Shark News

Important information 🔔 | Información importante 🔔
Please make sure you read through the information shared in the weekly newsletters as they answer a lot of frequently asked questions. Don't forget to check your student's folders on Thursday's, they contain communication from teachers!
Asegúrese de leer detenidamente la información compartida en los boletines semanales, ya que responden a muchas preguntas frecuentes. ¡No olvide revisar las carpetas de sus estudiantes los jueves, contienen comunicaciones de los maestros!
23-24 Federal Report Card | boletas de calificaciones federales 2023-2024
Katy ISD is sharing information about the state, district, and your child’s campus as part of our obligations under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). The Federal Report Cards are available for your review in the front office of our school or online at: The 2023-2024 Federal Report Cards can be accessed online at: https://rptsvr1.tea.texas.gov/perfreport/frc/frc_srch.html?year=2024
Katy ISD comparte información sobre el estado, distrito y escuela de su hijo(a) como parte de nuestras obligaciones bajo la ley federal ''Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA)''. Están disponibles dos boletas de calificación (federal) para su revisión en la oficina principal de nuestra escuela o en lÃnea: Las boletas de calificaciones federales 2023-2024 pueden obtenerse en lÃnea:
Westpark Tollway Survey | Encuesta sobre autopistas de Westpark
The Harris County Toll Road Authority, Fort Bend County and other agencies are partnering to conduct a Westpark Tollway study to improve mobility and optimize transit options
Take the survey at Westparkmobility.org/get-involved/survey
La Autoridad de Carreteras de Peaje del Condado de Harris, el Condado de Fort Bend y otras agencias se están asociando para realizar un estudio de Westpark Tollway para mejorar la movilidad y optimizar las opciones de transporte.
Responda la encuesta en Westparkmobility.org/get-involved/survey
📅 Upcoming: (Please note some changes)
Monday, February 10th - Friday, February 28th
- Spring Book Fair ONLINE FAIR LINK
- Parenting with Love & Logic virtual sessions FLYER
Thursday, February 13th
- PTA Meeting @ 5pm
- CATCH Night 3rd & 4th Grades @ 5:30PM FLYER
- Book Fair Night 4:30PM - 6:30PM FLYER | SP. Flyer
Friday, February 14th
- Classroom friendship parties - Teachers will send out communication
Monday, February 17th
- No school for students
Thursday, February 20th
Thursday, February 27th
- 2nd Grade field trip - Teachers will be in communication with parents
Thursday, March 6th
- 1st Grade Musical 5:30pm-6:30PM
Monday, March 10-14th
- Spring Break - No school
Thursday, March 27th
- PTA Meeting, Museum Night - Kona Ice Truck
Monday, March 31st
Parents, please DO NOT leave your student(s) unattended outside of the building before the school doors open at 8:05AM. Staff begin arrival duty at 8:05. If your students are car riders, please use the car rider line. The front office drop off is for Day Care and Special Transportation only; you MUST have a Schmalz blue car rider tag to use this lane. If you arrive after 8:30AM, please park your vehicle and walk your student(s) into the school, make sure you bring your ID. If you need before and/or after school care, please consider the onsite YMCA.
Padres, NO dejen a sus estudiantes sin supervisión afuera del edificio antes de que las puertas de la escuela abran a las 8:05 a.m. El personal comienza a atender las llegadas a las 8:05 a.m. Si sus estudiantes viajan en automóvil, utilice la fila para pasajeros en automóvil. El carril de entrada a la oficina principal es solo para guarderÃas y transporte especial; DEBE tener una etiqueta azul de Schmalz para usar este carril. Si llega después de las 8:30 a.m., estacione su vehÃculo y acompañe a sus estudiantes hasta la escuela; asegúrese de traer su identificación.Si necesita cuidado antes y/o después de la escuela, considere el YMCA dentro de la escuela.
Yearbooks are now on sale! | Los anuarios ya están a la venta
Yearbooks are now available for purchase. Be sure to order by 03/01/25 to receive the best pricing!
$30.00 until 03/01/2025
$35.00 until 04/15/2025
The books will be delivered in May.
Los anuarios ya están disponibles para su compra. ¡Asegúrese de realizar su pedido antes del 01/03/25 para recibir el mejor precio!
$30.00 hasta el 01/03/2025
$35.00 hasta el 15/04/2025
Los libros se entregarán en mayo.
Please note an important update | Tenga en cuenta una actualización importante
Bus Questions - Preguntas sobre el Autobus
Can My Student Ride the Bus?
Enter your address and find out!
https://busroutes.katyisd.org/wqsimweb/webquery/¿Puede viajar en el autobús mi estudiante?
Ingrese su dirección para averiguarlo
SMARTtag Parent App
This school year, the SMART Tag web-based Parent Portal will be replaced by the SMART Tag App,
which will send push notifications to registered mobile devices and tablets, providing parents with
instant updates about delays, route alterations, or emergencies.This app will supplant the web app that was utilized last year. The web app utilized SMS text notifications which were not as consistent as push notifications. Parents who already have a SMART
Tag account will be able to use the same log-in information on the app.
Please watch the Youtube video below to help walk you through the process.
Katy ISD SMART Tag App (youtube.com)
Aplicación para padres SMARTtag
Este año escolar, el portal para padres basado en la web SMART Tag será reemplazado por la aplicación SMART Tag, que enviará notificaciones automáticas a dispositivos móviles y tabletas registrados, brindando a los padres actualizaciones instantáneas sobre retrasos, modificaciones de rutas o emergencias. Esta aplicación reemplazará la aplicación web que se utilizó el año pasado. La aplicación web utilizaba notificaciones de texto SMS que no eran tan consistentes como las notificaciones automáticas. Padres que ya tienen un SMART La cuenta Tag podrá utilizar la misma información de inicio de sesión en la aplicación.
Mire el vÃdeo de Youtube a continuación para ayudarle en el proceso.
3rd - 5th Grade Parents | Padres de 3o a 5 grado
In accordance with Texas Education Code 28.004 and House Bill 1525, 4th and 5th grade students will receive instruction on the required health Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) specific to human growth and development.
Under Texas statute, parents must provide written consent for their 4th and 5th grade student(s) to participate in lessons that address the topics of human growth and development.
On Monday, February 3, 2025, parents/guardians of 4th and 5th grade students will receive detailed information via email regarding viewing the associated lessons and the process for recording their decision for their student to participate in the lessons.
Outlined below are the timeframes for the parent consent process and the scheduled instructional periods:
Parent Opt-In Window: February 3rd – March 7th
Instruction Window: April 7th – May 22nd
Fourth and Fifth Grade Student Safety Survey: Only log into My Katy if you DO NOT want your 4th or 5th Grader to Participate.
Senate Bill 2050, passed during the 87th legislative session, requires school districts to collect information annually through student surveys on bullying/cyberbullying and use the survey results to develop action plans to address student concerns.
All Katy ISD students in 4th-12th grade are invited to participate in an online survey administered by K12 Insight. K12 Insight manages online surveys for school districts nationwide, safeguarding the confidentiality of participants’ responses. Students will be prompted to enter their student ID numbers solely to verify student participation by campus and grade level in an effort to maintain data integrity. K12 Insight will not provide Katy ISD or any outside party with data that connects a participant to his or her survey responses.
The 4th and 5th Grade Students at Schmalz Elementary will participate in the survey on Thursday, February 20th. Participation in the survey is voluntary. Parents and guardians may opt their child out of participation by logging in to MyKaty and selecting the KISD Option Portal icon. The opt-out deadline is February 9, 2024.
Click here to review the survey https://www.katyisd.org/Page/10092
1:1 Devices | Dispositivos 1:1
Important information about Chromebooks:
Chromebook Distribution Letter
Información importante sobre Chromebooks:
If your child participated in Reading and Math STAAR tests last school year. Scores were received by the district around June 3rd are viewable in HAC as of June 14th. Click here for directions to view your child's STARR scores.
Si su hijo(a) participó en las pruebas STAAR de Lectura y Matemáticas el año escolar pasado, las calificaciones fueron recibidas por el distrito alrededor del 3 de junio y se pueden ver en HAC a partir del 14 de junio. Aqui estan las instrucciones para ver los puntajes STARR de su hijo.
Gifted & Talented
Parents, please read about our GT program if you would like more information.
School Store
School Store fund-raiser begins on 9/30/2024
Please look over this video to learn more about the School Store
La recaudación de fondos de la tienda escolar comienza el 30 de septiembre
Mire este video para obtener más información sobre la Tienda Escolar.
Grade Level Newsletters | Boletines por Nivel de Grado
ESL & BIL Student News
Calendar, School Supplies | Calendario, útiles escolares
2024 - 2025 Important Information
Consulte la lista de útiles escolares 24-25.
24-25 Arrival and Dismissal Map | 24-25 Mapa de Llegada y Salida
Please look over the map to familiarize yourself with your drop off and pick up route. Please watch out for our Sharks and Staff members during both.
Revise el mapa para familiarizarse con su ruta de ida y regreso. Tenga cuidado con nuestros estudiantes y miembros del personal durante ambos.
Policies | polÃticas & procedimientos
NEW REQUIREMENT | nuevo requerimiento
Physical/Hard Copy Government-Issued Identifications
As Katy ISD continues its review of safety practices and protocols, it's essential to stress the significance of physical/hard copy government-issued identifications for accessing campuses/facilities, student registration, and student pickup. The district is strictly enforcing this requirement and will no longer accept paper or digital copies of driver's licenses, visas, and passports at any of its campuses or facilities, for these purposes. Katy ISD greatly appreciates the community's cooperation with these safety procedures and the ongoing partnership to maintain safe and secure environments across campuses.
Identificaciones fÃsicas/impresas emitidas por el gobierno
A medida que el Distrito de Katy continúa su revisión de las prácticas y protocolos de seguridad, es esencial enfatizar la importancia de las identificaciones fÃsicas/impresas emitidas por el gobierno para acceder a las escuelas/instalaciones, el registro de estudiantes y la recogida de estudiantes. El distrito está haciendo cumplir estrictamente este requisito y ya no aceptará copias impresas o digitales de licencias de conducir, visas y pasaportes en ninguno de sus escuelas o instalaciones, para estos fines. El Distrito de Katy aprecia enormemente la cooperación de la comunidad con estos procedimientos de seguridad y la asociación continua para mantener entornos seguros en todas las escuelas.
Katy ISD requires all volunteers serving on or off-campus during or after the instructional day to register with the district through its Raptor security system. Once registered and approved, individual volunteers can:
• Sign up as a campus volunteer by completing the volunteer recruitment form provided by your campus organization(s) or contact your campus volunteer coordinator.
• Track hours via their volunteer profile for every Katy ISD campus at which they volunteer
• The system also provides quick and easy submission of individual off-campus volunteer hours
Volunteer Application - English
Katy ISD requiere que todos los voluntarios que prestan servicios dentro o fuera del campus durante o después del dÃa de instrucción se registren con el distrito a través de su sistema de seguridad Raptor. Una vez registrados y aprobados, los voluntarios individuales pueden:
• RegÃstrese como voluntario del campus completando el formulario de reclutamiento de voluntarios proporcionado por las organizaciones de su campus o comunÃquese con el coordinador de voluntarios de su campus.
• Realice un seguimiento de las horas a través de su perfil de voluntario para cada campus de Katy ISD en el que sean voluntarios.
• El sistema también proporciona un envÃo rápido y sencillo de horas de voluntariado individual fuera del campus.
Are You Moving? | ¿Se mudan?
Dear Families,
We want to ensure our records are up to date. If your family is planning a move, please email amberrkruse@katyisd.org
Estimadas familias,
Queremos asegurarnos de que nuestros registros estén actualizados. Si su familia está planeando mudarse, envien un correo electronico a amberrkruse@katyisd.org
Celebrate your student's birthday by displaying it on the Schmalz Marquee.
Birthday message will be displayed for 1 week starting on the day of the student's birthday.
¡La carpa de cumpleaños está en vivo!
Celebre el cumpleaños de su estudiante exponiéndolo en la carpa Schmalz.
El mensaje de cumpleaños se mostrará durante 1 semana a partir del dÃa del cumpleaños del estudiante.
Electronic Devices | Dispositivos electrónicos
Learn About the House System | Aprenda sobre el sistema de casas
Library News | Noticias de la biblioteca
All things PTA
If you have any questions, please reach out to membership@schmalzpta.com or any of your board members for assistance!
Attendance & Dress Code | Asistencia y código de vestimenta
Attendance Information
Attendance matters! Every day counts toward your child's success and future opportunities. Let's work together to ensure they are present and engaged. Katy ISD Attendance policies
¡La asistencia importa! Cada dÃa cuenta para el éxito y las oportunidades futuras de su hijo. Trabajemos juntos para asegurarnos de que estén presentes y participando. PolÃticas de asistencia de Katy ISD
Checking Students In and Out
- Please be aware students arriving AFTER 9:55 am without a doctor's note will be considered absent.
- The cutoff to check your student out from the front office is 3:00PM. Please make sure you bring your picture I.D. every time you request to come in.
Registro de entrada y salida de estudiantes
- Tenga en cuenta que los estudiantes que lleguen DESPUÉS de las 9:55 am sin una nota del médico se considerarán ausentes.
- La hora lÃmite para sacar a su estudiante de la oficina principal es a las 3:00 p.m. Por favor asegúrese de traer su identificación con fotografÃa. cada vez que solicitas entrar.
Dress Code | Vestimenta
We do not require a uniform, however, please ensure your students come to school in comfortable and weather appropriate clothes.
No requerimos uniforme, sin embargo, asegúrese de que sus estudiantes vengan a la escuela con ropa cómoda y apropiada para el clima.
Nurse's Corner | rincón de la enfermera
Volunteering - Voluntarios
Calling all parents and grandparents! We need you!!
Schmalz Elementary School is starting volunteer opportunities. You do not need to belong to the PTA although we would like to welcome you to join.
Some volunteer opportunities in September are:
- Help with the library book fair.
- Volunteer in the workroom making copies, laminating, etc. for teachers.
1st- Anyone who wants to volunteer in the school must register in the Raptor System. Please do this as soon as possible.
Thank you for volunteering to help our great school! All the awesome upcoming volunteer opportunities for this school year will be found here! Schmalz Elementary is so glad that you are here!
If you have questions please email
I registered in Raptor and now what?
2nd- Use the signup app below to volunteer!
¡Llamando a todos los padres y abuelos! ¡¡Te necesitamos!!
La Escuela Primaria Schmalz está iniciando oportunidades de voluntariado. No es necesario que pertenezca a la PTA, aunque nos gustarÃa darle la bienvenida para que se una.
Algunas oportunidades de voluntariado en septiembre son:
• Ayuda con la feria del libro de la biblioteca.
• Voluntario en el salón de trabajo haciendo copias, laminando, etc. para los maestros.
1º- Cualquier persona que quiera ser voluntario en la escuela deberá registrarse en el Sistema Raptor. Por favor haga esto lo antes posible.
¡Gracias por ofrecerse como voluntario para ayudar a nuestra gran escuela! ¡Todas las increÃbles oportunidades de voluntariado que se avecinan para este año escolar se encontrarán aquÃ! ¡La Primaria Schmalz está muy contenta de que estés aquÃ!
Si tiene preguntas envÃe un correo electrónico
Me registré en Raptor y ¿ahora qué? 2do- ¡Utiliza la aplicación de registro a continuación para ser voluntario!
We are searching for campus mentors!
The KEYS Mentoring program (Keep Encouraging Youth toward Success) has been so helpful to our students in Katy ISD. I'm sure you are aware that mentoring creates a positive impact in youth’s lives. They find more self-confidence, self-esteem, and are able to create big goals for themselves. Our goal is for every student who needs a mentor to have one. No waitlists, or students who go without because we are short. If you are open to mentoring or know someone who would love to mentor at Schmalz, please complete or share the application at the link below and be sure to choose Schmalz as your mentor campus. Likewise, if you would like your student to have a mentor, please contact one of the school counselors for more information.
YMCA Program | Programa de YMCA
Special Thanks to Our Community Members and Business Partners...
Support our Community & Business Partners
Covenant Lutheran Church
Mesa Outreach
Houston Trinity United Methodist Church
24-25 Schmalz Elementary Staff
Special Education Department
Academic Support Teachers
Front Office & Clinic Team
Security Officer
Schmalz Elementary
Location: 18605 Green Land Way, Houston, TX, USA
Phone: 281-237-4500
Front Office Email: SESOffice@katyisd.org