CMSS Newsletter
Week of October 28 - November 1, 2024
CMSS Builders Club would like you to join in Socktober! Donate new socks of various sizes to benefit those in need. There will be a donation box in front of the cafeteria. We will be collecting until October 31st! Thank you for your support!
Free Fish Lunch
Free Fish Lunch for Military, Veteran, and Gold Star families in the Cabot School District
The Cabot School District is excited to announce that thanks to a generous donation
from a group of World War II veterans, a free fish lunch with all the fixings will be
offered to families of military service members, veterans, and Gold Star families
within the district. This community gathering is an opportunity to bring together the
families of those who have dedicated themselves to serving our country and
● Date: Saturday, November 16th
● Time: 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
● Location: Cabot Junior High North Cafeteria (38 Spirit Dr.)
● Who is Invited: Families of military service members, veterans, and Gold
Star families in the Cabot School District
● Sign-Up Deadline: Friday, November 8th by 2:30 p.m.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to the WWII veterans whose incredible generosity has
made this event possible, and we look forward to honoring the service and
commitment of our American heroes!
Frontier Festival
Front Parking Lot
We want to address a growing safety concern regarding our front parking lot. While we understand that some families need to use this area to walk their students up or assist those in wheelchairs, we’ve noticed that several parents are dropping off students and allowing them to walk through the parking lot alone. For the safety of all our students, we ask that parents refrain from simply dropping off students in the parking lot. Instead, please use the car line or walk your student to the crosswalk for safe entry into the building. Thank you for helping us keep our students safe! We appreciate your cooperation and support!
Voyagers of the Week
The word of the month is motivated. Check out these students who were nominated by their teachers this week. Great job, students! Keep up the good work!
Navigator of the Week
Mrs. Smith
This week’s Navigator of the Week is Mrs. Smith! Mrs. Smith is one of our school registrar and is in her first year at CMSS. She has worked hard to build positive relationships with students and staff and even remembers some students from when she taught P.E. at Southside! When it comes to being motivated, she is second to none. Congratulations, Mrs. Smith!
Upcoming Important Dates
Oct 31: Fall Picture Retakes
Nov 8: Frontier Festival
Nov 11: Veterans Day Parade
Nov 16: Free Fish Lunch for Military, Veteran, & Gold Star families of CPS