Washington - Caldwell Parent Update
Week of May 13, 2024
Message from our Principal
Hello Bulldog Families,
In an effort to show our deep gratitude and appreciation for the support from you and our school community, we will be celebrating the success of both the capital referendum from last year, as well as the success of the operating referendum from this past April. The support from our community allows us to continue to provide an outstanding learning experience for your children, as well as a great place to work. Please join us for the Spring Concert on Thursday, May 16 at 6:00 p.m. to enjoy the performance and to grab a Goodie Bag as part of our celebration.
I want to share with you that I will be out of the office beginning Friday May 10, due to a health related matter I am addressing. I am tentatively scheduled to return to work on Wednesday, May 22. In my absence, Ms. Kelli Vogt will be the lead administrator. You may contact her directly during this time. I have also secured support from Dr. John Lehnen, Superintendent/Principal of North Cape School and Mr. Mike Rosandich, WEC Director of Special Education. Both of these administrators will be “on-call” if needed.
As always, thank you for your support of our students, staff and school community.
Calendar of Events
Friday, May 10, 2024
- NEHS & PTO Family Movie Night. Showing the Movie Migration at 6:00 pm - Concessions and Pizza available
- Midterms come home for grades 3-8
Monday, May 13, 2024
- J- Day - Jam Day-Listen to Music!
- PTO Meeting- In Person and Virtual 5:15 pm https://meet.google.com/jfu-yuxn-bnx
- Drama Club Practice 3:40 pm - 4:45 pm
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
- K Day - Kahoot Day - Classes Will Play Kahoot!
- Book Fair 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
- Drama Club 3:40 pm - 4:45 pm
- Internet Safety for Children Online Awareness Presentation 5:00 - 6:00 pm
- L Day - Lollipop Day - Lollipops From Mr. McCormick!
- Book Fair 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
6-8 Grade Field Trip to the Brewer Game
4K-5K Family Library Night at Waterford Public Library 4:30 pm-6:00 pm
- M Day - Mismatch Day- Wear Mismatched Outfits!
- Book Fair 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
- Spring Concert 6:00 pm-6:45 pm
- N Day - Neon Day - Wear Your Favorite Neon Clothing!
- New 4K Visitation Day 1:15 pm - 3:00 pm
- NJHS Meeting 3:40 pm - 4:30 pm
- NJHS Teen Night 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
- National Junior Honor Society Car Wash at WashCald 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
ABC Countdown to the End of the School Year!
National Elementary Honor Society and Our PTO Movie Night
It's Time for The Book Fair!
We will be hosting the Spring Book Fair May 14-16! Most of the fair will occur during the school day, but we will be open the night the Spring Concert on May 16 from 3:45pm to 6:00pm for families to shop together.
To make shopping easy for your student(s) consider using the eWallet system to give your students money to spend at the Book Fair. Go to the Scholastic E-Wallet Page and sign up there. (Cash and checks will be accepted as well). You may load money in to eWallet at any time.
We are still looking for Volunteers to help assist students during the Book Fair. Sign up to help by going to: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0C4AADAF2AA5F94-49518039-2024#/
Parent Presentation on Internet Safety for Children
May 14 at 5pm
Join us on Tuesday, May 14 at 5pm for the important presentation by Ben Merens from the Wisconsin Bureau of Consumer Protection. He will discuss safe practices for children while accessing the internet. Children often have access to the internet at home, school, or even a friend’s house and they access the internet on a variety of different devices. Parents should be aware of their children’s online activities to help keep them safe. Topics will include online gaming, downloading apps, sharing photos, and clicking on links. Consumer protection will also discuss laws that give parents control over what information a business can collect on a child and how that information can be used.
Teen Night - May 17
📚 Book Swap 📚
Drama Club - 6:30 pm evening performances on May 29 & 30
Buy School Supplies for 2024-2025 NOW
Families can now order school supply kits for the 2024-2025 school year. This is a super easy way to handle this tedious task. You can order very quickly at http://www.shopttkits.com/ - use school code 23989. Order online by June 14. Kits will be delivered to school prior to Meet and Greet in August.
Lost & Found
Out with the old in with the new lost and found! All unclaimed items will be donated next month.
PTO News!
Bounce houses 💗 Petting Zoo 💗 Pie-Throwing 💗 Snacks 💗 Tug-of-War and MORE!!
We are excited to be planning the end-of-year carnival! We will be needing parent volunteers, so pencil in the morning of June 5. The smiles are priceless! Signup to come.
PTO supports many programs at school that enrich our kids, including Student of the Month rewards, honor roll rewards, teacher meals and requests, and much more.
We are urgently in need of new parents to take over our organization! All of us (Lisa, Taffy, Joane, and Val) have served for over 4 years. Spring is our traditional time for transitions and elections!
If you enjoy the feeling of helping out and want to enjoy time with the kids and teachers at school, consider joining our board! Let us know if you are interested. We will help you learn the ropes!
We are accepting applications until May 13. Please consider serving our school in this rewarding way.
2024-2025 School Calendar
Check out the online Spiritwear Store from PS Uniforms & More in Waterford. Items can be ordered at ANY time and will be delivered to school about 2 weeks after you order!
The link is https://washingtoncalwellspiritwear2023.itemorder.com/shop/home/
Read these Guidelines for important Information on Bus Conduct
Please see the Lunch Menu below.
Lunch funds can be deposited online through E-Funds or money can be sent to school. PowerSchool will send out messages when lunch balances get below $6.00. Parents can also look at their student's lunch balance in PowerSchool. Please deposit money in accounts as needed.
Lunch prices are $3.25 for a full daily lunch, which includes a milk. If students want a milk only or an extra milk, it is $0.40. Extra Entrees are $2.50. Free/Reduced Lunch Forms are available too.
Spectator and Audience Expectations for All Events
A Message From Our Volleyball Coach
Hello Bulldog Families -
The Waterford Rec department is offering a volleyball skills camp in May. More information can be found here:
Registration for the WUHS volleyball youth camp, July 15-18, is just going through the final stages and will be live any day now at this link https://waterforduhs.revtrak.net/2024-summer-youth-sports-camp/#/list
There will also be a boys youth camp this summer.
Also, Waterford Wave club tryouts (run by Ashley Ingish, the WUHS varsity coach) will be in the summer this year. They are working through dates/times but it will likely be the weekend of July 20-21. If anyone is interested in the 13s or 14s team (incoming 6th-8th graders) contact Ashley ashleyingish1@gmail.com and she will get you more information as it gets closer!
Have a great rest of the school year,
Coach Opgenorth
Flyers of Interest
Here are some great parent programs for your family. These are from University of Wisconsin-Madison. Check them out!
Triple P Positive Parenting
Courses are available at no cost to all Wisconsin schools. Register at https://TripleP-parenting.com/Milwaukee
Student and Family Support from Advocate/Aurora
Community Event
Mukwonago Soccer Camp
YMCA Opportunity
The Mukwonago YMCA is offering a FREE community event on May 4!
I am hoping you can share this flyer!
We have such a great Safety Around Water program with the Mukwonago Area School District and we want to spread the wealth to all of our communities.
Learning how to be safe in and around the water is so important!
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Opportunities
The College of Education and Professional Studies has a great new online masters program. In the Early Childhood Education Policy program, students will learn the essential interdisciplinary insights necessary for successful cross-sector collaboration to address early childhood education system solutions. Through study in this program, students will become policy leaders ready to work with schools, non-profit organizations, governmental agencies, advocacy groups, and institutes of higher education to focus on inclusion and support for all children and families.
Attached is a flyer and the link to online info is here.
Alverno College Opportunities - See Attached
Adult Classes from Waterford Rec Department
Youth Classes from Waterford Rec Department
Youth classes are available through Waterford Rec Department. Use this link to find out about the programs Waterford Rec Department offers. https://waterfordwi.myrec.com/info/activities/
Use this link for the Waterford Rec Department Spring Soccer Program: https://waterfordwi.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=29882
Waterford Summer School Program
Click here to view the updated guidebook: https://shorturl.at/qJM13
Once classes are finalized, fees will be assigned in Skyward!
Is there a class you’d like to sign up for at capacity? Fill out the form below to get on our waitlist! Please fill out one form for each child. You may request to be put on the waitlist for multiple classes. If a spot opens up, we’ll contact you!
Town of Norway Rec Department
Use the link below to learn about the classes and programs available through Town of Norway Recreation Department.
(These opportunities are not affiliated with Washington-Caldwell School District.)
Connect with Washington-Caldwell
Ms. Kelli Vogt, Assistant Principal -- kvogt@washcald.com
Mrs. Sue Krystowiak, Main Office Secretary -- skrystowiak@washcald.com
Ms. Karen Kaldor, Main Office Secretary -- kkaldor@washcald.com
Dousman Transport Bus Company 262-910-1310
Website: www.washcald.com
Location: 8937 Big Bend Road, Waterford, WI, USA
Phone: 262-662-3466
Facebook: www.facebook.com/wcbulldogs