The Weekly Update #4
July 28th, 2024
Principal Post
Greetings AP-R Families,
Thank you for your participation in our Attendance Spirit Week! We are so proud of the many classrooms with perfect attendance this week! Congratulations to our award winners for being at school on time. Daily attendance is so important and every minute counts to help our students learn and grow. Please call the office if you have any questions or need any support regarding attendance.
Maureen Soto
School Improvement Day
School will begin two hours late for all students on Sept. 24 and Oct. 29, 2024, and Jan. 28 and April 1, 2025. Staff will use the time for data-driven work to improve teaching and learning across Omaha Public Schools. Staff will take attendance as they do on a regularly scheduled school day. Schedule conflicts will not be considered an excused absence.
Students currently enrolled in before-school programs will be able to arrive at the program at their usual time and receive breakfast. Breakfast will not be provided for students not enrolled in the before-school program. Lunch will be served to all students.
The majority of students receiving transportation will follow their regular bus route schedule shifted forward by two hours. Student transportation will inform families directly if their transportation will be impacted beyond the two-hour shift.
World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser
Congratulations to our Chocolate Queen for selling lots of boxes! Timberwolves keep selling your chocolates. Our fundraiser will officially end on September 30th.
Attendance Information
Did you know it takes an average of three days for students to catch up for every one day they’re absent? Omaha Public Schools is committed to working with our families to support student attendance every day, because we know every minute counts. Our district has updated our action plan to follow state guidelines on assisting students who miss a significant amount of class time. Our student attendance team will meet with families of students who have 20 total absences, whether or not those absences are excused. The team will work with the family to create a collaborative plan to improve attendance. You can make an impact on your student’s attendance now, and we’re here to help. If anything is getting in the way of getting your student to school, please contact your school’s principal, school support liaison, school counselor or bilingual liaison for help
Intramural Sports
Intramural soccer is well underway! We are excited for our soccer games this week. Please pick up students in the back of the school by the soccer fields. If parents are not here by 5:40, we will bring students to the main office. Please ensure that you are on time when picking up your student. We want to make sure that we are honoring our coaches time and getting them home to their families.
Franks & Fuller's Team:
Game on Tuesday @ 4:45
Practice on Wednesday @ 4:30- 5:30
Wilson & Wilson Team:
Practice on Monday @ 4:30-5:30
Game on Tuesday @ 4:45
Medina & Guerrero Team:
Practice Wednesday @ 4:30-5:30
Game on Thursday @ 4:45
Rosales & Knudsen Team:
Practice on Wednesday @ 4:30-5:30
Game on Thursday @ 4:45
Student Handbook
This week we visited many classrooms to review our student rules. Please click the link to access our student handbook. Thank you so much for your support of Ashland Park- Robbins!
Parent Information Packet
Parents, please fill out the student information packet online. Please see directions on how to access. Thank you!
Mark Your Calendar
Tuesday, September 24th- 2 Hour Late Start
Monday, September 30th- Last day for fundraiser
Friday, October 4th- No School
Thursday, October 17th- Individual Pictures