'Cause You Need to Know!!
September 13th, 2023
Recent Leadership Changes at ASASP!
ASASP Members,
There have been some changes in the leadership of our union that you need to be made aware of immediately. Three members of our board have tendered their resignation per the Bylaws of our union. The Bylaws govern our union just as the constitution governs how our country operates and like the constitution there are often challenges and interpretations.
Nevertheless , the members of the Board of Directors of ASASP voted overwhelmingly to uphold the Bylaws, therefore we have significant changes in our leadership.
As a result of the changes, I have notified the PGCPS Board of Education, since they are the people with whom this union has a negotiated agreement. I have also informed Superintendent House's administration and now I am formally notifying you, as our board just met this past Monday, September 11th.
Our president, vice president and a unit 3 member are no longer on this board. Per our Bylaws our secretary, Dr. Carlene Murray, who was our recording secretary before these changes, must now assume the role of president until an election is held to fill the positions.
Please see Article XI section 2, 4 and section 6 for clarification, as I want to be totally transparent with you all. http://www.asasp.org/uploads/2/8/2/4/28247753/bylaws_-_amended_june_2019.pdf
Our newly hired legal counsel provided guidance throughout the process, as this board voted overwhelmingly to have the Executive Director to obtain counsel for ASASP.
I do apologize for any and all confusion that may have been caused due to changes, misunderstandings and misinterpretations, but I do also want to thank you for your patience and support.
You will be updated very soon on election dates, since we were unable to complete that process in August due to conflict.
This is your union, it is not mine or anyone else. I am here to fight for you and your rights as a member. You can rest assured that your interests and your interests alone are at the forefront of every decision I and this board make.
Finally, before I close I want to reiterate that you should never conduct union or personal business over PGCPS email system.
Have a great and wonderful school year,
Jeffery Parker, Executive Director ASASP