TMHS Wildcat Choir
October 21-26
Find our full year calendar at the bottom of the newsletter!
Patriotic Show Shenanigans!
Our students did an amazing job performing at the TISD Patriotic Show on Friday, and Chorale did an amazing job singing National Anthem with the THS Chorale! It was so much fun to watch!
October Solo and Ensemble Contest
Our Fall Solo and Ensemble contest is Friday, October 25th. The entry cost will be covered by TMHS Choir unless the student does not show up to the contest for any reason. In the case of a student not participating after signing up, the solo cost is $11 and the ensemble cost per member is $8.
Students will be using a recorded accompaniment.
We will need approximately 5 volunteers and will be asking students this week to help.
Our portion of the contest will begin right after school. If your student is singing they will be done by 4:30pm.
All-State Region Auditions
The Region Audition is Saturday, October 26th at TMHS. This is a major event that we host and we will be needing a lot of student and parent help to ensure everything runs smoothly.
Student volunteers will need to be at TMHS by 6:45am and will likely be helping until approx. 3:00pm.
Please consider clicking the link below to sign up to donate some items needed for the concessions stands, or to volunteer at the contests!
If you plan on volunteering, please complete the volunteer application below!
For Auditionees-
The Region Audition is Saturday, October, 26th at Tomball Memorial HS (19100 Northpointe Ridge Ln, Tomball, TX 77377). Registration will not open until 7:30am. Audition cuts will be given out at 8:15am and a final call will be made for registration at that time. Registration closes at 8:30am.
All TMHS Choir Students auditioning should meet in the TMHS Choir room at 7:00am to do a quick warm up together and then walk to the cafeteria. Please note that students auditioning are not allowed to help volunteer with running the contest.
-STUDENT Drivers: should park in the Fine Arts parking lot and enter through the Performing Arts
-LATE AUDITIONEES MUST enter through the Bus parking cafeteria doors. NOTE: LATE requests must arrive by 12:30 pm to ensure they’ll be allowed to audition.
-Students being picked up throughout the audition will need to instruct parents to pick them up in the bus lot at the cafeteria doors.
Upon arrival, ALL STUDENTS WILL GO TO CAFETERIA TO REGISTER and receive cuts. Once registration closes, students will then be taken to their assigned rooms to warm up and be taken through cuts. Tomball Memorial HS will have signs directing singers to their appropriate rooms. Directors will go straight to the LGI and should not go with their students to registration. Registration opens at 7:30 am and closes at 8:30. Students arriving after 8:30 am will not be permitted to audition unless they are a LATE request.
Sopranos warm up: Cafeteria
Altos warm up: Orchestra Room
Tenors warm up: Choir Room
Basses warm up: Auditorium
The first group of students to audition will be called from their warm-up room. The remaining students from all voice parts will report to the cafeteria to await their audition. Students need to follow directions regarding line up and appropriate times to go to the restroom.
During the "warm Âup" the students will go through the cuts 2 times per section (e.g., Alto 1 Â 2x, Alto 2 Â 2x). The cuts will not be rehearsed again. Students may vocalize after that point but may not practice the audition music. Please let your students know that they can only sing the cut material for their section. In other words, a soprano 1 cannot sing through the cuts again with the soprano 2s. This is a violation of the audition process and will be enforced.
In their warm up rooms, students will be lined up in groups of 10. Once the first 10 are sent to the audition rooms, the next 10 will be called to the lineÂup area. Shortly after the second group of 10 is in the lineup area, all remaining students will be sent to the cafeteria for the rest of the contest day.
Students should take care of any personal needs prior to going to registration. If they are in the first group of 20 (or have requested an AM time), there won’t be an opportunity to use the restroom until after their audition. If students ask to go to the restroom before 9am, the answer will be NO. Please share this information with your students.
There are no electronic devices allowed at the audition. This includes smart watches.
There are no musical instruments allowed at the audition.
Please be sure that your chaperones and parents know that they can use
electronic devices, but may not allow students to use them. Remind them to use a safe distance when operating a device in proximity of students.
Students WILL be allowed to call for parent pick-up at the phone call table, monitored by the adult at the table. (More about this below).
Please tell your students to bring money to support the TMHS Booster Club by purchasing items from the concession stand! They will be serving assorted snacks and lunch items, in addition to water and tea. A list of specific concession items will be sent next week for students. We will have pizza available for $2/slice. Cash and card will be accepted, however all card payments include a service charge.
RESULTS: Advancing students will be announced in alphabetical by voice part.
SITE PROTOCOLS: Entry doors will automatically unlock at 7:00am and lock at 8:45am. Please park in the designated parking areas according to the maps. The athletic area by the gyms has no access to the rest of the school.
7:30 - 8:30 Registration
8:15 Cuts are distributed
8:30 TMHS students ready to take judges to their rooms. (They will be waiting outside the LGI)
8:30 Warm up begins in designated areas
8:35 Cuts twice with each voice part in room (16 minutes)
8:30 JUDGES Line up and depart for rooms
8:45 TMHS students ready to take auditionees to their rooms.
8:52 SINGERS Line up and depart for rooms
9:00 1st person waiting to walk into the room
9:01 Auditions begin.
Region Pass-Offs & Mock Auditions
Region Mock Auditions are Monday the 21st from 3-5! Please let the directors know if you have any conflicts that cause you to need to be early or late ASAP! Cuts will be distributed at 3:00pm and we will begin the auditions at 3:30pm. Region mock works the same way as District mock, so there's no need to be nervous!
If you advanced to the Region round of the All-State process, please make sure you are coming in for pass-offs once a week! There are no sectionals for this round, so you need to make sure you are working on your music on your own time. Pass-offs are a great way to check on your progress and to get pointers from the directors on how to improve before the audition!
Veteran's Day Flags
This is the sign-up for our Veterans Day Flag Fundraiser. We welcome your help in distributing flags to our subscribers that support all we do in choir! Your student will earn service points that they can use on choir trips, banquets, & many any other choir expenses. These points apply to the 2024-2025 school year so you can bank them for future expenses.
The deadline to sign up is Tuesday, October 29, 2024. We will distribute flags on Saturday, November 2nd. We will be at Tomball Memorial High School (bus parking lot) from 9 -10 AM for you to pick up your flags. Flags need to be picked up and returned to the high school on Sunday, November 17th, from 3 - 4 PM.
These times are when someone will be at the school to give & receive the flags, NOT when you should start collecting the flags for return. You can pick up the day before, but you will need to store the flags in a secure location until the return time.
*****Please be sure you can fulfill both the distribution and pick-up of flags before you commit, or partner with a friend to each do one day or both together!****
Thank you so much for participating!
If you have any questions or issues, contact Naomi at 281-224-2921.
Pop Show Auditions
Directors cannot give song suggestions.
All songs must be cut to 2 minutes and 30 seconds at the auditions.
Seniors ONLY may audition with a slow song.
Audition Sign-ups are posted on the board in the front of the choir room.
Choir Class Fee
Emails will be sent out Monday if you still have not paid your Choir Class Fee.
Choir Spring Trip 2025
Please make sure that you are making payments for the Spring Trip if you are traveling with us! The next payment is due October 15th!
We are so excited for our spring trip this year! Please continue to make monthly payments via the link below, and if you have any questions please let us know!
Parent chaperones can make their payments using the same link as student payments, but please indicate who the payment is for under "recipient name". For student payments, please put your student's name under "recipient name"
Please be aware that students must be academically and attendance eligible to travel on the spring trip.
All schoolcashonline payments will have an additional service charge that does not count toward the payment. For example, the initial deposit is $100, but has a $5 service charge. Also be aware that the initial deposit is non-refundable and monies paid for the rest of the trip cannot be refunded after the December 15th payment, unless you are able to sell your trip for full price.
If you have missed a payment you can make multiple payments via the schoolcash link below. You are also welcome to send in a check or cash.
If you are chaperoning for our Spring Trip please make sure you have completed our TISD Volunteer application below!
Become a Choir Booster Club Member and Sponsor!
Thank you so much for your support of our choir! There are multiple levels of support, and all are greatly appreciated.
$25.00 Donation - Booster Supporters will receive slideshow recognition at our concerts.
$50.00 Donation - Silver Supporters will receive two reserved seats to the winter concert and slideshow recognition at our concerts.
$100.00 Donation - Navy Supporters will receive four reserved seats to all concerts and slideshow recognition at our concerts.
$250.00 Donation - Wildcatter Supporters will receive four tickets to Pop Show, four reserved seats to all concerts, and slideshow recognition at our concerts.
Class Representatives
Congratulations to our Class Representatives for the following classes:
Bel Canto: Julene Shyju and Lilyan Nguyen
Dudes: Andrew Stabell
Section of the Week!
Section of the Week is back! Each week we select a section in each class that has done an outstanding job throughout the week. At the end of the year, we will add up all of the sections and whoever has won section of the week the most in each class will receive a donut party!
Belles: Altos
Dudes: Tenors
Bel Canto: Soprano 2s
Bella Voce: Soprano 1s
Chorale: Sopranos
Chamber: Tenors
Choir Spirit Student of the Week!
Choir Spirit Student of the Week:
Dudes member Jacob Bethel for being vigilant over student safety and never leaving a brother behind.
Birthdays This Week!
Tim Zhao - October 25
Upcoming Events
October 21 - 3:00-5:00pm - Region Mock Auditions
October 25 - 3:00-7:00pm - HOST TMHS and Middle School Solo and Ensemble
October 26 - HOST TMEA All-State Region Auditions
October 29 - 5:00-7:00 - Trunk or Treat Social
October 29-30 - Pop Show Auditions after school
November 1 - Home Football Game (8th Grade Night with WWJH and GLJH)
November 2 - 9:00-10:00am - Flag pick up
November 7 - Bella Voce Kemah Choir Days Festival
November 12 - 6:00pm - Booster Club Meeting
November 15-16 - Region Weekend Clinic and Concert
November 17 - 3:00-4:00pm - Flag drop off
November 21 - 6:00pm - Family Feast Thanksgiving Social
December 3 - TMEA All-State Pre-Area Auditions
December 6 - 5:00-7:00pm - Winter Social
December 9 - 7:00pm - Winter Concert
December 10 - 6:00pm - Booster Club Meeting
December 12 - Major Chords The Woodlands Market Street Competition
Bolded events are required of all choir students
TMHS Wildcat Choir
Website: tmhschoir.com
Location: 19100 Northpointe Ridge Lane, Tomball, TX, USA
Phone: 281-357-3230 1106
Twitter: @theTMHSchoir