OCTOBER 27TH, 2022
Just a Little Update
Many thanks to those of you selling World’s Finest Chocolate right now. Top prize is $500 cash. Other cash and gift prizes will also be provided. CLICK HERE if you’d like to help raise money for our Groves HS Military Ball in March and the many field trips we are lining up. In the Spring, we will start our Pecan Candies fundraiser. We appreciate all of you who have served as chaperones for our field trips. We will continue to call on you to help us as chaperones and even take on other roles as you have time. Click here to become a parent volunteer.
Your cadets continue to stretch themselves with new opportunities. The Drill Team traveled to The Citadel in Charleston, SC this month for our first drill meet of the season. 17 cadets joined our JROTC STEM initiative to build robots, practice cybersecurity, play Esports, and learn engineering and construction in a mobile classroom. Our JROTC Leadership and Academic Bowl teams are established and practicing for their November Competition. We will travel to Richmond Hill on Saturday, December 3rd for the OPTIONAL Christmas Parade. January 16th is the mandatory Martin Luther King Jr Parade. The Essay Team is preparing submissions for regional and national essay contests from the Army, AUSA, and the American Legion. Our S6 shop is preparing a STUDENT NEWSLETTER to report on cadet experiences in the program. And finally, our cadet leaders at the squad, platoon, company, battalion, and staff levels are learning PRACTICAL AND REAL LIFE SKILKLS by leading their units to complete missions of this battalion. Please let your sons and daughters know how proud we are of their efforts and accomplishments.
JROTC Cadet Challenge
- Given every semester
- Cadets perform the pull-up, curl up, shuttle run, flexibility test, and 1 mile run
- Students wear the PT uniform both days
Thursday, Oct 27, 2022, 07:30 AM
Robert W. Groves High School
Homecoming Week
- Monday - Character Day (see flyer)
- Tuesday - Class Color War (see flyer)
- Wednesday - Time Traveler (see flyer)
- Thursday - Wacky Tacky (see flyer)
- Friday - Wacky Tacky (see flyer)
Monday, Oct 31, 2022, 07:30 AM
Robert W. Groves HS
Cadets Vote for Military Ball King, Queen, Prince, and Princess
Thursday, Nov 3, 2022, 07:30 AM
During JROTC Class
SCCPSS Military Ball
🌯 Enter building from the Savannah Parkway side of the building . . . you can see the Westin Hotel from that side of the buidling
* Arrive Early . . . . you'll need to walk through the convention center
📝 Tickets on sale now from LTC London
Saturday, Nov 5, 2022, 06:00 PM
Savannah International Trade & Convention Center, 1 International Drive, Savannah, GA, USA
Savannah's Veterans Day Parade
- Student pickup and dropoff are at the Groves HS Cafeteria BEFORE 7 AM
- Permission slips will start going home on November 1st
- Uniform will be either the Class A or the Class B uniform. We will let you know
- This is a televised event
- It's about impossible to pass JROTC without going to this parade
Saturday, Nov 12, 2022, 07:00 AM
Robert W. Groves High School
JROTC Leadership and Academic Bowl Competition
- Online competition against other Army JROTC programs around the world
- SGM Johnson's class has one Academic Bowl Team
- LTC London's class has one Leadership Bowl Team
- Teams will represent Groves JROTC during this week
Monday, Nov 14, 2022, 07:00 AM
Robert W. Groves High School, Rommel Avenue, Savannah, GA, USA
Essay Team Orientation
- Cadets that are on the JROTC Essay Team will receive an onsite orientation to their competitions
- See LTC London for details
Tuesday, Nov 15, 2022, 08:00 AM
Robert W. Groves High School, Rommel Avenue, Savannah, GA, USA
JROTC STEM TEAM Robotics Orientation
- Cadets that joined the JROTC STEM Team will have an onsite robotics orientation from the Woodville-Tompkins Robotics Club
- See LTC London for details
Wednesday, Nov 16, 2022, 08:00 AM
Robert W. Groves High School, Rommel Avenue, Savannah, GA, USA
Richmond Hill Christmas Parade
- Pickup and Drop Off is at room 605 (right between the two basketball courts)
- We'll be traveling to Richmond HIll, GA for their Christmas Parade
- This is an OPTIONAL event
Saturday, Dec 3, 2022, 07:00 AM
Robert W. Groves High School
Robert W. Groves HS Army JROTC
Email: david.london@sccpss.com
Website: https://sites.google.com/sccpss.com/groveshsarmyjrotc/home
Location: 201 Rommel Avenue, Garden City, GA, USA
Phone: 912-395-2563