VTCTA Parent Weekly 9/2-9/6, 2024
Week of September 2, 2024
1. All Families: Nominate yourself or a trusted VTCTA parent/guardian for a position on the School Organizational Team (SOT). Click here to submit your nomination (9/9 - 9/13). Elections will occur 9/17 - 9/20. Click here for information about SOT elections.
2. All Families: Students had their yearbook photo taken on either 8/10/24 (seniors) or 8/16/24 (9th-11th). Please click here for information about ordering photos. All questions about placing an order should be directed to Dorian Studios. If your child was absent for school pictures, a retake day has been scheduled for all students on 9/27/2024.
3. All Families: The Clark County School District (CCSD) Board of School Trustees invites members of the community to take the superintendent search survey by 9/3/2024. The information will be used to determine the desired characteristics of the next Superintendent. The survey is conducted by a search firm, which ensures that individual responses are kept anonymous and confidential. To complete the survey, please click here.
4. All Families: The CCSD 2024-2025 Back to School Guide is now available online to families. To help prepare for the school year, the District encourages all students and their families to read the Guide. The Guide provides parents/guardians with resources and information about registration, important new school safety initiatives, meals, transportation, parent/guardian resources, and graduation requirements.
5. All Families: CCSD’s Back to School Legal Notices are now available online in English and Spanish. They cover topics, such as student privacy, a safe and respectful learning environment, students with disabilities, and more.
Don't Miss Veterans Tribute Aviator Night September 6th!
Join us for Veterans Tribute CTA Aviators Night! Come support our Aviators, hang out with staff and friends, and build community. Tickets are only $21, and a portion of sales will come back to support our school. In order to purchase tickets, scan in the QR code listed on the flyer below or click on the button. We hope to see you there!
Earn Volunteer Hours with Donations to "Buckets for Dispatch!"
Our Dispatch program is looking for donations for the annual "Buckets for Dispatch" service project on 9/11/24. These buckets are sent to dispatchers around the United States that are dealing with very stressful situations. Students can earn 3 volunteer hours for every $5 of items donated. Please see the flyer below for a list of donations. Bring all donations to Room B116 so that we can make sure that you receive credit for your donations.
Attention Juniors & Seniors!
Are you a junior or senior interested in pursuing a career in law? The Huellas Mentorship program is now accepting applications for the 2024-25 school year. Mentees gain invaluable experience and unique opportunities including hands-on experiences in a courtroom or law firm, college preparatory advice, and scholarships! Click on button below to apply today!
ACT Bootcamp Weekend October 11th-13th
Get ready for to do your best on the ACT or improve your score by enrolling in our ACT Bootcamp October 11, 2024- October 13, 2024. Follow the directions below to register. Veterans Tribute CTA students can attend for only $199. When completing your payment, make sure that you input the code GOSENTINELS.
Senior Parking Spots: Seniors parking lot painting will be August 31st from 7am-11am. Seniors will finish their parking lot design. All designs must be approved by Mr. Lange.
Senior Sunrise: We had an amazing Senior Sunrise! A giant thanks to Mr. Lange, Ms. Weeks, Student Council, and all the seniors who made it a fun morning!
If you have any questions, see Mr. Lange, your senior advisor, in Room B118.
1. Free Tutoring Resource: The Library District is providing students FREE tutoring and homework help during the 2024-2025 school year. No appointment needed. Click here for more information.
2. Free Tutoring Resource: The Academic Support and Community Service Center is providing in-person tutoring services at no cost to students and their families. Students can get help in any subject or feedback on their written work from highly qualified educators. Services are available Monday - Friday from 2:40pm - 5:30pm. Please click here to visit their website or click here to view a flyer for more information.
3. College Readiness Bootcamp: The Asian Community Development Council is hosting their annual College Readiness Bootcamp event on Sat 9/28/24 from 9 am-2 pm at UNLV. This is a free event for 9th-12th grade students and their parents to learn more about applying to college, touring UNLV as well as eating at the dining hall and getting hands-on informational support. Students do not have to be AANHPI to attend and their parents do not have to attend, but there is a specific track for parents to attend if available. Click here to register or here for more information.
SSA: Please review SSA requirements. Students must be dressed in SSA every school day unless otherwise communicated by school staff. Students must follow the CCSD dress code on non-SSA days.
Student ID and Lanyard: a lanyard with school ID must be worn and visible at all times. Any student found without a lanyard and ID will be issued a new school ID and a $5 charge will be added to their student account.
Friday Spirit Wear Days: Every Friday is designated as Spirit Day. Students may follow SSA or may follow the Spirit Wear guidelines. Fridays are NOT free-dress days. Please review Spirit Wear Do’s and Dont’s.
Cell Phone (Personal Devices): CCSD is taking an innovative approach to promote a healthy learning environment this school year: Students in Grades 6 to 12 must put away their cell phones while in the classroom. Students in middle and high school will place their phones in non-locking, signal-blocking pouches that will prevent cell phones and other devices from sending or receiving signals while inside the pouch. Click here for more information on this important initiative.
Attendance: Attendance is critical to ensure all students have access to the resources and support necessary for academic success. Any student who exceeds 8 unapproved absences in a course will be denied credit and will be issued a failing grade. To avoid receiving a Denial of Credit, students should submit absence notes to B-160 within 3 days of returning to school. Families may also notify the attendance office by email (gomezma@nv.ccsd.net) or phone (702.799.4710 ext 4202) if a student needs to be absent from school.
August 31st: Senior Parking Lot Painting @ 7am-11am
September 2nd: No school- Labor Day
September 3rd: Army Quad Visits during both lunches
September 4th: Seniors Only - John Hopkins University Visit @ 11:20am in the Student Union
September 6th: Join us for Aviators Night at 7:05pm. Tickets are only $21
September 9th-13th: SOT Student/Parent Nominations
September 11th: 9/11 Remembrance Day
September 11th: Seniors only - UNLV college visit @ 9:30am in the Student Union
September 11th: Buckets for Dispatch Service Project- See Ms. Satterlee
September 13th: United Way Field Trip
September 13th: Juniors & Seniors Only- NSU College Visit @ 9:30am in the Student Union
September 15th: Hispanic Heritage Month Begins!
September 16th: LV Sun Youth Forum
September 17th-24th: SOT Student/Parent Elections
September 17th: Juniors & Seniors Only - Carrington College Visit @9:30am in the Student Union
September 17th: Army Quad Visits during both lunches
September 24th-26th: Camp Lee Field Trip
September 24th: Seniors only - CSN College Visit at 9:30am in the Student Union
September 26th: Seniors only - SUU college visit @ 11:15am in the Student Union
September 27th: Picture Retakes
Joshua Davis, Principal
Veterans Tribute Career and Technical Academy
2531 Vegas Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89106
Email: davisjb@nv.ccsd.net
Website: www.vtcta.org
Phone: 702-799-4710