Port Barre Elementary
September 23-27
Port Barre Elementary School’s Vision Statement
The vision of Port Barre Elementary School is to develop attitudes, skills, and ideals which will prepare all students for college and careers.
Port Barre Elementary School’s Mission Statement
The Leaders at Port Barre Elementary will follow the Three B's--be safe, be respectful, and be responsible.
Help support PBE by collecting and sending in Community Coffee labels and pull tabs off of cans to your child's homeroom teacher. You may download the Box Tops app and scan your receipts and apply the points to PBES. We appreciate your support.
Parents Make the Difference
Please click the link to view Parents Make the Difference September 2024 Newsletter.
PBIS Kickoff
Wednesday, September 25---students may wear jeans and a sports jersey/shirt to represent their favorite high school, college, or professional sports team. We will have our PBIS Kickoff "Gearing Up for Good Behavior". All jeans must not have any rips, tears, or holes in which you can see the skin underneath.
Fall Pictures
Thursday, September 26---All students will take fall pictures in school uniform. Students will receive a code to view pictures online with Susan Angelle Photography.
Student ID Cards
All students have been issued a student ID card. This card is needed for breakfast and lunch. If your child does not have their ID card, they will need to get a temporary ID. Each day they do not have their ID card, it costs $1.00 for the temporary card to be printed. If your child loses his/her ID card, there is a $5.00 replacement fee.
If you attend Port Barre High School Athletic events, the ID card will also allow student discount at the entry gate.
Bell Schedule
- 7:45 First Bell - Cafeteria closes at this time. All students report to the classroom.
- 7:50 Tardy Bell - Students who arrive after the tardy bell must be signed in and receive a tardy slip
- 3:00 Dismissal Bell - Bus riders are called to the front to board the bus
- 3:10 After buses depart, car rider line begins.
2:45 p.m. - No early checkouts after this time.
Students are expected to be in attendance every school day scheduled by SLPSB. When a child checks in late or checks out early, instructional time is missed. Pre-K - 8th grade students will not be allowed to exceed ten (10) absences each school year.
Parents will be contacted via telephone, letter and/or home visit on the 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, etc. absence and/or tardy. We are mandated to report every fifth (5th) absence and/or tardy to the St. Landry Parish School Board Office of Child Welfare and Attendance. If attendance does not improve, the parent shall be referred to the St. Landry Parish City Prosecutor and Opelousas City Court.
Louisiana law mandates compulsory school attendance and every parent or legal guardian of a student shall enforce and be held accountable for the attendance of their child for every day scheduled by the School Board until their 18th birthday, unless the student graduates before their 18th birthday. La. R.S. 17:221(A)
Monday and Tuesday--students must wear uniform polo shirt and unifom bottoms.
Wednesday and Thursday - students may wear uniform polo shirt or this year's spirit shirt with uniform bottoms.
Friday - Jean Day for $1.00 each Friday. (unless you have paid for the year). Students may wear spirit shirts from prior years only on Fridays. Jeans may not have rips or tears in which you can see skin underneath.
Registration Fees
Registration Fee for the 2024-2025 school year is $25.00. This fee includes technology, home to school communication folder, student's initial ID, student incentives, classroom supplies, copier supplies, copy paper, and other various student needs. You may pay online in the parent portal using the link below.
Louisiana Revised Statute 24.11
Act 422 of the 2023 Regular Legislative Session mandates that students in traditional public schools must meet specific literacy proficiency standards to be promoted to the fourth grade.