Daniel Boone Area Primary Center
May 2024
April PAWS Winners Announced!
We would like to congratulate our April PAWS winners for consistently following our school rules of being Peaceful, Aware, Wise and Safe!
Our April winners are: Tosin A., Liam B., Lizzy C., Brody K., Maci M., and Dana W.
We are thankful for all of our students who follow our PAWS rules each and everyday!
Kinder "GARDEN" Day
Our kindergarten students participated in a fun day of learning about gardening, food groups, pollination and more! We would like to send a HUGE thank you to our Daniel Boone High School Ecology club students, their advisor, Ms. Wagner and Mrs. Griffith, our Wellness Coordinator for creating a great day of learning and FUN for our students.
Family SEL Night
Family SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) Night was held at the Primary Center in April. Many families attended this special event organized by some of our high school students, Mrs. Berg, our school counselor, Mrs. Griffith, our Wellness Coordinator and Mr. Shappell, Physical Education Teacher in our school district. The evening was focused on various areas of Social and Emotional learning including self awareness, self management, social awareness, responsible decision making and relationship skills.
Superhero Lunch Ladies!
Thank you to these lovely ladies on National School Lunch Hero Day! They provide nutritious lunches and breakfast to our students at the Primary Center! Thank you, ladies for all you do!
Upcoming Events
May 7-Spring Open House, Art Show and Book Fair (6-7pm for kindergarten and 7-8pm for first grade)
May 8, 9 and 10-Kindergarten field trips
May 9-First Grade Unity Day
May 16-Bridge Day-First graders will travel to IC for the visit to their new school
May 20-Field day for students and staff only (no spectators)
May 21-Raindate for Field day
May 22-Blazer Olympics
May 24-Early Dismissal
May 27-Holiday
May 28-All School Picnic for students and staff only (please send a fully disposable packed lunch or your child can purchase a picnic lunch, beach towel and wear sneakers)
May 29-Raindate for All School Picnic
May 31-Early dismissal
June 3-Early dismissal
June 4-Early dismissal
June 5-Early dismissal (last day for students)
June 6-Incoming Kindergarten families attend Ready Set Kindergarten event (by invitation after registration).
July-Summer program for Prek-4th grade begins
Daniel Boone Area Primary Center
Email: melanie.hefter@dboone.org
Website: www.dboone.org
Location: 576 Monocacy Creek Road, Birdsboro, PA, USA
Phone: 610-385-6800