The Sewell Sabercats
November 2024
We are an "A" rated school
I am excited to announce that our school has officially been recognized as an A-rated school! This prestigious rating reflects the dedication, hard work, and commitment of our students, staff, families, and the entire community in supporting a culture of excellence and high achievement.
Achieving an A rating is a significant accomplishment, showcasing our students’ hard work, the high standards of our teachers, and the invaluable support of our families. This rating is a testament to the daily efforts put forth in each classroom, the school’s commitment to a rigorous and inclusive curriculum, and our dedication to preparing every student for success.
We want to thank each and every one of you for contributing to this success. Together, we have made our school a place where we inspire and empower students for success.
Thank you
I want to thank all of your for supporting our student council and making Sewell's first Trunk or Treat event a success. We had so many families supporting our school community by donating candy and their time by passing out candy to our students in order to make this event amazing for our students. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Perfect Attendance
In August of this year, as a school we decided to change how we celebrated our perfect attendance students. Every month we have a pizza party for those students who had perfect attendance the previous month. They had to be on time every day and not leave early from school.
August Perfect Attendance:
Kindergarten: Abigail, Emma, Kylo
2nd Grade: Raymond, Athena, Lucy, Flynn, Benjamin and Christopher
3rd Grade: Angel, Pyper, Lilly, Sage and Araceli
4th Grade: Ryder, Daviel, Mila, Abigail, August and Serineh
5th Grade: Olive, Milania, Parker and Leonitis
September Perfect Attendance:
Kindergarten: Ellis, Kylo, River and Amaya
1st Grade: Isabela and Nora
2nd Grade: Athena, Matteo, and Christopher
3rd Grade: Daisy, Adalberto, Pyper, Shukrullah and Milah
4th Grade: Myla, Ryder, Daviel, Jude, Mila, Abigail, August, Serineh, Ira, Roderick and Aubriana
5th Grade: Ruhullah, Landon, Shalayah and Leonitis
OMA: Opening Minds through the Arts
OMA Fun in October
- We have been celebrating Hispanic Heritage with beautiful Hispanic Folk Art Tissue flowers and flowerpot drawings. They have all turned out beautiful. Students have learned songs: Los Pollitos, La Raspa with dance and Ru Ru Lullaby.
- After fall break, we will be starting a storytelling unit, fall crafts as well as preparing pieces for our Sewell winter concert. This concert is Wednesday, Dec. 4 at 5pm outside in our courtyard.
- Permission slips will be going home soon for a couple of things. Third graders have almost reached white belt status which means they will be allowed to take recorders home to practice, but it must come back for class. There will also be permission slips for Dec. 19 Beauty and the Beast field trip presented by Arts Express for 3rd-5th grades.
- After-school Sewell choir is sounding amazing. They have gotten many compliments from teachers.
- You can always reach Ms. Darling by email.
Booster Club
Save the Date:
Nov 6: School Council Meeting, 3pm Library
Nov 11: NO SCHOOL, Veteran's Day
Nov 28-29, NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving Break
Dec 4: Winter Concert, 5pm
Dec 10: Dance Performance
Dec 20: NO SCHOOL, Grading Day
Dec 23-Jan 3: NO SCHOOL, Winter Break
Volunteering at Sewell
We are looking for parent volunteers to support in our classroom by supporting students and the teacher. You can help in our garden, the library, during lunch recess, or support a classroom field trip. Your help is needed and greatly appreciated it takes all of us working together to "Inspire and Empower our Students for Success." Please sign up to volunteer with us today!!
Inclusive Preschool Program: Open Seats 2024-25 school year
Your child will enjoy meaningful friendships and increase their social interaction. They will have peer role models for academic, social and behavior skills. This prepares them for adult life in an inclusive, diverse society. We know students achieve more in place of learning where every student's needs are supported by an inclusive community. Their teacher is early childhood certified, and we keep small class sizes for high-quality experiences for your child.
- Ages: 3 and 4
- must be three by August 31
- Free
- 2½ hours daily
- Morning OR afternoon session
- Classes held Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
Before/After School Registration
Our Before- and After School Programs offer a safe and fun place for children before school, after school, on breaks, and during the summer. Our programs engage students in various activities that include arts and crafts, indoor/outdoor games, cooking, homework help, explore through field trips, and more! Our Before- and After-School programs are licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Services and accept DES.
Services Cost
Before School $44.10 weekly (7:00 am - 8:00 am)
After School $81.90 weekly (after school - 6:00 pm)
Before/After School $94.50 weekly
Spots are granted in order of application, so apply soon.
Attendance or Tardy Reporting
If your child will be absent on any given day for any reason, please call our attendance line, 520-584-7200. You can also report absences and tardies through ParentVue, see pdf document below.
If your child is tardy to school, they will need to be checked-in, by a parent, in the front office before going to class.
Excellent attendance is a high priority at Sewell. Missing school can be detrimental to your child's progress. When a child is absent from school, they will need to make-up missing assignments. Please contact your child's teacher via email for make-up work.
School Hours
8:00 am - Earliest arrival
8:00 am - 8:25 am - Breakfast served
8:25 am - 2:35 pm - Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
8:25 am - 1:35 pm - Wed (early dismissal)
Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Office Phone Number: 520-584-7200