit here: http://stand.org/oregon/beat-the-odds
The deadline to apply is September 10, 2024.
The Gates Scholarship: The Gates Scholarship (TGS) is a highly selective, last-dollar scholarship for outstanding, minority, high school seniors from low-income households. Each year, the scholarship is awarded to exceptional student leaders, with the intent of helping them realize their maximum potential.
Scholars will receive funding for the full cost of attendance* that is not already covered by other financial aid and the Student Aid Index, as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), or the methodology used by a Scholar’s college or university.
*Cost of attendance includes tuition, fees, room, board, books, and transportation, and may include
To apply, students must be:
A high school senior
From at least one of the following ethnicities: African-American, American Indian/Alaska Native*, Asian & Pacific Islander American, and/or Hispanic American
A US citizen, national, or permanent resident
In good academic standing with a minimum cumulative weighted GPA of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent)
Additionally, a student must plan to enroll full-time, in a four-year degree program, at a US accredited, not-for-profit, private or public college or university.
*For American Indian/Alaska Native, proof of tribal enrollment will be required.
other personal costs.
To apply, visit here: https://www.thegatesscholarship.org/scholarship
The deadline to apply is September 15, 2024.
Do you want to share your career story?
The WLWV Career Connections program is looking for partners to share their career story and industry insights with high school students. We need guest speakers, career fair presenters, and mentors from a variety of fields. Students are particularly interested in Digital Design, Journalism, Personal Care Services, Hospitality, Health Occupations, Engineering and Manufacturing, Automotive and Construction-related trades.
Interested in getting involved? Please fill out this form: www.tinyurl.com/WLWVCareerConnect
Naviance is a web-based college & career planning resource provided to families by the West Linn Wilsonville School District. Every student at WHS has an account and within that account students are able to research virtually every college and career they could possibly think of! Tools include interest and skills inventories, personality assessments and the careers and majors that match those results.
Seniors who are applying for college use Naviance to keep track of applications, request transcripts, and letters of recommendation. See below to access your student's Naviance account.
Student Log-in to Naviance
- Sign in to your school Google account
- Go to school website
- Click on Naviance under Quick Links
- If you have never logged into Naviance on your current computer, it will ask you what school...find Wilsonville High School on the dropdown
- Choose your user type: All users should click on Student
- Click on the green bar - CONTINUE WITH SINGLE SIGN ON
Parents will follow the same steps...they must log in as the student.
Questions? Contact Teri Willard (willardt@wlwv.k12.or.us or 503-673-7628)
Stay Connected With Your School Counseling Team
Students and families are encouraged to join their grade-level google classroom and follow us on social media:
12th Grade (Class of 2025): ujbz6xc
11th Grade (Class of 2026): 3wugnvo
10th Grade (Class of 2027): tu3xem3
9th Grade (Class of 2028): le3ce24
Instagram: @whscollegecareer
College & Career Center webpage: https://www.wlwv.k12.or.us/domain/2384
The school counseling team is here to support you! Below are the best ways to connect with us.
School Email: We will respond within 24 hours
Phone Call: Via our office phone listed below. Voice mails will be returned within 24 hours
Counseling Team:
Dacia Luedtke (A-E)
Lucia Meza (F-La)
Andre Abraham (Le-Ret)
Christine Moon (Rey-Z)
Teri Willard (College & Career Coordinator)
Colleen Elligsen (Registrar)
WHS College & Career Center
Email: willardt@wlwv.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.wlwv.k12.or.us/domain/2384
Location: 6800 Southwest Wilsonville Road, Wilsonville, OR, USA
Phone: 5036737628