Fox Ridge Family Newsletter
October 4, 2024
Please do not reply to this email or any sent from our mass communication system. These are noreply products. A few families have attempted to email me using this email or replying to this email, but fortunately they also included their teachers so it was received and we noticed the noreply email which was intended for the principal. The correct email is michelle.woodring@d303.org.
Upcoming Dates
Friday, 10/4-Kick A Thon @ St Charles North HS
Monday, 10/7-Student Council Meeting for Officers Only
Monday, 10/7-PTO meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, 10/9-Walk & Roll To School Day (Details for all in the flyer below)
Thursday, 10/10 & Friday, 10/11-NO School for Students-Parent Teacher Conferences
Thursday, 10/10 & Friday, 10/11-Book Fair in LRC during Conferences
Monday, 10/14-No School-Columbus Day/ Indigenous Peoples Day
Friday, 10/18-PTO Fall Fest
Monday, 10/21-Student Council Meeting
Wednesday, 10/30-Elementary Early Release
Fox Ridge Vision
At Fox Ridge, each student will achieve grade level standards in literacy, math and social emotional and behavioral skills.
Principally Speaking
Today was a wonderful day for our inaugural FOX TROT!
Thank you to our amazing PTO for making the event so festive. The Mario decorations, inflatable finish line, music, and popsicles made it truly special. A big thank you as well to our PE teachers—Ms. Semenek, Mr. Bazan, and Mrs. Theis—for their planning and partnership in coordinating this successful fundraiser and school-wide event.
In the classroom, students will be working on setting goals for both academics and learner behaviors.
Involving students in their own goal-setting and conferences is a powerful way to give them ownership of their learning. Engaging them in conferences also shows them that their teacher and parents are working together as a team to help them succeed in school.
Our fall conference days are some of the most positive days of the school year for educators.
Please take this opportunity to sign up for your child's conference. Pick-a-Time opens on Friday, September 27th, and will close on Monday, October 7th.
Today, we also welcomed our Fox Ridge WATCH D.O.G.S. for the first time.
Thank you to those who volunteered to visit and serve as role models on Fridays. If you’re interested in participating, please reach out to Ms. Kappele or the school office.
Next Wednesday, we will celebrate the countywide Walk/Ride to School Day.
If you live close enough, please walk or ride to school that day. Once at school, all students and staff will join in walking around the track on the blacktop to start our day. We will begin with the Pledge of Allegiance led by our student council and enjoy an active start to the day!
Parent Teacher Conferences
Pick A Time is open to parents until Monday, 10/7 to schedule Parent Teacher conferences on Thursday or Friday October 10th & 11th. Instructions to parents on how to schedule are below!
Erin's Law
In an effort to honor our veteran's we are beginning to plan our Veteran's day celebration. Below is an attached flyer for you to print and complete and return to school so we can place these up in our hallways and students can see photos and information regarding Fox Ridge community veterans. More information will be shared regarding a gathering.
ALICE Training
Fox Ridge Families,
Earlier this week you received a district communication detailing D303’s efforts to enhance safety procedures for our students. In August, D303 educators took part in online and in-person ALICE training, which stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate. As a result of this training, we are prepared to deliver age-appropriate lessons to our students, which will teach an options-based approach when responding to critical incidents.
Starting the week of September 30th, students will view an informational video, introducing them to the concepts of ALICE. Then throughout the fall students will engage in six lessons, roughly two lessons per month, with each lesson focusing the core ALICE concepts: Situational Awareness, Alert, Lockdown, Inform, and Evacuate.
Lessons are differentiated based on age-appropriateness and broken down into the following age groups:
Early Childhood-Kindergarten
1st Grade-3rd Grade
4th-5th Grade
Middle School
High School
D303’s Safety and Security website has been updated to include informational ALICE resources, such as parent letters for each lesson. Students will participate in their first safety drill utilizing the ALICE concepts in January. For more information you are encouraged to visit the ALICE Family and Community site.
If you have any questions specific to your child’s learning, feel free to contact me at michelle.woodring@d303.org
Calling Volunteers
If you have interest in supporting Fox Ridge in clerical work which may include copying, laminating, cutting out visuals, and other similar tasks please complete the form. We will create a schedule, this will take place during the day to support our teachers/staff.
Please fill out this form
Hello Families,
It has been a great start to the year and we have seen so much creativity and enthusiasm here in the Fox Ridge art studio. We have opened a number of centers which students have access to choose from while creating their art. While we have supplies purchased from the school budget, there are still some things that would be great to have. We appreciate any donations from the following list.
If you have been recycling or collecting things that you no longer have use for, please send them with your student to school, where they can drop them off in the art room. Thank you so much!
Here is a list of ideas:
Ribbons, lace, trim
Large eyed needles
Paper towel, toilet paper and wrapping paper tubes
Craft Supplies
Scrapbooking Paper
Magazines appropriate for school
Thank you for your help!
Mrs. Joyce Simkus and Mr. Joshua Lundquist
District 303 Partners With GPS Parent Series
District 303 is proud to partner with the Glenbard Parent Series (GPS) to offer our families broader access to information sessions and resources that support their child’s development.
For decades, GPS has been offering free programs that aim to empower and strengthen families, individuals and communities. As a partner organization, District 303 will support promoting upcoming programs and their importance to our local community.
Join us at the 2024 Kick-A-Thon!
Fox Ridge students can join Ms. Adolph and Mrs. Harry in holding our school banner before the North vs East football game at North High School on October 4th! We also need plenty of cheering for the Fox Ridge Kicker, Mrs. Johnson! If your student will be there to carry the banner around the track with the teachers before the game, please email Mrs Monahan in the office at Colleen.Monahan@d303.org to be included in further communications. We look forward to seeing many Fox Ridge Foxes there! To donate to the Kick-A-Thon to benefit Fox Valley Food for Health and the Colette A. Miles Foundation, please use the QR code below
KICK-A-THON is a local event that began over 30 years ago as an effort from the St. Charles High School Dance Team to raise money to help kick cancer. It has grown to include East and North High School Dance Teams and other amazing charities. This charity event will benefit the Fox Valley Food for Health, Colette A. Miles Foundation, and the high school dance teams. To date, we have raised over a million dollars and need your help to keep that number growing. Please join the St. Charles High School Dance Teams as we raise money to kick cancer.
This year’s event will take place on Friday, October 4th, 2024, at St. Charles North High School, prior to the start of the varsity football game between St. Charles North and St. Charles East. Local community members who help with fundraising will form a kick line alongside the dance team members and kick 100 times in an effort to raise money for these charities.
Link to donate and support! See you there!
D303 Pathways Night at Compass Academy
D303 will host the 4th annual Pathways Night at Compass Academy on October 30. This career fair welcomes employers and educational institutions supporting careers that don't require a 4-year college degree. If you are a business owner and wish to participate in Pathways Night, please complete this form. More information for students and families interested in attending will be available in the next few weeks.
Health Office News
If your student is diagnosed with an illness or infection, please notify the health office. We are tracking illness closely to watch for any trends in the classrooms. This includes, but not limited to Respiratory Illnesses, COVID, Flu, Pink Eye, and Strep. We appreciate any information you give us regarding your student in the event they are ill.
Please remind your student to cover their coughs and sneezes and wash their hands often.
Christina Marello, Building RN, 331-228-2404, christina.marello@d303.org.
October Newsletter
Next PTO Meeting
Foxtrot Fundraiser Ends Soon
Donations can be made through Monday, October 7 at 12 a.m. Students have already earned four rewards for reaching $8,000: a PJ Day (completed), movie at lunch (next week), Pac-Man tag during P.E. (TBD), and an inflatable obstacle course for Field Day in May. Let’s hit our goal of $10,000 so we can save Princess Peach and pie Bowser!
Food Donations Needed for Staff Breakfast
We will be providing breakfast for staff during parent-teacher conferences. Please sign up to donate. We kindly ask that all items be dropped off in the main office by Wednesday, October 9.
Get Ready for Fall Fest on Friday, October 18 from 6-8 p.m.
Kids are welcome to come dressed in their costumes to Trunk-or-Treat on the blacktop behind the school or celebrate the season at a dance party in the gym! Decorate your own trunk-or-treat bag, play carnival games, and participate in the Storybook Pumpkin Patch. Delicious eats will be available for purchase from Waffadilla food truck, including some special fall menu treats!
For additional information, including costume rules and details about our Storybook Pumpkin Patch submissions and charitable donation boxes, please visit Fox Ridge Elementary PTO - Fall Fest (membershiptoolkit.com)