MVS Family News
Blazing our own path to excellence!
Monday, November 27
We hope that each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Break with your families! I took a few minutes over break to give thanks for all of my precious MVS students and the ability to offer them a different way to learn. It is so exciting to see students take charge of their education and be successful! We want to send out a special congratulations to senior Shaun P., who completed all of his courses this morning and has met all of the criteria to graduate in December! We are so proud of you!
Go M@VS!
:0) Mrs. Bishop
Upcoming Dates
November 27 - December 8-- State Testing for 10-12 grades (see below)
December 1-- SENIORS! Cap and Gown Orders due
December 4-- TN Promise meeting at MHS Cafe 4:00 PM (for seniors who signed up for TN Promise)
December 15-- Admin Day - No School
December 18 to January 2-- Winter Break - No School
January 8-- Optional ASVAB testing for grades 10-12 (see below)
Fall EOC Testing for 10-12 grades
If your student is in 10th-12th grade and currently taking English 2, Criminal Justice 2, Intro to Business, Biology, Geometry, or Algebra 1, he/she must come to take their state end of courses tests. Below is the schedule. (If your student is testing in a small group, please look for an email from Mrs. Bishop with the date/time.) These tests are mandatory, and all tests are taken on laptops.
- Monday, Nov. 27, 8:30 to 10:30-- English 2 (part 1)
- Wednesday, Nov. 29, 9:00 to 11:30-- Intro to Business
- Thursday, Nov. 30, 9:00 to 11:30-- Criminal Justice 2
- Friday, Dec. 1, 8:30 to 12:00-- English 2 (part 2 & 3)
- Tuesday, Dec. 5, 8:30 to 10:15-- Biology
- Thursday, Dec. 7, 8:30 to 12:00-- Geometry
- Friday, Dec. 8, 8:30 to 12:30-- Algebra 1
MVS T-Shirts/ Hoodies Pick Up
YouScience: Learn About the Science of You!
Your students have incredible access to a platform we use called YouScience. This program allows students to complete 11 "brain games" that will create results for potential jobs that would align with your student's skill set and interest level. We highly recommend all of our students from 9th grade through 12th grade to complete these. The brain games are not intended to be done in one sitting; therefore, we suggest doing 1-3 at a time. These last from 4-15 minutes. Each student should have received an email invitation to set up their account through the school email address. For more information, students can check out the Ready Grad Canvas page to see a video that describes what YouScience does and its ability to accurately give matches for future jobs. We encourage you to have your student(s) access this and see what jobs they would be best suited for.
SENIORS! Cap and Gown Ordering
Herff Jones should have already sent you an email regarding the ordering process for ordering your Senior's Cap and Gown. If you haven't received the email you can find our special MVS Herff Jones web store by clicking here. All orders need to be placed before December 1st to ensure enough production and delivery time. The website can be a little confusing so here are the steps to reach the section to order the cap and gown.
- Click the Herff Jones link above
- On the right side select "Shop Grad Products"
- At the top you will see 3 rectangles with choices, choose "Graduation A La Carte" to order the cap and gown.
- Scroll to the bottom for Graduation Essentials
College & Career Corner
If you missed the Senior Post-High School Planning Meeting, click here to view the presentation and MVS Senior checklist.
If you missed the Sophomore/ Junior Post-High School Planning Meeting, click here to view the presentation.
TN Promise Mandatory Meeting
A reminder to all parents of seniors that the TN Promise mandatory meeting is on 12/04/2023 at 4:00 PM in the MHS cafeteria. This one-hour session is vital for maintaining TN Promise scholarship eligibility. TnAchieves will introduce their programming and discuss TN Promise requirements. Students will then have the chance to meet volunteer mentors from the community. All TN Promise applicants must attend. Parents/guardians cannot attend on a student's behalf. Arrival on time and full meeting duration attendance is required.
ASVAB - Optional Testing for grades 10-12
Your 10th-12th grade student can opt in to taking the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test on January 8 beginning at 8:25am at MHS. Students can choose whether or not they want their scores to be reported to the military. Participation in the ASVAB does not obligate a student to talk with a military recruiter or consider a military career. ASVAB results offer access to excellent career exploration information that can assist students in finding a career that matches their strengths. Please email Mrs. Bishop if you want to sign up.
State Test Out
After the last legislative session, students in grades 9-12 are provided the opportunity to test out of certain graduation requirements by earning a passing score on a comprehensive credit exam prior to enrolling in the class. Testing out is an opportunity for students to earn credits for material they may already have a strong foundation in, without having to take the actual course for a semester or school year. To understand more about the courses for this opportunity, the score required, and the testing dates, please go to this link: https://mhs.maryville-schools.org/academics/state-test-out. The first testing date for this school year will be Saturday, December 2nd. If you need more information, please email Mrs. Bishop.
Commuity Connections
Procedure Reminders
Ready to Start Driving?
Students must request their 1010 Form before going to the DMV to receive their Learner’s Permit. Please call MVS or email Jennifer Davis. 1010 forms are given based on the previous 9 weeks' grades. If you are failing multiple classes, you are not eligible for a 1010 form until your grades are brought up to passing. The 1010 forms are good for 30 days during the school year.
Turning in Late Work?
If you are turning in any late work, be sure to always contact your teacher after submitting the assignment. Teachers are not notified when a student submits assignments after the due date, so they may not know you even turned something in.
Feeling Sick?
MVS Contacts
Principal: Deana Bishop
Registrar/Bookkeeper/Front Office: Jennifer Davis
Academic Support Center: Marissa Geter
IEPs/ 504s: Melissa Vagnier
Ready Graduate Advisor (9-12): Wes Lambert
School Resource Officer: Adam Cook
Tech Support for Hardware: Click on the "Student Tech Help" button in ClassLink or click here.