Hawk Talk - November 3, 2023
Hawthorne Elementary School
Hawthorne Families
We have lots of great things coming up!
- Keep scrolling for more information, dates and special events.
HAWTHORNE PTO - Next MEETING - Monday, November 6 @ 3:20
Parents, Teachers, Friends of Hawthorne - At this meeting, we will be:
- Planning a dinner for teachers during our first Parent-Teacher conferences on Thursday, 11/30
- Helping to plan for our "Christmas Around the World" Reading night on 12/11/23.
Monday, 11/6 - dress like a teacher (principal, or staff member) day!
Tuesday, 11/7 - Wear Fall Colors
Wednesday, 11/8 - Wacky Wednesday! (mismatched clothes, etc.)
Thursday, 11/9 - Pajama Day!
Friday, 11/10 Red, White and Blue to honor our Veterans
Hawthorne Wendy's Night!
Our annual "Wendy's Night" is Wednesday, 11/8 from 5-8:00 at the Wendy's on Northgate Mile (by Fred Meyer). Our school gets a share of the profits from every sale - so come out for dinner and support our school!
Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Please check your students backpack for your schedule note - they went home today (Fri. 11/3)
- Conferences are on:
- Thursday, Nov. 30 from 3:30-7:30 p.m.
- Friday, Dec. 1 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m..
- Friday, Dec. 1 will be an AT HOME LEARNING DAY for our students. Teachers will either send home a packet, a project or their chromebook depending on the classroom and what students need to learn.
Honoring our Veterans
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - Hawthorne Advisory Council
We will be creating a SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL at Hawthorne. The purpose of the council is to work collaboratively to provide input and feedback about the school’s academic programs. The council will meet twice as a Hawthorne Council, then our Hawthorne Council will be asked to join the other school council's in a big district-wide meeting this spring. For our council we will need 5 parents, 4 teachers, 2 staff members, and 1 patron from our neighborhood. If you are interested or have friends or neighbors who might be interested, please click THIS LINK to let me know.
Halloween Character Story Contest
Thank you! To the Skyline High School students in Mrs. Batalden's Creative Writing Class who judged our stories.
Congratulations to our winners!
5th-6th grade
Winner: "Pumpkin Girls Return" by Kallen in Mrs. Jackson's class
Best opening: "Katie" by Emma from Mrs. Hays' class
Sweetest Halloween story: "The Ghost of the 100 Acre Wood" by Marshall in Ms. Ford's class
3rd-4th grade: (by the way, this group is FUNNY!)
Winner: "Jack and the Sand Witch" by Brynlee in Mrs. Timm's class (This was great!)
Funniest (We laughed SO HARD!): "The Pumpkin Patch" by Rosalie in Mr. Lollar's class
Great first line to hook us in: "WWE" by Cain in Mr. Lollar's class
1st and 2nd grade:
Winner: Sailor in Brown's class. So funny! We kept saying 'boogity-woogity' all day!
Best Moral: Charlotte in Mrs. Hart's class
Adorable story and great vocabulary: Raewyn in Mrs. Brown's class
Our parade was SUPER FUN! It was great to see so many smiling students and parents! This will be an annual tradition, so plan on it for next year.
Parade Pictures
Level Achieved!
Hawthorne Elementary School achieves Level 1 certification in Marzano High Reliability Schools™
Bloomington, Ind., October 31, 2023: Hawthorne Elementary School is pleased to announce the achievement of Level 1 certification in Marzano High Reliability Schools™. Level 1 certification means Hawthorne Elementary School has created a “Safe, Supportive, and Collaborative Culture,” which is the foundation for every level that follows. Without such a culture, student achievement will be compromised. Day-to-day school operations are addressed and evaluated in Level 1.
Important Dates
Mon. 11/6 Picture Retake Day 😀😀😀
Tues. 11/7 November Elections
Wed. 11/8 Hawthorne "Wendy's Night" 5-8:00 @ the Northgate Mile Wendy's
Thurs. 11/9 @ 9:50 6th grade to Colonial Theater for Ron Artis II concert
Fri. 11/10 Veteran’s Day at Hawthorne
Fri. 11/10 @ 10:15 3rd grade to the Civic Auditorium for Cinderella
Fri. 11/17 Growth & Development for 5th-6th (look for letters coming in the mail)
Mon. 11/20 - Fri. 11/24 Thanksgiving Break
Thurs. 11/30 Parent Teacher Conferences, 3:30-7:30
Fri. 12/1 Parent Teacher Conferences, 9:00-12:00
Mon. 12/11 Christmas Around the World - all school Reading & Writing event (FREE WINTER FUN)