CTS Snapshot
Welcome to our CTS Snapshot - a weekly celebration update. We are delighted to share with parents and carers alike student triumphs at Corby Technical School. We are proud of every student and every success they have - please feel free to share with us any achievements they might have.
Snapshot News
Colin Furze
Mr Harley attended a book signing with Colin recently who is an internet sensation and renowned inventor and stunt man. We are hoping Colin will deliver an assembly this year.
Sixth Form Information Evening
We will be holding an information evening for our current Year 11 students on Thursday 9th November at 6.00pm in the George Weston Theatre.
London Theatre Trip
A group of students from Years 7, 8 and 9 had the opportunity to see this amazing West End production this week. Students have said the show was fantastic.
Stars of the Week
- Mr Godfrey has nominated Anthony 8S for showing a consistently great attitude to learning and his contributions to lessons.
- Mr Cox has nominated Grace 9T for excellent work on Brectian techniques in Drama.
- Mr Cox would also like to thank all students who attended the Theatre trip to London, all students were brilliant ambassadors for the school.
- Mr Crook has nominated Tamiska 8T for her kindness towards fellow students and for being supportive.
- Mrs Wiley has nominated Harry 9S for helping a new student settle into school life and being supportive.
- Mrs Ferns has nominated Dominika 10C for her consistent hard work in Maths.
- Mr Holmes has nominated Nina 10T for her hard work and commitment in History.
- Mr Crook has also nominated Macy and Ines 8T for their outstanding drawing this week in Design and Technology.
- Miss Longhurst has nominated Kyle 10S for a great assessment in History.
- Miss Connellan has nominated Faye and Daniela 11C for excellent presentation and effort in their English work.
- Mrs Cooper has nominated Leon 7CO, absolutely outstanding attitude to leaning and amazing quality of work and Julia 7CA for a fantastic attitude and quality of work too.
- Mr Gourlay has nominated Dawid 8T his superb work on his Scratch Virtual Pet and also Fitzgerald 11S for his excellent commitment to his ICT controlled assessment.
- Mrs Reynolds would like to thank all staff for their hard work and support in school this term.
- Year 7 students will take in Activity Week next week, please ensure all permission slips have been returned to school and payments made via Wisepay.
- School will close for the two week break on Friday 13th October and will reopen Monday 30th October.
- Mr Gourlay will be running holiday sessions for ICT/Computer Science and a letter will be sent to the students involved.
Corby Technical School
Email: enquiries@corbytechnicalschool.org
Website: www.corbytechnicalschool.org
Location: Cottingham Road, Corby, United Kingdom
Phone: 01536 213100
Twitter: @CTSCorby