May 2022
High School Student Services
Important Dates
End of Q4 Progress Reports: 5/20/22
Regents Exams: 6/1/22 (US History only) & 6/15/22 - 6/23/22
Last Day of Classes: 6/14/22
End of Q4: 6/17/22
Class of 2022 Graduation: 6/24/22
Information for All Students
Scheduling for the 2022-2023 School Year
At this point, you should have received your course requests for the coming year. If you would like to make any changes to your requests, please be sure to return the form you received with your 3rd Quarter Report Card to your school counselor by May 6th.
Distance Learning Classes for the 2022-2023 School Year
We would like to remind you of the following Distance Learning courses we anticipate will be in our schedule next year. Please see your counselor if you are interested in adding any of the following courses to your schedule for the 2022 - 2023 school year!
- Adirondack History (1/2 credit; semester 1 class)
- AP/SUPA Psychology (through Syracuse University)
- Astronomy (1/2 credit; semester 1 class)
- Business Communications (option of college credit through FMCC - BUS 137)
- Criminology (option of college credit through SUNY ADK - SOC 201)
- Forensic Science
- History of Sport
- History of World War II (1/2 credit; semester 2 class)
- Marine Science
- Meteorology (1/2 credit; semester 1 class)
- Modern Cosmology (1/2 credit; semester 2 class)
- Principles of Business (option of college credit through FMCC - BUS 101)
- Principles of Sociology (option of college credit through SUNY ADK - SOC 101)
- Theoretical Physics (1/2 credit; semester 2 class)
- Vet Science
UMass Amherst - Summer+ Pre-College Programs
A variety of programs, with both residential and online options, will be offered to rising 10th - 12th graders. Students will gain firsthand experience with college-level academics and campus life, and be able to explore potential majors. Program offerings include:
For students interested in healthcare, research, and/or data analysis:
For students interested in current events & social issues, politics, or anthropology:
- Race & American Politics: Then and Now
- Pandemics and Society
- The Sociology of TikTok
- Vampires & Revenants: the Archaeology of the Undead
For students interested in visual arts and communication:
- Making a TV Program: Production Design
- 3D Design: Modeling for Games, Animation & Illustration
- 3D Animation: Giving Life and Movement to Your 3D World
All programs are taught by UMass faculty and advanced graduate students, and feature project-based learning. More program details, including fees and scholarships, can be found here. Deadline: June 15, 2022
Summer Camps at Norwich University
The Future Leader Camp (FLC) at Norwich University aims to prepare high school students for college by encouraging a strong work ethic, teamwork, and time management through two weeks of military-style training. Activities include:
- Rappelling
- Archery
- Kayaking
- Paintball
- First-aid training
- Physical fitness
- Drill & ceremony
- Indoor rock climbing wall
These programs are open to rising 9th - 12th graders. More information, including the registration information, can be found here.
University of Rochester's Pre-College Online Programs
During these engaging online events, students will hear from experts in each course’s subject area, collaborate with mentors, and participate in interactive events with classmates from around the globe.
Programs available this summer include:
More information, including the application, can be found here.
Summer Internship Opportunity
A local insurance agency is looking for a part-time intern (must be a rising 11th or 12th grader) for the summer. The intern must be comfortable using technology, have an outstanding work ethic, abide by confidentiality expectations of the company, and have their own transportation. If you are interested, please see Mrs. Rust for more information ASAP.
The Hampton Inn & Suites in Saratoga Springs is hiring for the summer! Applicant must be 16 -18 years old and be able to work both weekdays and weekends. Hours will be Monday - Saturday from 8:00 am - 4:30 pm and Sunday from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm. Applications can be completed online for this housekeeping position. Please contact Carolyn at (518) 584-2100 with questions.
Military Rep Visit
A representative from the US Navy will be here on May 5th at 10:00 am to meet with interested students. Please stop by Student Services for a pass if you'd like to meet with them.
Youth2-Youth Helping Youth is hosting a “Walk With Ukraine” - a 2-mile walk in Congress Park for the refugees of Ukraine from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm on Saturday, June 4th. If you would like to participate as a walker, please request a Pledge Form by stopping by Student Services.
Students are to bring their Pledge Form and their envelope of donations to the Registration Table in Congress Park on Saturday morning from 9:00 am - 10:00 am.
The Youth2-Youth Helping Youth Advisory Board is eager to help out the people of Ukraine.
Walkers are encouraged to wear blue and yellow, the national colors of Ukraine! There will be music, storytelling, raffle baskets, homemade Ukrainian gifts, a Ukrainian craft table for kids, a Sunflower Photo Op, Face Painting, a unique Bead Stand and more!
Wesley is Hiring!
Young Scholars Cell Biology Institute
Summer Programs at Marist
Scan the QR code for summer opportunities at Marist College.
Senior Information
Now Accepting...STEM Incentive Program Applications
- The NYS STEM Program provides tuition awards to students who are New York residents attending a public college or university located in New York State.
- Recipients must be in the top 10 percent of their high school graduating class, pursue an approved, two or four-year STEM degree program and agree to live in NYS and work in a STEM field in NYS for five years after graduation.
- For students attending a private college, the maximum award for the 2022-2023 academic year is equal to the SUNY tuition rate which is $7,070 per year.
- Students can complete and submit the NYS Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Incentive Program Application.
- STEM applications are available now through August 15, 2022.
- Saratoga County Medical Society Scholarship: eligible applicants must be intending to further his or her education in a health-related field; scholarship will be based on academic performance, extracurricular activities, an essay and a letter of recommendation. Application information can be found here. Deadline: June 1, 2022
- Richard Eglin Memorial Scholarship: eligible applicants must have signed paperwork from the United States Armed Forces, Reserves, or R.O.T.C. More information can be found here. Deadline: June 1, 2022
- The Saratoga Snowmobile Association, Inc. (SSA): eligible applicant must be a member of SSA or have a parent/guardian who has a family membership in SSA; must submit an application, transcript, letter of recommendation, and an essay. More application information can be found here. Deadline: May 15, 2022
- Black Horses Athletic Award: applicant must respond to an essay prompt included on the application, which can be found here. Deadline: May 26, 2022
- NYS School Facilities Association Scholarship: eligible applicants must be a 2022 graduate from a school district, who’s Director of Facilities, is a member of the Capital District Chapter - New York State School Facilities Association in the current school year. Preference will be given to a Chapter Member’s immediate family (unmarried child). Applicant must be pursuing a college or vocational career in facilities management, construction management, engineering or related field of study. Application can be found here. Deadline: May 20, 2022
- Fred Male Scholarship: eligible applicant must be pursuing a career or continuing his/her education in construction, heavy equipment operation, or a related labor field. Application information can be found here. Deadline: May 26, 2022
- Old Saratoga Historical Association Scholarship: eligible applicants must complete a 600 word essay (see the flyer below for essay prompts) and complete additional application information. Deadline: May 20, 2022
Transferring College Credit
If you've taken a college level course in high school for college credit and would like the credit transferred to the college you will be attending in the fall, please be sure to request an official college transcript at the end of the school year. Contact information is below for each college we receive courses from:
U Albany (French 4 & 5 and Spanish 4 & 5)
Syracuse University (follow directions for Project Advance courses)
SUNY Adirondack (Creative Writing, Criminology, Developmental Psych, General Psych, Intro to College Writing, and Sociology)
SUNY Cobleskill (Animal Science, Food Science, and Plant Science)
Senior College/Military Spirit Day
Show Schuylerville High School where you will be heading in the fall by wearing apparel that represents your college, university, branch of the military, employment, or any other post-graduate plan on May 2nd! Be sure to tell your school counselor of your plans for next year so we know where to send your final transcript!
North Syracuse Fire Department Bunk-In Program
This program is open to volunteer firefighters attending SUNY Onondaga Community College, Syracuse University, Le Moyne College or any school in the Greater Syracuse area. A Bunk-In is an active firefighter at another fire department outside of Onondaga County, NY who will serve with the North Syracuse Fire Department (NSFD) and their community in a volunteer capacity as a live-in firefighter. The Bunk-In program is a match of education and firematic opportunities, balancing a concentration on college studies with a yearly average of 800 fire and rescue calls. More information about this program can be found here.
Junior Information
Which Path Will You Choose?
Congratulations! You are about to enter your final year at SHS! With this step comes many new and exciting decisions! Will you head off to college? Will you join a branch of the military? Will you enter the workforce? Whatever path you choose, now is the time to start planning (if you haven't already started)!
- If your next step includes going to college, this summer is a wonderful time to visit colleges/universities you are interested in applying to in the fall. You may contact the Admissions Office at the campuses you want to visit to arrange for a tour (either in person or virtual). You should also begin to look over the application process for each school and be aware of the application deadlines! All colleges/universities have different deadlines, so start planning now! Finally, please make sure you register for an upcoming SAT or ACT for the purposes of admissions.
- If your next step includes joining a branch of the military, now is a good time to do your research and meet with a recruiter. Please remember, before you sign anything with a recruiter, your signature binds you to the agreement in the document! If you have questions, talk with your parent/guardians or counselor!
- If your next step includes going into the workforce, a summer job is a great way to make a lasting impression on an employer. If you would like assistance with an employment application or if you need your working papers, please stop by Student Services!
In the early fall Mrs. O'Brien and Mrs. Rust will be meeting individually with all seniors and their parents/guardians to continue discussing plans after high school! In the meantime, if you have any question, please don't hesitate to contact your counselor!
The College Admission Interview - How To Get The Most Out Of It
Many of you will apply to colleges in the next few months and are probably wondering about the college interview process. Here are few tips so you can ace that interview:
What type of interview are you participating in:- Required Interview: these are required by some colleges for all students
- Evaluative Interview: the interview will play a little role in the admissions process
Have confidence when you enter an admissions office. Make sure you check in at the front desk, not your parents/guardians. Often times, this is your first impression - make it a good one! Be professional and be on your best behavior. This is your time to shine!
Try to be yourself during the interview. Be relaxed and let the admissions counselor see who you really are. If you are interested in seeing a list of possible interview questions, you can find more information from the College Board here.
Upcoming SAT/ACT Testing Information:
The SAT and the ACT will be offered on the following (Saturday) national testing dates. The cost of the SAT is $55. The ACT has a basic fee of $60.00, with an optional writing test (cost with writing is $85.00). If the cost of these tests presents a hardship, you may be eligible for a fee waiver. Please check with Mrs. Rust or Mrs. O'Brien.
Test Date (Registration Deadline)
June 4th (May 5th)
Test Date (Registration Deadline)
June 11th (May 6th)
July 16th (June 17th)*
*No test center in New York
The State University of New York Information:
This spring is the perfect time to visit SUNY campuses. Multiple opportunities exist for students to tour campuses and get to know the SUNY options better.
Dartmouth Bound Summer Program
This program is designed to give participants an in-person experience of daily college life at Dartmouth. Participants will learn about Dartmouth's close-knit community and its resources, as well as college admissions and financial aid processes. Dartmouth Bound is open to rising high school seniors currently living and attending a high school in the U.S., regardless of citizenship status. While the application is open to all students, students from underrepresented backgrounds and communities - including students of color, students who are the first in their families to attend college, and students from low-income families - are encouraged to apply. Application can be found here. Deadline: May 18, 2022
Sophomore & Freshman Information
During this time, it's important to look back on this year and reflect:
- What things went well?
- What areas would you like to work on?
- What goals would you like to set for the future?
As always, please never hesitate to set up an appointment with your school counselor if you have any questions or concerns!
School Counselor Contact Information
Mrs. O’Brien (A-G, Grade 9-10; A-L, Grades 11-12)
Ms. Bean (H-M, Grade 9; H-L, Grade 10, Career Ed & AP Coordinator)
Mrs. Rust (N-Z, Grade 9; M-Z, Grades 10-12)
Mrs. Lyon (Secretary)
(518) 695-3255. ext. 2239
Email: rusts@schuylerville.org
Website: www.schuylervilleschools.org
Location: 14 Spring St, Schuylerville, NY, USA
Phone: (518) 695-3255