Bulldog Paw Prints
August 30, 2024
We had our first all-school meeting today, and it went really well. We took time to introduce all of the new students, recognize August birthdays and learn about how the all-school meetings would be structured. Students also learned about all-school goals, classroom challenges, Bark-Outs and student recognition. It was a great meeting, and students are excited to keep displaying their most respectful, responsible and safe behavior.
Picture Day is Coming!
This year's school picture day is scheduled for Monday, September 16, and we will start working through the classrooms in groups first thing in the morning.
You will be receiving a hard copy of the flyer if you'd like to purchase school pictures this year, and I've attached a digital copy for you as well.
Our Run/Walk club will be starting in just a couple weeks. I've attached the full flyer below with the permission slip and the club meeting dates.
Insect Bites
As the year begins, we’ve noticed an increase in students visiting our health offices for insect bites, particularly on the neck, face, and arms. These bites are often red and itchy, and while we can provide Calamine lotion or an ice pack to ease discomfort, other over-the-counter treatments like Benadryl cream or Hydrocortisone require a completed Medication Authorization Form. The bites may be from the Oak Leaf Itch Mite.
Please ensure that these medications are not sent to school with your child unless proper authorization is in place. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact your school’s health office.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students safe and healthy.
PTA Fun Lunch
Our PTA is getting ready to launch our fun lunch program for the year, and we will be partnering with Zazzo's again this year. Fun lunches can be purchased as you register for the Belle Aire PTA, and registration can be completed via this link.
I've attached the food labels for your information.
Belle Aire Beliefs and Practicies
As a Belle Aire team, we have been working on a document we wanted to share with families so you can better understand the ins and outs of how we promote positive behaviors and how we respond to mistakes when mistakes are made. There is a lot of information in the document, so I will break things down for you over the coming weeks.
For this week, please focus on sample Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 behaviors and interventions. This leveled approach gives guidance to all of us on which staff members are working through unexpected behaviors with students and what type of intervention may be used when those unexpected behaviors arise.
Instrumental Music
The District 58 Instrumental Music teachers are excited to launch a new school year in BAND and ORCHESTRA and begin making music together again soon! We look forward to seeing returning students and also are thrilled to continue our work with the over 300 beginner instrumentalists who started their musical journey during our summer jumpstart program!
In-school lessons will be starting at each elementary school the week of Sep. 3rd. Once we have established this routine, students will also participate in weekly after-school rehearsals to prepare for their concerts! Please watch for an email from your student’s orchestra or band teacher with details about lesson and rehearsal schedules. Click here to meet your band and orchestra teachers - we look forward to seeing you soon!
District 58's Family Handbook
Families received and signed off on District 58's Family Handbook during registration last winter. As a new school year begins, we encourage families to carefully review the handbook again with their child(ren), as it offers an overview of the District’s policies, procedures, resources and student expectations.
2024-25 District 58 Family Handbook
2024-25 Manual Familias del Distrito 58
Please note: we updated the handbook this month to reflect recent policy updates and other minor updates. We added an addendum to the last page that outlines all recent updates.
Mark Your Calendars
Monday, September 2: NO SCHOOL
Thursday, September 5: Ag. in the Classroom (Gr. 3, during the day)
September 13: First PTA Fun unch
September 16: School Picture Day