Eagle Express
October 2-6, 2023
Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year
Principal's Corner
Every year during Hispanic Heritage Month, I visit the Story Corps website. Their mission is to help us believe in each other by illuminating the humanity and possibility in us all — one story at a time. Since their founding in 2003, they’ve helped more than 640,000 people across the country have meaningful conversations about their lives. These recordings are collected in the U.S. Library of Congress and in their online archive, now the most extensive single collection of human voices ever gathered.
The story above is about a San Antonio woman who repaired damaged aircraft in World War II and how it affected her life, most notably how it made her view herself. Each of us has had formative experiences that shape who we are today, for better or worse. The collection of those experiences becomes the story of our lives, but they are not just valuable to us.
As stewards of youth, our stories serve as warnings and guideposts for them. They allow students to experience, through empathy and imagination, the possible pitfalls and opportunities that a life well lived can hold. We should share stories when we can. After all, the first classroom was likely conversations around a campfire.
Hispanic Heritage Month
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month and watch a family film on Amazon Prime
October 2- National Custodian Appreciation Day!
Learner Profile Attribute of the Month is Principled
We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.
Actuamos con integridad y honradez, con un profundo sentido de la equidad, la justicia y el respeto for la dignidad y los derechos de las personas en todo el mundo. Asumimos la responsabiliidad de nuestros propios actos y sus consecuencias.
Pride and Tradition
Woodlawn Academy 7th & 8th Football Team
Cheerleading is life! Cheer Loud and Proud!
Eagle Pep Squad and Cheerleaders
In nature, nothing exists alone. -Rachel Carson
HEB Recycling Competition- Date pushed to October 9, 2023
Gifted and Talented Education Referral 23-24
Parent Volunteer
Parent Technology Cohort
Student Opportunities
Woodlawn Academy PYP Music & MS Choir Newsletters
Become a Tutor
Drop Off
Bring Refillable Water Bottles
Proud TCIS Partner
Woodlawn Academy is an authorized IB World School offering the Primary Years Programme and Middle Years Programme. In 2019, we became an SAISD In-District Charter School with Texas Council forInternational Studies, (TCIS) as our managing partner.Through this partnership, we receive additional funding.
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Campus Website
Woodlawn Academy IB World School
Website: https://schools.saisd.net/page/175.homepage/
Location: 1717 West Magnolia Avenue, San Antonio, TX, USA
Phone: (210) 438-6560
Facebook: facebook.com/SAISDWoodlawnAcademy
Twitter: @IB_Woodlawn
Save the Date: Holiday- No School October 9
Monday, Oct 9, 2023, 12:00 AM
Woodlawn Academy, West Magnolia Avenue, San Antonio, TX, USA
8th Annual IB World Bowl (Jefferson Mustangs vs. Burbank Bulldogs)
7:00pm Kickoff