"Paw Prints"
Farley School's Newsletter Update
Dear Farley Families,
Farley’s entire staff prides itself as being a team and working together with families to create the best possible educational experience for all of our students. We all recognize that communication between home and school is essential to achieving this goal. Caregiver/Teacher Conferences present a wonderful opportunity for teachers, guardians and, in some cases—students—to sit down together to discuss academic and social progress. Conferences are a dedicated time to ask questions, share relevant information, calibrate expectations, celebrate accomplishments, and set short and long-term goals. Caregiver conferences are a platform to make a lasting bond with families and to increase the likelihood of academic and social success for each child. In Hudson, Caregiver Conferences occur twice a year. Each meeting lasts around 15 minutes. In addition to the classroom teacher, other school staff who support your child's learning may also attend the conference, too. Also, please do not worry if you see me sitting in on your conference. I like to attend as many conferences as possible so that I can know all the ways we can support our diverse community of learners.
This year, Caregiver/Teacher conferences will be held on Monday, November 25th and Tuesday, November 26th. Both days will be an early dismissal from school for students at 11:40 am. Evening conferences will be held from 6:00 – 8:00 pm on the night of November 26th. If you would like a conference, you need to sign-up for a specific day and time using a third party website called PTC Fast. Here is the link: https://www.ptcfast.com/schools/C_A_Farley_Elementary_School.
Conference sign-ups will open November 8th when the link goes live. Walk-ins are not allowed at this time. Families will have the option for either a virtual conference via Google Meet or an in-person meeting here at Farley. If you would prefer virtual, please indicate this when signing up for your conference--there will be a space for you to type in "virtual". Your child’s teacher will then send you the Google meeting link via email prior to and closer to the conference. If you choose to be in person for your child’s conference, please be sure to be on time. If you have a student who is part of a team, please be on the lookout for an email from those teachers with additional information about conferences.
As always, interpretation services will be made available to all families during conferences. If you are listed as needing an interpreter in Aspen, please be on the lookout for an email or phone call from one of our district family liaisons. They will help you set up a time for your conference.
If you have any other questions, please reach out to your child’s classroom teacher.
I know that you all are aware that Hudson, like many schools districts in Massachusetts, are dealing with possible upcoming budget challenges. During our next Home and School Meeting, a few school committee members will be joining the first 15 minutes to share updates and to answer any questions you might have regarding the budget. Even if you haven't yet joined one of our Home and School Meetings yet, I encourage you to come to this important meeting.
This weekend, I'm off to Gloucester to watch my wife in her Edgar Allen Poe Double Header Show that is playing at Gloucester Stage. In addition to her evening shows, she is also performing for over 1,200 high schoolers on the North Shore. Student audiences are the most authentic and so high energy. I can't wait to be part of those audiences. I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Read Always,
Rachel Scanlon (she, her, hers)
978-567-6153 - rscanlon@hudson.k12.ma.us
- No school for students
November 6th:
- Picture retake day
- Home and School Association Meeting-6:00pm in the Farley Library. Join online using this link: meet.google.com/goh-pzio-oev.
November 25th and 26th:
- Half-day for students
- Caregiver/Teacher Conferences
November 27-29:
- No School
"A Whimsical World of Unlikely Relationships. Ever wondered what it's like to live with a fire-breathing dragon and a cuddly overprotective bear? Meet Betsy, a fearless young girl who wouldn't trade her unusual family for anything in the world! Join Betsy on her heartwarming adventures as she navigates the chaos of her own unique family dynamic. Shed a happy tear or two as you are reminded that love, laughter and joy can be found in the most unlikely places."
Our walls are becoming more stunning by the day! The life-sized posters of students make everyone smile! Congrats Brock, Hariel, Avery, Remi, Dacheline, and Tessa!
At Farley, we focus on helping our students "#Explain their brains" in writing across all content areas. Last week, I got to join Mrs. Primeau's class as they learned how to "restate a question into a statement"-a high level skill needed for future analytical writing. Not only did they master this skill using the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, they were adorable working together.
Born and raised in Watertown, MA, Maria Temple went on to get her Master’s in elementary education from Lesley University. After graduating, she moved to the Tampa, Florida area where she taught 4th grade, kindergarten, and reading and math interventions. Then, in 2021, she decided to move back to Massachusetts, had a baby boy in 2022, and has worked as a paraprofessional ever since. This year, Mrs. Temple joined us as a paraprofessional in our SEA program. She loves creating bonds with her students, and watching her students’ grow and succeed throughout the school year. When not in school, Mrs. Temple loves spending time with her husband and 2 year old son, Ross, exploring towns in New England and taking pictures.
Mrs. Strauss has officially gone on her maternity leave! In her place, we have hired veteran educator Mrs. Cyndy Page. Ms. Page has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Music Education from Skidmore College and a Masters in Educational Leadership Degree from Framingham State University. She has taught music in public and Montessori school settings and has been an elementary school assistant principal and principal. Although Ms. Page has enjoyed all of the positions she has held, she is excited to be returning to the music classroom to share her love for music with our Farley students! Outside of school, Mrs. Page enjoys cooking, traveling, walking with friends, and spending time with her family.
Making Meals and Memories Together
Dear Farley Elementary School,
Chartwell's catering is celebrating scratch cooking and preparing meals together for Let’s Get Cooking month happening this November in the cafeterias! Let’s Get Cooking is an opportunity to highlight the flavors of homemade foods and empower students to make some of our own recipes at home with family and friends. Since the holidays are right around the corner, we thought this was the perfect time to get everyone excited about cooking together.
On November 6th, Food Service Director, Michelle DePaul and UMass Lowell’s Dietetic Intern, Brooke Butters, will be hosting a nutrition education lesson and food demonstration during all lunches for grades K-4. This event will highlight November’s Harvest of the Month: Kale – as we will discuss the health benefits of this powerful food and show students how to prepare kale chips! A copy of the recipe below will be provided for all students to take home.
As you already know, building social-emotional learning skills is an important goal for our school and is a priority in the district. Over the next several weeks, students and teachers across the district will participate in several exercises to better understand these concepts and to reflect on how they perceive these skills in themselves. The information gained will support the school’s ability to provide comprehensive and timely support for your child. Students in grades 3-12 will be asked to complete the social emotional screening tool through the Panorama platform during an identified class time. The survey shouldn’t take more than 20-30 minutes to complete and students’ responses are kept completely confidential. For students in grades K-2 a screening will be completed via teacher feedback. We are asking that all of our students participate in the surveys, as their responses will provide invaluable insights into their experiences and how we can improve and adapt our district to their needs. The results of the screener are compiled to identify students who may need additional support. Please read the attached letter to learn more about the screener, as well as how to consent and/or opt-out. Do not hesitate to reach out to one of our School Adjustment Counselors if you have any questions: Sarah Mielke at semielke@hudson.k12.ma.us or Tiago Goncalves at tagoncalves@hudson.k12.ma.us.
Our Lost and Found is overflowing! Please remind your child to take a look in our Lost and Found if they are missing something!
Please read the following message from the DESSE:
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Office of Public School Monitoring (PSM) will conduct an Integrated Monitoring Review of Hudson Public Schools during the week of November 4th, 2024. Each school district, charter school, vocational school, and virtual school undergoes an Integrated Monitoring Review every three years. The areas addressed during an Integrated Monitoring Review are organized into two groups, known as Group A Universal Standards and Group B Universal Standards.
Hudson Public Schools will be undergoing a Group B monitoring review that addresses special education teacher and related service personnel licensure and professional development; parent, student, and community engagement, including compliance with Child Find requirements; facilities and classroom observations; implementation and oversight of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs); time and learning, and equal access.
The process includes interviews with district staff and administrators, policies and procedures, and school building visits. The process may also include parent/caregiver, student and teacher focus group meetings to gather additional information. Interpretation will be provided, if needed.
Hudson Public Schools will host an orientation about the review process in collaboration with the Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC). The Department will also send a parent survey, in multiple languages and formats, as needed, to parents /guardians of special education students to gather key information on the special education processes and procedures.
Parents/guardians and other stakeholders may call Jesus Pena, Monitoring Review Chairperson, at (781) 338-3767 to request a telephone interview. If anyone requires an accommodation, such as translation, to participate in an interview, the Department will make the necessary arrangements.
Within approximately 60 business days after the onsite visit, the review chairperson will provide the (district or charter school) with a report that includes information on further actions that may be required. The public can access the report at https://www.doe.mass.edu/psm/tfm/default.html.
The SECOND draft of the Farley Family directory is now available. Thank you to Sarah Tracy for creating this resource. If you still want to be part of the directory, please still sign up!
Here is the link to last year's directory: Farley Family Directory
Still want to sign up? Click this link: https://forms.gle/eEQg6ZaSBnDqoDko7
Please email her @ sarah.tracy97@gmail.com if you have any questions
Here is the link to join online: meet.google.com/goh-pzio-oev.
For those who are new to Farley here is information again on what exactly a "Home and School Association?
The Home and School Association is an organization made up of students’ caregivers for the purpose of supporting the education of children at Farley Elementary by fostering relationships among the school, families, and teachers. The Home and School Association provides a vital and much-appreciated service to school leadership and the entire school community. The activities sponsored by the Home and School are designed to build community and enhance learning.
As a caregiver of a Farley student, you automatically become a member of Home and School and are welcome to attend our monthly meetings (either in person or virtually) as well as take an active role as a volunteer in our school.
Here are some of the amazing ways the Home and School Association (HASA for short) has supported our school in the past:
· The HASA has hosted numerous events and provided volunteers when needed. Here are are just a few examples of the events: the Book Fair, the Farley Fun Day, the Valentine's Dance, Farley Gives Back Bingo Night, the Ice Cream Social, and so many more.
· The HASA has provided funds for field trips and sponsored cultural assemblies
· The HASA puts on the Farley Fun Run-our only fundraiser of the year which has provided funds to upgrade our library, create an outdoor classroom in our courtyard, and most recently enhance our playground.
Pleas join Farley's Home and School Association's monthly meetings. More information to come on the day meetings will be held. Free childcare is always provided for these meetings.
Just in case you don't have Farley's Home and School's Facebook link--here it is:
We are now one month into the 2024-2025 school year and I know that you have many hopes and dreams the days to come. To make sure those hopes and dreams are realized, I want to ask for your commitment to making sure your child attends school every day possible this year. The evidence is clear: children with good attendance are more likely to be successful in school and in life. Research shows that high attendance rates in elementary school are directly linked directly to high student achievement. Every day counts. Missing school even 10% of the time has a significant negative impact on reading and math achievement as children progress through school.
Good attendance starts early. Research has shown that the attendance habits established Kindergarten through Grade 2 have lasting effects on students throughout their education: children with high attendance in the early grades continue to have good attendance; and students with low attendance in the early grades are more likely to have low attendance—and lower academic performance—throughout their elementary and middle school years.
As caregivers, you are your child’s most influential teacher, I am asking for your support in helping your child get to school every day and to get to school on time by 8:35 every day. We realize that every family faces challenges. Please let your child’s teacher know if your family needs help dealing with a challenge to your child’s good school attendance. We will do our best to help you and your family ensure that your child’s school attendance stays on track.
Like last year, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has mandated that families, whose children have 5 or more absences or 5 or more tardies be formally notified, in written form, of their child’s attendance. While Farley keeps accurate records of which absences are “excused” and “unexcused” the DESE does NOT distinguish between “excused” and “unexcused” absences.
Each school in the district will be emailing these letters home twice month. Please do not worry if you have received one of these notifications. We understand that kids, especially elementary age, get sick more often, have medical appointments, etc. We also understand that Covid-19 and the flu are still an issue. Farley staff always reaches out personally if attendance or tardies are a true concern. We like to work with families to help rectify any attendance issues that arise.
For the past few years, Ms. Susana has been organizing a "Traveling with Books Project". This Portuguese Story Hour is open to all students and takes place on the weekends at the Hudson Public Library. This year, Ms. Brenda and Ms. Dione are also helping out. The main goal of the reading event is to develop students’ Portuguese language literacy as well as establish relationships and connections between multilingual students and different resources in the community. See the fliers below for more detailed information.
Click the flier below to find out more information about Hudson Rec Basketball!
For the safety and well-being of both students and staff, the Farley teachers at car pick-up and drop-off kindly ask that drivers not use cell phones while in line. They would like caregivers to refrain from taking pictures and videos of kids walking into school as well. Thank you in advance for help with this.
Students get Paw Print Stickers for going above and beyond. When a staff member "catches" them doing something spectacular, they get two stickers-one to wear and one to put on their homeroom Fox poster. When their classroom Fox poster fills up with stickers, they get to have a classroom celebration. If you see a paw print on your child's clothing or backpack, please ask them what good deed they did to receive the sticker!
A few of the residents who live on Lincoln Street asked me to remind all car pick-up drivers, to please refrain from parking in front of the driveways on Packard or Lincoln Streets while waiting for pickup. Blocking driveways makes it difficult for residents to access their homes. Within the next few weeks, car pick-up will be so fast that this shouldn't be problem. But for now, please be mindful of where your care is idling. The residents thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Farley Elementary School prepares all of its students with the academic and social-emotional skills they need to thrive as thoughtful, creative, and curious citizens who value diversity and lifelong learning.
Farley Elementary School is a safe and inclusive community where everyone feels seen and valued. We inspire and empower all of our members to grow, explore, and ignite a love of learning. We value creativity, curiosity, global citizenship, and equity and believe our cultural and linguistic diversity makes us stronger.
Farley Elementary School
Email: rscanlon@hudson.k12.ma.us
Website: https://cafarley.hudson.k12.ma.us/
Location: 119 Cottage Street, Hudson, MA, USA
Phone: 978-567-6153
District Resources:
Civil Rights Coordinator- Jennifer Allard jnallard@hudson.k12.ma.us
Title IX Coordinator- Jennifer Allard jnallard@hudson.k12.ma.us
Director of Student Services- Catherine Kilcoyne cakilcoyne@hudson.k12.ma.us
District 504 Coordinator-Catherine Kilcoyne cakilcoyne@hudson.k12.ma.us
McKinney Vento Contact-Catherine Kilcoyne cakilcoyne@hudson.k12.ma.us
Foster Care Point of Contact-Catherine Kilcoyne cakilcoyne@hudson.k12.ma.us