Board of Education News & Notes
Flemington-Raritan Regional School District
Board Meeting Highlights - 6/13/24
The Flemington-Raritan Regional Board of Education held a regular meeting on June 13, 2024. Below is a recap of the meeting:
- All motions were approved: Agenda.
- Mr. Castellano, Mrs. Kay and Mr. Sibilia presented highlights of J.P. Case Middle School, linked here. As part of the school showcase, the J.P. Case Tigerettes vocal ensemble performed (photo below); the performance is also linked here.
- Click to access Audio Recordings of Board of Education Meetings.
~~~ Congratulations, Retirees! ~~~
On behalf of the Flemington-Raritan Regional School District and the entire community, the Board of Education commended and thanked our retiring staff members for their many years of service to our district. Through the years, these dedicated professionals have served countless students and families, supported fellow faculty members, collaborated with their colleagues and contributed to our district’s great success. Their experience, knowledge, skills and talents have helped to improve and enhance the education we provide our students. Over the years, they have taught, guided or cared for children with great pride, integrity and sincerity. Their hard work and devotion have helped our students grow, learn and achieve. It is because of their outstanding efforts that our district continues to provide all students with an excellent education and the foundation they need to succeed in the future. We thank these individuals for all that they have given to our district, including their commitment to children, passion for education and a life-long love of learning. As each of them looks toward their new beginning, we wish them much joy, good health and all the very best in the years to come. Please join the Board in congratulating and applauding this year's retirees:
- Frances Beckwith, Support Skills, Robert Hunter School
- Daniel Bland, Assistant Superintendent
- Marianne Buccigrossi, Reading Recovery, Francis A. Desmares School
- Sherrill DeGenova, Speech and Language Pathologist, Copper Hill School
- Crystal DiBetta, Media Specialist, Robert Hunter School
- Patricia Flavin, Technology Integration Specialist, Copper Hill School
- Christine Grabowich, Administrative Secretary, Francis A. Desmares School
- Christopher Hagan, Computer Technician Network Phone Administrator
- Melissa Hoffman, Math Support Skills, Francis A. Desmares School
- Rosemary Nagy, Vocal Music, J.P. Case Middle School
- Kyle Nardelli, Cafeteria Supervisor, Copper Hill School
- Susan Shames, Kindergarten, Francis A. Desmares School
- Virginia Shanahan, Family and Consumer Science, J.P. Case Middle School
~~~ Special Student Performance ~~~
Click the photo to hear the J.P. Case Tigerettes sing during the meeting, conducted by Mrs. Nagy.
~~~ Special Student Presentation ~~~
The Flemington-Raritan Student Alliance Team was awarded 2nd place in the state in the middle school division of the Climate Challenge. The team presented their project at the June 13 Board of Education meeting as part of J.P. Case Middle School's school showcase. View their project video here!
Board Committee Reports
Please click this link to view Board Committee Reports presented by each Committee Chairperson during the meeting. Each summary provides a brief overview of the notable business of each Board committee that was discussed and approved this month but is not a comprehensive list of action items.
Policy & Regulation Update
The Board abolished the following policy:
The Board presented the following new policies for a 1st reading:
- P 4219 - Commercial Driver’s License Controlled Substance and Alcohol Use Testing (M)
- P 5841- Secret Societies
The Board presented the following new policy and regulation for a 2nd reading and adoption:
The Board adopted the following revised policies:
- P 1140 - Educational Equity Policies/Affirmative Action (M)
- P 1530 - Equal Employment Opportunities (M)
- P 1550 - Equal Employment/Anti-Discrimination Practices (M)
- P 3211- Code of Ethics
- P 6471- School District Travel (M)
- P 9323 - Notification of Juvenile Offender Case Disposition
Next Meetings - June 27
The next regular meeting of the Board will be held on Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 7 p.m.
Board Members (2024)
About the Board of Education
Board Committees & Contacts
Board Meeting Schedule, Agendas & Minutes
Our Mission:
As a Community of One, WE:
Foster social, emotional, and academic growth within a connected learning community;
Respect, honor and embrace diverse family and community values by building collaborative partnerships;
Strengthen opportunities that nurture creative and critical thinkers;
Develop and inspire personal excellence.
Every Student - Every Day - Every Opportunity