Dr. Greer's Super Note
Some thoughts for the starting school year

Sept. 9, 2022
Hi, Maize students!
I am Dr. Greer, the new Maize USD 266 Superintendent of Schools. I wanted to send all students an email to introduce myself and tell you how excited I am to be here with you! Maize is an incredible school district with students and teachers doing amazing things, and it is an honor for me to be part of the Maize Family.
Being superintendent is a big job that I love and means that I lead the people who make our school district great. To do that, I help set goals, provide support to meet those goals, and report our progress to your parents and our school board members. I also guide where we spend resources to improve our schools, classroom materials, and services for you. I want your education to be the very best!
Here is a little bit about myself:
I grew up in Kansas and attended public schools just like you.
I studied education, counseling, and leadership in college.
I have three sons: Mason, Trey, and Drew. I also have one stepdaughter: Mckinley.
I have a dog, an Alaskan Malamute named Stella. I love her even when she chews up my glasses.
I love watching Marvel movies!
I can't wait to cheer for the Eagles, Mavericks, Wolfpack, Chameleons, Explorers, Mustangs, Panthers, Pride, and Wolves this year!
Dr. Greer in the news
Did you know I was on TV on my first day of school at Maize USD 266? I served lunch at Maize South Middle School, and KWCH, Channel 12 came to film me and interview me for a story, which you can click here to watch. It was a neat experience, and I felt like I was on the TV show "Undercover Boss." My favorite part was meeting students and talking with them on their first day of school, too.
Surprise and Delight Challenge
We all love to be surprised, right? Maybe it's with a favorite treat from a friend or an encouraging note from someone who believes you can accomplish your dream. We all love to be delighted, too, with something like a new book we love or outdoor class time on a sunny afternoon.
I want to challenge you to surprise and delight others in your school. How can you put a little extra something into your classroom, your school, and/or your home that would surprise and delight your friends, teachers, principals, or family members? It only takes a few minutes to help make someone else’s day better. Try a surprise and delight for someone you know. I bet it brightens your day, too!
Two great themes for our school year: #MaizeFamily and #266Success
You will see that we at Maize USD 266 will be celebrating events, accomplishments, and times that we come together as a #MaizeFamily to achieve #266Success. I’d love for you to share your successes and experiences, too! I’ll be doing the same on Twitter. You can find me there as @rockigreer.
Superintendent Student Advisory Council
The Superintendent Student Advisory Council will meet soon! This is a group of high school students who I will meet with about once a month. The sophomores, juniors, and seniors who were on this council last year are welcome to serve again. If you are a freshman and would like to be on this team, please let your principal know you are interested. Principals will approve recommendations for students to join. I am excited to begin meeting with this group to find out more about what we can do to make our schools the very best! See you soon!
See Something Say Something app
Did you know that students are a HUGE help to keeping schools safe? Help us keep you safe by providing anonymous tips. If you see something, please say something!
There are three ways to submit an anonymous tip:
- Click here to be taken directly to a secure tip reporting website.
- On your smartphone, download the free P3 Tips app from the App Store or Google Play. Then, follow the onscreen prompts to submit your tip.
- Call 316-267-2111.