The Current
May 3, 2019
In this Message:
- Elementary Task Force Recommendation Process
- School Board Meeting & District SAC Meeting – May 9
- District SAC Meeting – May 9 (Date Change)
- Teacher Appreciation Week – May 6 to 10
- Important Schedule Changes for Remainder of School Year
- School Board Student Representative Applications Open – Due May 6
- One Time Transfer Request for Oak Creek Resident Students
- LOSD Smart Start Checklist – 2019/2020
- LO Schools Foundation Seeks your Input
- Spring is here and so is Oregon's Growing Season
- Seeking Youth Advisory Members for LO City Boards
- Register for the Bus for 2019-2020
- SafeOregon
- Subscribe to Lake Oswego Schools App
- What's New at Community School?
Elementary Task Force Recommendation Process
On Monday, May 20, the School Board will host the Elementary Task Force to hear and discuss their draft recommendation. To manage urgent capacity issues, the administration will also present their seven interim recommendations (listed below) during a Board work session. The work session will be located in the boardroom at Central Office at 6:00 p.m. Board members will review the recommendations, ask questions, solicit input, and refer the information to the Long Range Facilities Planning Committee and administration for further investigation. The administration will then be tasked with creating a strategy, in partnership with the community, on how best to move forward with task force draft recommendations. Please read more about the Task Force Recommendation Process here.
School Board Meeting & District SAC Meeting – May 9
Thursday, May 9, 2019
School Board Regular Session – 6:00 p.m. (Rotunda)
Contract Review Board – approx. 6:30 p.m. (Rotunda)
District Parent Advisory Committee – 7:00 p.m. (Library)
Lakeridge High School – Rotunda & Library
1235 Overlook Drive; LO
I. SCHOOL BOARD – REGULAR SESSION – 6:00 p.m. (Rotunda)
3.1 Human Resources Report (Action) Chair Barman
3.2 Approval of Minutes
· April 4, 2019 – Executive Session/Contract Review Board/Regular Session
3.3 Policy JFCG/JFCH/JFCI – Use of Tobacco Products, Alcohol, Drugs or Inhalant Delivery Systems** (Action) Dr. Schiele
3.4 Policy KGC/GBK – Prohibited Use, Distribution or Sale of Tobacco Products and Inhalant Delivery Systems (Action) Dr. Schiele
4.1 K-12 Social Studies Curriculum Adoption (Action) Dr. Schiele
4.2 Supplementary Curriculum Adoption – EL & ML Spanish Immersion ELA & HS Computer Science (Action) Dr. Schiele
4.3 2019-20 Recommended Fees (Action) Mr.Ketzler
4.4 Proposed 2019-20 Maintenance Projects (Info) Mr. Ketzler
4.5 FF & C Authorizing Resolution (Info) Mr. Ketzler
4.6 Budget Transfer Resolutions (Action) Mr. Ketzler
II. CONTRACT REVIEW BOARD – Approximately 6:30 p.m. (Rotunda)
1.0 Call to Order
2.0 Hallinan A & E Contract (Action) Mr. Vandenberg
3.0 LOJHS & LJHS Creative Learning Systems STEM Labs (Action) Mr. Vandenberg
3.0 LOHS Track Resurfacing Contract (Action) Mr. Ketzler
4.0 Adjournment
1.0 Call to Order
2.0 Welcome and Introductions – Dr. Musick
3.0 Learning Levy Update – Director Hartman
4.0 Strategic Plan Ends 1 & 2 – Directors Wagner and Wallin
4.1 School Presentations
4.2 Junior High vs. Middle School Delineation – Mr. Mills and Dr. Schultz
5.0 Non-Bond Work Update – Chair Barman
6.0 BAC and Bond Project Updates – Director Pocklington and Mr. Vandenberg
7.0 Group Activity – Ms. Moses
8.0 Closing Remarks – Dr. Schiele
District-wide SAC Meeting – May 9
Lakeridge High School in the library
1235 Overlook Drive; LO
All community members are invited to our School Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting. Please plan to join us.
Teacher Appreciation Week – May 6 to 10
Important Schedule Changes for Remainder of School Year
There is no school on Wednesday, May 8. In order to ensure students receive valuable instructional time, early release has been cancelled for the rest of the year.
For the next four Thursdays in May and the first Thursday in June, each Thursday will be a full instructional day of school with no early release. Elementary Strings will be held at 3:15 p.m. on Thursdays.
In addition, Friday, June 7 will be a full day of school for elementary and junior high students instead of a half day of school. High school students will follow their regular finals schedule. Make-up finals and Extended Semester will start immediately after the last exam.
While there is no school on May 8, other activities may or may not be affected. They include the following:
AP tests – will be conducted as planned
Athletics and activities – will be conducted as planned
High school club sports, driver’s education, and pool activities – will be conducted as planned
Community School enrichment and after-school activities – will not be held
Preschool & Pre-K program – will not be held
Elementary Strings – will not be held
Extended Care/Day Care: will be open only at Palisades from 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. It is essential that we know how many students will be present so that we can provide adequate staff to meet student capacity.
Please notify the front desk staff at Palisades Extended Day Program or at Lake Grove Extended Day Program by Friday, May 3, if your child will be present on May 8.
For parents who do not usually use the Extended Day/Child Care program you can find more information and register online here.
If you have questions about Extended Day/Child Care, please contact:
Vanessa Davalos, Assistant Director of Community School – 503-534-2126
Shelli Fought, Extended Day Secretary – 503-534-2125
Please contact your school principal if you have additional questions.
School Board Student Representative Applications Open – Due May 6
Lake Oswego Board of Education is currently seeking students interested in serving as School Board Student Representatives for the 2019/2020 school year.
One upperclassman from each of the District's high schools will be appointed to advocate for their respective schools' student bodies.
Student representatives are expected to attend bi-weekly meetings, School Board retreats and trainings, as well as dedicate additional time for student outreach. Full attendance is critical. The Board seeks applicants who are creative, forward-thinking, and passionate.
Applications are due Monday, May 6th to the applicant's respective principals.
One Time Transfer Request for Oak Creek Resident Students
The Superintendent has provided a one-time opportunity for Oak Creek resident students to request a permanent transfer from Oak Creek to either Lake Grove or Forest Hills. This application opportunity is available between April 18, 2019 through June 20, 2019.
The temporary guidelines for allowing transfers from Oak Creek to Forest Hills or Lake Grove:
- Applications accepted between April 18, 2019 and June 20, 2019 and processed in order of receipt (Maximum 100 students.)
- The District will provide two stops in the Oak Creek attendance area to transport students to Lake Grove and/or Forest Hills. (Kindergarten students require a parent or guardian to meet the school bus at drop-off in order for the driver to release the student.)
- Once the request has been approved for the 2019-20 school year, it does not need to be renewed annually. The approved request is valid until the student completes grades offered at that school.
LOSD Smart Start Checklist – 2019/2020 School Year
LO Schools Foundation Seeks your Input
Tuesday, May 14 from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.
The Foundation is focusing on building our endowment fund to help ensure a lasting legacy of
educational excellence for the students and community of Lake Oswego. We are seeking the
advice and input of parents and community residents to help hone the direction of the
endowment before we launch our endowment campaign.
Please join the Lake Oswego Schools Foundation for a participative focus group session
regarding the Foundation’s endowment. We ask you to relax, listen, and provide honest
feedback to our presentation. We do not want your money at these meetings – the “no ask”
rule will be in effect at the focus group meeting. Our sole objective is to listen to your feedback
about elements of our endowment plan.
Meetings will be tightly organized to begin and end on time. Consultant Tom Wilson of Major
Gift Fundraising, a North American nonprofit consulting firm, will facilitate our sessions.
To RSVP, you can register online by clicking here; reply to this email; or call us to let us know
you can make it. Focus groups are limited to 40 attendees. If you have any questions, please
feel free to call us at 503-534-2119 or email
Spring is Here and so is Oregon's Growing Season
Salad greens are a perfect way to get the family started on caring for and harvesting container crops.
Container gardening needs little space to make a big impact:
- Leaf lettuce can be grown in a small, medium, or large container
- Plants need about 4" of space when growing
Containers should have small holes near the bottom to allow water to drain from the soil, otherwise, roots may become water-logged.
Recommended varieties to grow:
- Red leaf: Prizehead, Red Sails, Redina, New Red Fire, Merlot, Red Tide
- Green leaf: Salad Bowl, Grand Rapids, Slobolt, Pom Pom
- Oak leaf: Oaky Red Splash, Cocarde, Mascara, Blade. (Oak leaf varieties are good for winter gardens)
Lake Oswego students can choose organic spring mix from our salad stations.
Check out Oregon State University’s Food Hero webpage for healthy food tips here.
Seeking Youth Advisory Members for LO City Boards
Positions are available to current Sophomores and Juniors who reside within the city limits of Lake Oswego. Terms of service are from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020.
Interested students should submit an application and a letter of recommendation from a faculty member from their school.
Interviews will be held on Saturday, June 8, with appointments made on July 2.
Register for the Bus for 2019-20
Registration is now open for bus transportation for the 2019-20 school year.
Please complete the registration form with as much detail as possible. This will help us create our routing schedule for the 2019-20 school year. Call the Transportation Department at 503-387-5078 with questions. Please note that this request does not guarantee transportation. Restrictions apply to students that are open enrolled or who live within the walk zone. Bus Registration Deadline is August 1, 2019.
If parents are ever concerned about a student’s well-being, feel free to reach out to your principal. It is important to keep your lines of communication open and maintain strong partnerships between students, families, staff, and other resources.
SafeOregon also is an effective way to report a tip regarding safety threats or potential acts of violence to our students or schools.
(Students should also know that intentionally providing a false report is a serious offense.)
Subscribe to Lake Oswego Schools App
What's New at Community School?
The LOSD Community School offers enrichment and athletic programs, and activities for students of all ages including robotics, STEM, arts, language, and theater.
Lake Oswego School District
Location: 2455 Country Club Road, Lake Oswego, OR, USA
Phone: (503) 534-2000
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