Parent Newsletter
September 2024 ** Volume 8 Issue 1
From the Principal
Welcome back Cedar Wood Families,
I am excited to have begun the school year today with your children. The start of the school year was always a time full of energy, and an array of emotions at the Allen household. Trish and I have four children and they all have very different levels of excitement for the start of the school year. Our oldest, Xander, found school easy and didn’t show much emotion for going back to school, either positive or negative, but always talked incessantly about the teacher and what he learned every day.
Our second son, Mitchell was not excited about summer ending and the freedom of playing all day slowly slipping away from him. This showed up in gradually increasing grumpiness as the first day approached and once school began.
Maddie and Aisley, our two daughters, could not wait until they could be back at school. They would compete all summer long on who could read the most books and then as the day drew near, they would lay out clothes days in advance, change their minds and lay out different outfits, and continue to second guess until the day arrived, and they had to make a binding decision.
Whether the start of a new school year induces excitement for school like our girls, dread like Mitchell, or a nonchalant demeanor like Xander, it always marks a new milestone in your child’s development and your families’ memories. Whatever the circumstance, we are excited to partner with you in giving your child the best possible school year, providing great learning, and positive forever memories.
In partnership,
Kevin Allen
- September 9 - Kindergarten First Day of School
- September 12 - PTA Ice Cream Social, 5 - 6pm
- September 16 - PTA Meeting, Library, 6:30 - 8pm
- September 18 - School Picture Day - order forms will be sent home Tuesday, September 10
- September 25 - Curriculum Night: Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grades - 6 - 6:30pm
- September 25 - Curriculum Night: 3rd, 4th and 5th Grades - 6:30 - 7pm
Did you know Everett Public Schools implemented our cell phone policy and procedures in 2019? The policy, which is designed to support an engaging learning environment, applies to cell phones as well as all personal electronic devices (PEDs), such as earbuds and smart watches. Below is a breakdown of what families and students need to know as we start the school year.
- During the school day: Cell phones and PEDs will be turned off and stored in backpacks. Students should not use cell phones and PEDs during the school day.
- Communicating with your child during the school day: If a student needs to contact a parent/guardian, they can do so through the school office. Likewise, parents/guardians can call the office for any urgent messages.
- Disciplinary action: If a cell phone/PED is seen or used during the day, school staff will hold it and return it to the student at the end of the school day. Repeated violations may lead to further consequences.
Cell Phone/PEDs District Policy can be viewed in the Student Handbook:
Please see the items below for: Attendance, Breakfast, Morning Drop-off, Lost & Found, and Transportation.
When reporting an absence for your child(ren), please SEND AN EMAIL TO: or CALL THE ATTENDANCE VOICEMAIL line at 425-385-7705. You may include your child’s teacher on this email as well.
It is recommended to include the teacher in your email. The school office is very busy in the morning and we may not be able to respond to your call in a timely fashion. Please call or email the attendance line.
Your email or voicemail message should include the following information:
Student first and last name
Student ID
Date(s) absent
Reason for the absence
Parent/Guardian name
Parent/Guardian phone number (for verification)
When sending an email, please make sure you are sending the email from the email that is on record with the school.
The absence email and attendance reporting information are located on Cedar Wood’s website here:, or you can scroll below the revolving headlines and click on Attendance Reporting to the far left.
Planned Absence forms are also available on Cedar Wood’s website here:
Please complete these forms and return to the school office at least a week before the student will be absent. You may also scan/email this form to
You may also use (and include your child's teacher) to let us know about:
Change in your child’s mode of transportation at the end of the day
Please send these emails: Mon-Thur. before 2:30p, or Fri before 1:30p. If you missed the email cut-off time, please call the office 425-385-7700 between 2:30-3:15p (M-Th) or 1:30-2:00p (F). We will relay the information to your child’s teacher.
Please, DO NOT WALK DOWN TO THE BUS AREA AT DISMISSAL and ask for your child. Come to the office and let us know they will not be taking the bus and we will radio school staff to have your child walk to the office to meet you.
Late arrival to school and/or early pick-up from school
Please send an email if your child will be late to school or will be getting picked up early from school. For early pick-ups, plan to arrive with enough time to allow your child to walk to the office. Children will not be waiting in the front office, and some classrooms are located further away from the office and students can take longer to get to the office.
Breakfast is at 8:45am. Students enter the cafeteria through the back side door of the cafeteria.
If students are not having breakfast, students may line up at the undercover play area at 8:50am. Students should not be on campus before 8:50 a.m. (unless having breakfast or participating in a school program/event) as there is no adult supervision in the undercover play area until 8:50am.
Our “Lost & Found” clothes rack will be rolled out before and after school near the front office. Students will also have the opportunity to check for items as they walk into the Cafeteria for lunch.
To keep personal belongings out of Lost & Found, PLEASE LABEL your child’s jackets, sweatshirts, lunch boxes and water bottles, etc. If there is a tag on a jacket/sweatshirt, please use a Sharpie marker or pen to label your child’s first name and last initial. For lunch boxes and water bottles, please label with a Sharpie marker.
Items left after a month, will be donated to local charities.
If you are needing information regarding your child(ren)’s bus, please contact the Transportation Office at (425) 385-4144.