This Week at GLOBE
News & Notes | September 4, 2024
Key dates
September 8
Cub Scout Pack 345 (grades K–5) kick-off meeting, 2pm–3pm, Charles McDaniel Park.
September 9–20
PTCC Spirit Weeks with Garnish & Gather.
September 11
MAP Parent Coffee Talk - 8:30am–9:30am, UC.
Voting closes for PTCC budget.
September 21
International Festival at LC (Charles McDaniel Park).
September 24
Language Coffee Talk - 8:30am–9:30am, UC.
Picture day make-up (for those who were absent or require a retake)
October 8
MS Language HS Credit Virtually 8:30am–9:30am.
October 24
Fall sports teams and Orchestra picture day.
Look out for these upcoming Coffee Talks
Campus Notes
Cub Scout Pack 345
The kickoff meeting for Cub Scout Pack 345 (grades K–5) takes place this Sunday, September 8, from 2–3pm, at the Lower Campus playground (Charles McDaniel Park). See this recent newsletter for details.
Lower Campus notes
During Curriculum Night we introduced members of our Connections team (Art, Music, PE, Science, Technology) and our Student Services teams, (Library/Media, ESOL, EIP, Special Education, Gifted Education, Counselor, Nurse). You can view a recording of this presentation by clicking here. The video has chapters marked in the timeline, so you can easily skip to the various parts of the presentation.
Library Website
If you’d like to keep up with what’s happening in the library this year, check out the new library website. Our library catalog is also now searchable at home through our new library system, Follett Accessit.
Author Katrina Moore is coming to LC
Kindergarten through 3rd grade students on the Mandarin track will participate in an author visit by Katrina Moore on Thursday, September 12. Katrina will be reading from and discussing her new book, Chang’e on the Moon, about the Chinese legend of the moon goddess. If you would like to order a signed copy of the book, please complete this form by September 5.
Upper Campus notes
Thank you to everyone who attended UC Curriculum Night last week. You can view slide presentations from the event, by clicking here.
Finding Ollie (Season 2)
The Finding Ollie series is produced by students in Mr Brantley's 8th grade Leadership and Communication class. Now in season two, the first two episodes can be viewed here: Episode 1 | Episode 2. The students do a fantastic job producing these interesting and fun insights into daily student life at GLOBE.
School pictures are ready!
Click here to download instructions to view your photos.
Please note that there are different codes for Upper Campus and Lower Campus.
If your child was absent that day, they will automatically be placed on the re-take schedule.
If you need to request access, the process is quick.
Do you know of anyone who would like to enroll at GLOBE? If you believe you know a DeKalb County resident whose child would be able to qualify with language proficiency requirements, please share the opportunity with them!
We have limited openings in the classes below:
· 2nd grade: (French, Mandarin and Spanish)
· 3rd grade: Mandarin
· 4th grade: (French, Mandarin and Spanish)
· 5th grade: (French, Mandarin and Spanish)
· 8th grade
Interested applicants can apply for the post lottery and email Tamiko Jones, Admissions Coordinator for next steps, including registering for a STAMP Assessment.
Sick Child Reminders
It is Covid, Cold, and Flu season again. Please do not send your child to school sick.
As per DeKalb County Schools guidelines, students must be fever free without the aid of any fever reducing medications for 24 hours before returning to campus.
Students who have tested positive for Covid may return to school 24 hours after symptoms resolve and they are fever free without the use of any fever reducing medications.
Thank you for your partnership in helping to keep our school sickness free.
Parent Teacher Community Council
Volunteers are needed to help the photographers on September 24 when makeups, retakes and class photos will be done. Please volunteer here for Lower Campus and Upper Campus.
2024-25 PTCC Budget
It’s time for the community to vote on the proposed 2024-2025 PTCC Budget. All parents/caretakers and GLOBE staff are encouraged to vote. Please review the budget and frequently asked questions, then cast your vote. Voting will close at 11:59pm on Wednesday, September 11. VOTE HERE.
Spirit Nights With Garnish and Gather
International Festival is Coming!
Volunteer with the PTCC
Calling all parents and caretakers! Please complete the Parent Volunteer Survey, register for the new PTCC website and stay tuned for upcoming PTCC events and volunteer opportunities.
You can also email PTCC Officers at any time.
Parent Volunteer Survey | Visit the PTCC Website | Download the PTCC Flyer | Follow us on social media: Facebook | Instagram
Make a note: Fall sports team picture day will take place on October 24.
Cheerleading tryouts
Tryouts for the cheerleading team will take place from 3:30pm to 6pm in the UC Cafeteria and Gym, on the following days. September 25, 26 and 27. Please read the information sheet here.
Register for tryouts here.
Join the Swim Team
GLOBE's Swim Team (grades 6–8) are the reigning MAAC champions, and we are beginning to prepare for a whole new swim season!
A student information meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 18, at 3:30pm in the UC cafeteria. A parent information meeting will take place the following week, on Wednesday, September 25, at 7:30pm via Zoom. Look out for the link in the Weekly Newsletter.
Win 4 Atlanta Braves vs New York Mets tickets
GLOBE Athletic Club is currently running a raffle for the chance to win 4 tickets to watch Atlanta Braves vs New York Mets on September 25 at Truist Park. For further details and to purchase a ticket, click here.
Visit the athletics website to find out about our athletics program, and watch out for more upcoming events and activities!
Support GLOBE athletics
Visit our Sideline store for GLOBE athletic wear | Join GLOBE Athletic Club.
Board of Directors
Annual Fund Challenge
Hello everyone, we wanted to provide a quick update regarding the Annual Fund Popsicle Party participation challenge. As we wrap up welcoming our new Owls to GLOBE, the deadline for participating in the Annual Fund Popsicle Party giving challenge has been extended to September 13. We will continue to share frequent updates on Upper and Lower Campus class placements.
Continue to help us reach our goal!
Every year, each classroom competes to see who will be first to reach 100% participation in the Annual Fund Challenge. To kick start the year, a challenge is being presented to you all. The class at each campus with the highest participation rate by September 13, 2024 wins a Popsicle Party and a surprise for each student.
Ways to donate: Make an online donation here, or write a check to The GLOBE Academy and drop it off at the front office at either campus (please include your student’s and homeroom teacher’s names on the check).
If you have any questions, please reach out to fundraising@theglobeacademy.net.
Thank you all for your participation thus far!
Mark your calendars for November 15 as GLOBE Trot is returning!
Planning for GLOBE’s biggest fundraiser of the year has already begun. GLOBE Trot is a school-wide fun run and exercise-focused event where all GLOBE students will run, skip, race, and have fun while promoting healthy bodies and healthy minds. Volunteers are needed to help with planning events for the day, fundraising, and soliciting donations. If you are interested in volunteering and creating a lasting memory for the student body, please reach out to Obse Ababiya and Andrew Dahl.
The breakfast and lunch menus for September can be found on the website, here.
2024/25 Yearbook
Be a wise owl like Ollie, and click here to reserve your 2024/25 yearbook.
Send us your photos
The yearbook is only as good as the pictures in it. We want your photos!
We especially would like photos of any GLOBE sporting event. If you go to a game during the year, please take pictures and send them to us.
GLOBE's Photo Share site
Sharing photos with the yearbook staff has never been easier.
Click here to go to GLOBE's Photo Share site.
Click "Get Started"
Add your contact information: Use I am a ... to make sure photos end up in the right place. If you choose Student, follow the onscreen instructions to make sure that the photo is tagged correctly.
Check your email for a verification code. Enter it and click Verify to continue.
Review the photo guidelines then select Choose Images to select photos from your device.
Make sure you tag people in the photo.
Have a question?
You are welcome to submit it here, or consult this chart to find out who to contact.
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