What's up Wednesday
The New School Year Is Here!
We have had a very successful start to the 2024-2025 school year. Every week you will receive a "What's Up Wednesday" newsletter from the office here at Cedar Island. It will be full of information about what's going on at our school so please be sure to read it thoroughly each week and reference it in the future for all the news, lunch menus, important dates, etc.
Reporting Your Child Absent
If your child will be absent from school, there are 4 ways you can report the absence....
- Email your child's name, teacher's name, dates and reason for the absence to CIAttendance@district279.org
- Text the CI Attendance line in your TalkingPoints app. Be sure to include your child's name, teacher's name, dates and reason for the absence.
- Login to ParentVUE and submit it in the attendance section.
- Call the school at 763-425-5855 and follow the prompts.
If you will be picking your child up from school early, there is no need to call the office. Simply arrive at the school and let the office know who you are picking up. We will call the classroom at that time to release your student. Be sure to allow enough time before appointments for this process. We will not have students waiting in the office for your arrival.
Weekend Meal Bags
Cedar Island is partnering with Every Meal to provide weekend food again this year.
All Cedar Island families are eligible to register. There are no enrollment requirements.
There are five bag choices to choose from: www.everymeal.org/food-bags.
To sign up: Fill out the brochure that will come home with your students this week or contact Angela Antony (763-315-7674, antonya@district279.org).
If you have multiple scholars at Cedar Island, you may register them separately and receive one bag of food for each child. The bags do not need to be the same color.
You may cancel or change your bag choice at any time.
Bags will be placed in your child's backpack at the end of the week.
If you have any questions, please contact Angela Antony (763-315-7674, antonya@district279.org).
The Cedar Island Fun Run Is Coming!
We hope we can count on your support as we work to raise funds for our PTO programs. For the SIXTH year in a row, volunteers from Cedar Island will be coordinating the event. By doing so, 100% of the donations received will go to our school! This year’s goal is set at $32,000!
Kick-Off: September 11th | Fun Run: September 20th at 10:00am*
We invite you to join us on the field on September 20th to cheer on the students. If you know you will be joining us, and would like to volunteer to make the day’s event run smoothly, we’d love to have you! Please visit the link below to view available slots: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050B4EA5AD29A1FB6-50877151-its
IF YOU PLAN ON VOLUNTEERING: you will need a volunteer application on file. It’s painless (we promise), and can be found / completed here: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/Nzg0OmVuLVVT
*In case of inclement weather, we have a backup date: Friday, September 27th, also at 10:00 am. We’d love to have volunteers for this date as well, hoping they will not be needed. Slots for the backup date may also be found at the link above.
Any immediate questions may be directed to cedarislandfunrun@gmail.com
Thank you for your support!
Cedar Island PTO
Parent Pick-Up Tag Request
If your child(ren) will go home via parent pick-up after school, please click the button below and fill out the corresponding form if you have not done so yet. We will use the information from this form to create a tag for you to hang in your rearview mirror during parent pick-up.
Cedar Island Spirit Wear
Cedar Island spirit days will be starting soon! Be sure to purchase your CI swag and take advantage of the sale while it lasts...
Upcoming Dates to Remember
- September 11 - Fun Run Kick-Off (Students only during the school day)
- September 20 - Fun Run! 10:00am - Families welcome to come cheer!
- September 27 - Fun Run Rain Date
- October 1 - Picture Day
Attendance Email: CIAttendance@district279.org
Email: cedarisland@district279.org
Phone: 763.425.5855
Website: https://ci.district279.org/
Location: 6777 Hemlock Lane North, Maple Grove, MN, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CedarIslandElem