Friday Features - 5/10/19
Your Weekly BGS PTO News & Happenings
Check Out the Stars TONIGHT!
Tonight's the night we've been waiting for - our Stars of BGS Talent Show. Come check out our talented students as they sign, dance, tumble and more!
PLUS - don't miss a very special performance featuring our Bradley Gardens Teachers!
It's sure to be an entertaining night. See you tonight (Friday, May 10) at 7 PM at the Bridgewater-Raritan High School Theater.
Teacher Appreciation Week - May 13-17
Contribute to Tuesday's Teacher Appreciation Lunch
The PTO is providing lunch for our teachers on Tuesday, May 14th to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week. This year our theme is "BGS Teachers Are Our STARS ". Our teachers are true stars, so lets provide them with food that is out of this world!
We are providing lunch for approximately 60 teachers. Sign up to claim an item - options are available for set up, utensils, entrees, side dishes and more - at our signup genius here: http://bit.ly/2019TALunch You can drop off your contribution anytime beginning Monday, May 13th, just be sure to mark it Faculty Luncheon.
If the dish is hot, please drop it off between 11:15 and 11:30 pre-heated on the day of the luncheon (Tuesday, the 14th). We don't have a way to heat it. We will be serving the food from 11:45am until 1pm.
You can also make a monetary donation, just send it in an envelope marked "Faculty Luncheon".
As always, thank you so much for your support!
Co-President & Chairperson Positions Available
We filled several PTO Board positions at this week's PTO meeting, but the Co-President role is still vacant for next year. We welcome all interested parties to consider being nominated for the board. Board terms are 2 years in length. If you're interested, have questions, or want to understand more about the position, please contact bgsptopresident@gmail.com.
Additional opportunities to get involved as co-chairs for events and fundraisers are available. These positions do not require nomination. Check out our list of chairperson positions - it includes a quick description, special skills you might need, and the time commitment so that you can help find the perfect fit. Contact bgsptopresident@gmail.com to let us know how you can help and what you'd like to get involved with.
Help Us Bring Colorful Butterflies to School Before the Color Run
Join us Friday, May 17 at 5 PM in the Learning Garden to help prepare a space to attract butterflies. Bring your own tools (rakes, shovels, gloves) and Mr. Stianchi will put us to work. No sign up needed - just bring a great attitude and a willingness to get dirty.
Then stick around after prepping and planting to get yourself colorful at our Color Run!
Note - if the Color Run is rained out and moved to Saturday, May 18, the Butterfly Garden Prep will follow AFTER the run.
Color Run - Walk On Registration & Help Needed
Race around the fields of BGS while getting showered with color powder on Friday, May 17 from 7-8 PM. This event is fun for the WHOLE family - walk, skip, hop, or jog around our BGS fields.
Official registration is closed, so no more race packs or t-shirts can be ordered BUT we're now offering WALK ON registration that evening for $10. No need to sign up in advance - just wear white so the color powder makes an impact. Note that walk on registration does not include a race packet.
If you'd like to donate snacks, drinks, or volunteer, please contact Janine Guasco at janine1008@hotmail.com.
BGS Enrichment Field Hockey & Lacrosse Clinics
For Grades: 1st & 2nd and 3rd & 4th
Clinic Organizer: Emma Knauf
Emma is a BRHS junior working toward her Girl Scout Gold Award. She is also a BGS alumni. The focus of her Gold Award is to get Bradley Gardens students to “Try Something New.” She will be hosting a limited number of clinics after school in late May and early June to introduce the students to field hockey and lacrosse – so they can give them a try! No equipment or experience is needed - just bring water, a snack and a smile! Emma is Rutgers Safety Certified, a member of the BRHS JV Girls Lacrosse Team, Captain of the BRHS JV Field Hockey Team and she hopes to see you there!
More information and sign up forms and permission slips will be coming home early next week.
Space is limited so don’t wait.
Field Day is Coming - Can You Help?
Our amazing gym teachers are getting ready to challenge our Bears with all sorts of fun and games at BGS Field Day on Wednesday, May 29 (Friday the 31st if it rains).
Field Day doesn't run itself though! We need parents to help run the events throughout the day. The event runs from 8:50 - 11:30, but volunteers are asked to report at 8:15 for a briefing on game instructions. Note that while you may see your child in passing, you won't be able to follow them to their various challenges. This is a great chance to help out the whole school, see some of the activities they do in gym, and cheer on our Bears.
If you can assist, please contact Mr. Chartowich at bchartowich@brrsd.k12.nj.us.
Bring the Change Week
Panera Restaurant Night
Monday, May 20, 2019, 04:00 PM
Panera Bread, U.S. 202, Raritan, NJ, USA
Author Visit & Book Order Form
News From Around the District
Council of School Associations Board Nominations Open
The Council of School Associations (CSA) coordinates the calendar of activities of the individual Parent Teacher Organizations (PTO’s) within the Bridgewater-Raritan Regional School District and serves as a liaison among the PTO’s, other organizations, schools, Board of Education, administrative staff and citizens.
The CSA Nominating Committee is accepting nominees for the CSA Executive Board. The following positions are up for election in the 2019-2020 school year:
- Co-President (one position)
- Co-Vice President (one position)
- Co-Treasurer (one position)
- Recording Secretary (one position)
A job description for each position is outlined in the attachment below.
Candidates running for office should attend ALL CSA meetings.
At the CSA General Meeting on Tuesday, 5/14/19 @ 9:30am, a slate will be presented and candidates will be elected by a show of hands or by ballot if there is more than one candidate. For names to appear on the ballot, nominees must be submitted by Monday, May 6, 2019. However, nominations will still be accepted up to the night of the election but will appear as “write-in” candidates. Please note that only CSA members are eligible to vote.
If you would like to nominate an individual, including yourself, please contact:
Paula Wein - Nominating Committee - paulawein4@gmail.com
PTO & School Dates to Remember
- May 10 - Stars of BGS Talent Show - 7 PM at BRHS
- May 13 - 17 - Teacher Appreciation & Bring the Change Week
- May 14 - Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
- May 17 - Color Run - 7-8 PM
- May 18 - Color Run RAIN DATE - 10 AM
- May 20 - Panera Restaurant Fundraiser - 4 - 8 PM
- May 27 - No School
- May 28 - No School (see revised school calendar)
- May 29 - Field Day
- May 31 - Field Day Rain Date
Stay in Touch
Bradley Gardens PTO
Briana George, Co-President
Kelly Schmidt, Co-President
Follow Us on Twitter: @PTOBradleyGard
Like Us on Facebook: PTOBradleyGard