Home Access Center (HAC)
Resources for students and parents
Once you click the "Click Here for Access" link, the logon screen will appear. Be sure to enter your logon credentials as shown. Passwords are case sensitive.
- User Name: P123456
- Password: 1Mn456
Browser Compatibility - Any device that supports these browser versions should work:
- Internet Explorer 9, 10, or 11);
- Firefox - current release plus 4 prior versions;
- Safari 5.1.7;
- Chrome - current release plus 4 prior versions
Note: The first point of contact for assistance regarding the Home Access Center is the school your child attends. Please contact the Front Office or the School Data Clerk at the school.
Are you experiencing HOME ACCESS CENTER (HAC) issues?
If you have been having problems seeing your child's grades on Home Access Center, try this!
- Sign into HAC
- Change the view from "Report Card Run 2" to "ALL RUNS" (see example below)
- Click "Refresh View" on the right side of the screen, and you should see your child's current grades.