Hornets' Nest News
Everything you need to know about Castle Rock Elementary
March Newsletter
March Upcoming Events:
Please note that the following events are scheduled as listed, however, are subject to change.
- Monday, 3/3: Read Across America Day (See Flyer Below)
- Tuesday, 3/4: Oral Health Assessment Day- TK-2nd Grade (2nd Graders need to opt-in)
- Thursday, 3/6: Heritage Day (See Flyer Below)
- Friday, 3/7: Trimester & Monthly Awards Assembly @ 9:15 AM in the Cafeteria
- Wednesday, 3/12: Minimum Day- Dismissal @ 1:00 PM
- Friday, 3/14: 3rd-8th Grade Nordic Ski Day with Mr. Birch
- Tuesday, 3/18: LCAP/Parent Advisory Committee/SSC Meeting @ 3:00 PM
- Friday, 3/21: Minimum Day- Dismissal @ 1:00 PM
- Monday, 3/24-Friday, 3/28: Spring Break- No School
IMPORTANT DATES: Our 3rd-8th grade students will be taking CAASPP (Smarter Balanced Assessment) from May 5th-May 16th. It is very important that students attend everyday and are on time during these two weeks. We wanted to share the dates now so that parents and guardians can do their best to schedule appointments and other absences (other than sickness) outside the testing window.
All Fridays are Spirit Days- Wear your Castle Rock Elementary Spirit Shirts!
Here is a link to our March Breakfast and Lunch Menus: https://5il.co/392rj
Other events may occur that are not yet scheduled, but we will keep you posted.
February Happenings
Fun Educational Activities from February
Find below pictures of some of the activities from the month of February.
Flight Science Day with Mr. Birch- 6th, 7th, & 8th
Planning and creating helicopters
Flight Science Day with Mr. Birch- 6th, 7th, & 8th
Creating Helicopters
Flight Science Day with Mr. Birch- 6th, 7th, & 8th
Re-evaluating and adjusting to make Helicopter fly higher.
Science Day with Mr. Birch- 3rd. 4th, & 5th Rockets
Testing to see how high the helicopter would fly.
Flight Science Day with Mr. Birch- 6th, 7th, & 8th
Testing to see how high the helicopter would fly.
Flight Science Day with Mr. Birch- 6th, 7th, & 8th
Making adjustment to see if helicopter would fly higher.
Science Day with Mr. Birch- 1st & 2nd Rockets
Science Day with Mr. Birch- 1st & 2nd Rockets
Straw Rockets with Mr. Birch- 1st & 2nd Grade
Straw Rockets with Mr. Birch- 1st & 2nd Grade
Straw Rockets with Mr. Birch- 1st & 2nd Grade
Straw Rockets with Mr. Birch- 1st & 2nd Grade
Straw Rockets with Mr. Birch- 1st & 2nd Grade
Straw Rockets with Mr. Birch- 1st & 2nd Grade
Straw Rockets with Mr. Birch- 1st & 2nd Grade
100th Day of School in 1st & 2nd Grade
Snap Circuits in After School Program
Indoor PE Game
3-D STEM Figures in TK & K
3-D STEM Figures in TK & K
Boys Basketball vs. Dunsmuir
Girls Basketball vs. McCloud
Girls Basketball vs. McCloud
Girls Basketball vs. McCloud
Girls Basketball vs. McCloud
Girls Basketball vs. McCloud
Boys Basketball vs. McCloud
Boys Basketball vs. McCloud
Boys Basketball vs. McCloud
Girls Basketball vs. Golden Eagle North @ Gazelle
Girls Basketball vs. Golden Eagle North @ Gazelle
Girls Basketball vs. Golden Eagle North @ Gazelle
Girls Basketball vs. Shasta Valley
Girls Basketball vs. Shasta Valley
Girls Basketball vs. Shasta Valley
Girls MVL Tournament vs. Hornbrook in Dunsmuir
Girls MVL Tournament vs. Hornbrook in Dunsmuir
Girls MVL Tournament vs. Hornbrook in Dunsmuir
Girls MVL Tournament vs. Hornbrook in Dunsmuir
Girls MVL Tournament vs. Gazelle in Dunsmuir
Girls MVL Tournament vs. Gazelle in Dunsmuir
Girls MVL Tournament vs. Gazelle in Dunsmuir
Girls MVL Tournament vs. Gazelle in Dunsmuir
Girls MVL Tournament vs. Shasta Valley in Dunsmuir
Girls MVL Tournament vs. Shasta Valley in Dunsmuir
Girls MVL Tournament Free Throw Competition Winner- Paityn Mellon
Girls MVL Tournament 3rd Place
Basketball Team Luncheon
Basketball Team Luncheon
Basketball Team Luncheon
Monthly Awards Assembly
Monthly Awards Assembly Information
Our next Monthly Awards Assembly will be held on Friday, March 7th at 9:15 AM in our school cafeteria. A parent invitation letter was sent home to the parents of the students that will be receiving awards the week prior.
Student of the Month Awards
One student from each class is chosen by their teacher as Student of the Month for working hard on exhibiting both the Monthly Value and our Positive Behavior Expectations. Student of the Month Award winners will receive a certificate, a small trophy, and a book of their choice at the assembly.
Our Student of the Month Winners for the months of December and January that will receive their award on March 7th are:
TK-K: Skarlett Parham (December) and TBD (January)
1st-2nd Grade: Axel Bruce (December) and Elijah Kulak (January)
3rd-5th Grade: Koltyn Ghiotto (December) and Pierce Roberts (January)
6th-8th Grade: Cloie Swartz (December) and Raelynn Berrigan (January)
Perfect Attendance Awards
Monthly Perfect Attendance Awards are given to students that were able to attend school every day for the entire month. These students will receive a certificate, pencil, and a perfect attendance brag tag. We encourage perfect attendance on a regular basis as "the more students are here, the more they will learn".
Our January and February Perfect Attendance Award Winners that will receive their award on Friday, March 7th are:
January: Elijah Kulak, Paityn Mellon, Jesse Perry, Pierce Roberts, Elijah Smith, Aiden Stout, and Kayson Stout.
February: Fin Apple, Keanan Ball, Raelynn Berrigan, Navara Gonzalez, Kaylee Hernandez, Paityn Mellon, Muira Nicora, Jesse Perry, Emery Poole, Jace Poole, Wesley Poole, Jacob Pudwill, Pierce Roberts, Elijah Smith, Ezra Smith, Aiden Stout, and Kayson Stout.
i-Ready Mid Year Achievement Awards- Rescheduled for March 7th
All of our K-8th grade students take an i-Ready diagnostic 3 times a year (Beginning, middle, and end of the year) to assess their academic achievement in both reading and math. The diagnostic provides teacher's with specific areas of growth and need for each student. Based on the beginning of the year diagnostic students are provided with an annual growth target to reach by the end of the school year. They then receive instruction within their classrooms on their grade level standards, as well as small group instruction and/or online instruction in i-Ready to meet their individual needs with the goal of reaching their annual growth target.
Our students completed the middle of the year diagnostic the last few weeks of January. The diagnostic shows that most of our students are not only on target to meet their annual growth rate by the end of the year, but have already met or surpassed their annual growth target. All students that have shown any growth will be receiving an award at the Monthly Awards Assembly on March 7th. Those that are on target for achieving their annual growth rate and/or have surpassed (** below) in either or both Reading and/or Math will be receiving an additional reward and will be going on a reward field trip.
i-Ready READING Achievement Award Winners are listed below:
The following students have met or surpassed their Annual Growth Target in Reading: Keanan Ball, Ducatti Ponce-Winters, Axel Bruce, Koltyn Ghiotto, Pierce Roberts, Noah Gonzalez, Jesse Perry, Wesley Poole, Kaylee Hernandez, Chris Bonifield, Navara Gonzalez, Kenzie Johnson, Jace Poole, Raelynn Berrigan, Bella Canfield, Madison Goodrich, and Paityn Mellon. **
The following students are on target to meet their Annual Growth Target in Reading: Elijah Kulak, Emery Poole, Kai Ghiotto, Edward Windus, Orion Riddle, and Cloie Swartz. **
The following students showed some growth towards their Annual Growth Target in Reading: Aspen Holland-Damitz, Hunter Borba, Muira Nicora, Elijah Smith, and Kayson Stout.
i-Ready MATH Achievement Award Winners are listed below:
The following students have met or surpassed their Annual Growth Target in Math: Keanan Ball, Eleanor Windus, Elijah Kulak, Ella Johnson, Axel Bruce, Pierce Roberts, Edward Windus, Noah Gonzalez, Wesley Poole, Kaylee Hernandez, Jacob Pudwill, Navara Gonzalez, Kenzie Johnson, Jace Poole, Raelynn Berrigan, and Cloie Swartz. **
The following students are on target to meet their Annual Growth Target in Math: Aspen Holland-Damitz, Skarlett Parham, and Ezra Smith. **
The following students showed some growth towards their Annual Growth Target in Math: Hunter Borba, Ducatti Ponce-Winters, Muira Nicora, Emery Poole, Elijah Smith, Kayson Stout, Kai Ghiotto, Koltyn Ghiotto, Orion Riddle, Aiden Stout, Chris Bonifield, Madison Goodrich, Bella Canfield, and Paityn Mellon
Monthly Attendance Reminder
A Good Night's Rest =A Good Day of Learning!
Sleep is important for overall health, and healthy children learn better. Below is a graphic that provides the recommended amount of sleep from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Here is a great video regarding the importance of school attendance from the Shasta County Office of Education/Reach Higher Shasta: https://youtu.be/6Iq_OiQ8B4c
Superintendent's Message
Message from Leslie Rames
It is hard to believe that we have completed our 2nd Trimester already! It seems like the first day of school was just a month or two ago. Time sure flies when we are busy working and learning! February was a busy month of purposeful learning as well as participating in the "Great Kindness Challenge", 100th day of School Activities, and of course celebrating Valentine's Day. Our 3rd Trimester stretch is filled with lots of activities and learning to better prepare our students for end of year testing and ensuring that they are fully prepared to move onto the next grade level. Attendance is very important during the next few months!
March will be a busy month with lots of learning and school activities. Our 2nd Trimester ended on February 27th. Report Cards will be sent home Friday, March 7th so keep your eyes out for them. We will be participating in Read Across America on Monday, March 3rd with classroom reading activities and a Dr. Seuss poster contest. Castle Rock Elementary Heritage Day will be observed this year on Thursday, March 6th. The day will be filled with fun Heritage Day activities such as making homemade butter, making a quilt (paper), gold panning, playing old time games, singing/playing old time music, etc. We are also inviting our parents and families to join us for a Heritage Day Luncheon from 11:45 AM-12:30 PM as part of our Heritage Day Celebration.
Our Spring Break is the week of March 24th-March 28th. I wish you all a healthy March and an enjoyable, safe Spring Break!
Castle Rock Elementary School
29373 Main St.
Castella, CA 96017
Find us on Facebook: Castle Rock School-Castella